Project #2: Process

In my essay i knew what i wanted to include because i went over the points needed to be added in my essay and i found a way to work it into my project the best way i knew how. i added more information and detail about the area and the two buildings/stores i chose. i eliminated most things that were not important to the subject matter and most repeating facts i eliminated from my essay. to organize my essay i just put the into first and directions to my place then everything else just fit into place. my classmates feedback help me add what i needed into my essay like what i was missing, like the senses i forgot to put in my draft so i added that into my final project, and also by reading my classmates essay helped me see how to organize the essay and gave me examples of different thesis statements. i honestly lost track of time while doing this project because i had a moment of writers block toward the end of the essay.

Project #1 (Revised)

My name is Jingyi (Jingyi Jiao). I was born in China, and came to the US when I was 13 years old. Before I came to live in here, I only know the easiest sentences for greeting, just like “hello” or “how are you”. So it was difficult and took me a long time to try to communicate with others. My English is still improving. Hopefully, I will become voluble and more fluent in English after I graduate college. I graduated from Midwood High School. During the time to make a final decision about which college to apply to, I was falling in deeply thinking about what I prefer to do in the future. I did some research on the college websites before to apply, and I noticed City Tech has a better art or design program, the distance is also not too far away from my home since I live in Brooklyn, so I chose to apply to the City Tech( New York City College of Technology). I love to draw manga, to read manga, and to watch anime began in childhood. Even many years later, the passion for it has never changed. I determined my future career must to be related to anime and design, such as animator, manga artist, or graphic designer, or the voice actress for anime. However, these were my occupation insights before this summer. I am now also interested in creating film as well. I developed this interest during this summer when I was volunteering at the creative department of a TV station names NTD ( New Tang Dynasty). As a staff volunteer, I went with an advertisement crew to make an advertising film. The director was stylish, voluble, and with a strong capability of directing. I was fascinated with that ability, and felt to be a director is a right occupation for her to express my creative and leadership ability. So now I add in a new future career in my consideration list which is the director. Apparently, this is the reason why I chose to enroll at City Tech, because they teach a lot about the computer program usage, including graphic design, film editing and animation courses.

My aesthetic is showing in my avatar completely. My avatar is a full shot of a Calico cat, tightly stuck his face on the camera lens. His features are big eyes, small mouse, and a huge puffy face. These features indicate one kind of genre as Japanese anime style. In my knowledge, in Japan they have two genres are called anime and manga. Manga can be multicolor or black and white, but without special circumstances or cover page they use to have black and white as figure only. Anime is opposite, it always has to be done by multicolor, the figure has to be colorful, sometimes with multiple movement such as animation of anime. They do have genres in America as well, but they call them as cartoon and comic, different calling and art style. Cartoon and comic are unfamiliar to me, I prefer Japanese genres more. Basically, my avatar’s genre is anime, its not varicolored manga because of manga with multicolor will never be this simple, manga are always coloring in complex ways.

My avatar can be considerate in a few different ways. Some people might misunderstand it as my avatar is just showing how comical, weird, and slothful the Calico cat is, but actually there are more tiny contents in this avatar you haven’t noticed. This avatar is  reflecting my inner. Calico cat stuck on the camera lens is not part of his playful, it can be defined as he pursues to get closer to the others, wants to make friends, and wants to encounter with more people. He desired to talk with more people, so he will not be alone. And this avatar is from a Japanese anime, so people watch cartoons might harder to understand the art style. Same as me, I don’t really get the cartoon style, different culture contains different genres of art, and try to explore these different genres are our designer’s job.

My complete profile will convey who I am. What am I good at and bad at, what I don’t like and do like, what my career goal is, and what my hobby is. I am trying my best to let my classmates and people to know more about myself. My overall life will  never live without anime and manga. I will be glad if I got a chance to go to Japan, so I could visit the place where Japanese anime produced and met with those amazing manga artists. I wish I could visit there in the near future.

COMD Class 14 | Collage Crit & Painting

October 26, 2015 What’s Due? Complete Project #3: Phase 2. (Do Not GLUE!) Come ready to work on your paintings. Rework Project #3 Phase 1: Value Range Research Posts and Value Scale Research (Grayscale), if necessary. Materials Needed: Collage: Sketchbook, pencils, eraser, knife/scissors, ruler/T-square, drafting tape Painting: white and black gouache paints sable-type watercolor brushes (do not buy brushes for acrylic […]

Project #1 (Revised)

     My name is Ayano Morishima, I was born in Japan and moved to the United States. I graduated from the high school, The Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) in the year of 2015. I had no connection in any of the art department other than ceramics though my course of study. I am now nineteen years old and going to New York City Technology to learn more about the arts; to be able to move one step closer to my dream.

      My passions lie in anime, because it’s what I grew up with. When I was little, I used to watch these different types of kids animation that intrigued me into thinking, “It will be awesome if I could create something like that!”. As I grew up, the variety of anime or should I say genre of anime expanded. The expansion made me watch more teen type of anime where the graphics and the action was much more. Because of this experience, I eventually started drawing anime as I practiced off other people’s work which it made me to create my own. I also like anime because it is almost a fantasy that will never come true in life. Sure, there are shows that turned to live actions. However it’s different because of anime, they could create something beyond. Many of my friends insist on me becoming an manga artist, however I refused. There are two reasons, first I cannot draw the same character and second living as a manga artist is a hard in financial terms. First problem can be solved, if I keep working on my drawing skills, however I cannot go through life which takes a lot of time selling manga and receiving money off of it. Instead, I want work as a character designer by hand and digitally. I’m usually aesthetic about my art work, because I get frustrated when final drawing looks horrible than the one I imaged in my head. Where some body parts are bigger or smaller than to others. I am more into modern style of anime drawings, because old characters are drawn in a simple structure. Such as long face and big shiny eyes. I like to draw more complex and detailed characters which most people are more interested.

      Usually I draw most of the time with a single pencil, but I hope I learn how to use various range of pencils. So that I could expand my drawing skills. Recently I am into digital drawing on a tablet. I find digital drawing interesting because there were techniques that I was able to do digitally and not by hand.

However you can check my drawing at: Here (*Do not read the profile, it contains the wrong information.)


      The avatar that I chose was a character from the BGM that I recently found on YouTube. (If interested, the music is from this link: Here) I fell in love with it, because of the catchy lyrics and the awesome beat grabbed my heart instantly. After that started to go to its official website where I encountered with the avatar. Before knowing it, the character itself matches my personality and the features. As I looked closely, his sharp eyes and angry eyebrows shows a powerful and smart mentally. However his one hand is covered over his chest, this action makes the connection that I also have the weak side and doesn’t always acts strong. We both have a same length of hair, however the difference of the avatar is that I don’t have a white hair and my gender is a girl.

      My avatar can mislead people into thinking that I am mean or cold to people, because of the facial expression. Also, the characters that are written in the paper might mislead people that it is in Chinese characters rather than Japanese. Many people say that they are the same, however they are not. In history that these characters came from China. However, when it came across to Japan those characters changed a little to a simple character which people could understand more. In addition where the characters looks more girl like than the guy. In addition, people may say that I like to draw chibi’s meaning characters that has big head and little bodies. I picked the avatar, because it is adorable and fits my personality. However when I draw, I prefer to draw more of a regular characters.

      My profile conveys that I am a hard worker, and an amazing person who has a passion for anime. My imagination can go beyond the world, and always have a creative story that I can just make a book about it. Hoping that my creative imagination will become real in animation and my creativity would be acknowledge. This profile matters to me because this is who I am and always will be. After 10 or 20 years, I would still be interested in anime and have a creative mindset. If I changed, it will most likely be that I’ve become a boring person who only thinks about reality. Its good to have a time to be in your own world.

English Project #2 Process

In this project, I have changed it for many times to make it easier for readers to read and better understanding. I realized what I wanted to include was after I saw the theme word juxtaposition, “the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side; also  :  the state of being so placed” , so I decided to start with choosing my two places that Im going to juxtapose. I determined what to eliminate is after my classmates leave me a comment. I  figure out the project’s organization after having met with professor, she inspired me a lot. My classmate’s feedback helped me to consider what to include and eliminate, example like grammar, sometimes I put “the” in the place don’t need to, and my classmates help me out with that. I spend 20 mins on brainstorming, 1 hr on outlining, 2 hrs on drafting, 1 hr on  revising, and 10 mins on polishing.



A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority

(Source – Google Definition)

I encountered this word while reading the guideline from Graphic Design project #3. “Use Visual Hierarchy and Movement to clearly direct the viewer’s eye to the focal point.” Now I understand Hierarchy mean something that is judged by its importance. So now I understand that I have to clearly state an important focus point so that the viewer can see it easily.

[Glossary Entry 4]

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1

The first picture I took is a low key circular light. It is low key because you can see it has more dark than white. The ceiling is dark, only part of it is bright because of the circular light. It gives me a feeling of loneliness. The second picture I took is a window. I took it form inside of the building, so you can clearly see the light shine in through the window and make the window become very light. And it gives me feeling of hope.

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