Didactic Panel

Jaichan Kirty
Born 1996 in Guyana
Lives and studies in New York
“Oh! So that’s whats it looks like”, 2015
Sharpie on paper, 7.5″ x 5″

The Portrait of Ivan is about a young boy becoming of age while he is also discovering himself. The Artist has created a new window (a new view) into this book by using over-lapping to create an illusion of a boy, (Ivan) looking through a new page by cutting a square on the next page in the book. The artist uses an X-Acto knife to carefully cut this square out of the page. Also the Artist uses sharpie markers to cover up a huge amount of the pages leaving out a few words that create its own new story. These words creates a whole new meaning of this page. “So that’s what it looks like”.


For the Poster;

Jaichan Kirty
Born 1996 in Guyana
Lives and studies in New York
“Oh! So that’s whats it looks like”, 2015
Sharpie on paper, 7.5″ x 5″

The Portrait of Ivan is about a young boy coming of age while also discovering himself. Kirty uses an X-Acto knife to carefully cut this square out of the page to reveal the Portrait of Ivan that is on the previous page. Also Kirty uses sharpie markers to cover up a huge amount of the pages leaving out a few words that create its own new story; “Oh! So that’s what it looks like”.


Didactic Panel (Emma Is Still Alive)

Upon opening the pages of this piece, an individual will observe many different techniques and ideas throughout, all pertaining to one theme. One can observe a contrast in one page, or overlaps in another, all while telling the same (though gruesome) story. Most pages consist of either ink or pencil compositions, as was the preference of the artist, although it also features paint and cut compositions as well. The original story of Emma was of a young girl who is gifted in matchmaking, though she struggles to find the one she herself can fall in love with. The story takes place in a high class Victorian England, and Emma lives a life of comfort and wealth throughout. Using the idea of contrast, the author manipulated the story into one of horror and death. The compositions, varied in technique, all pertain to a story where Emma, now a viscious and ruthless killer, goes on a bloodthirsty spree.

Didactic Panel (Progress)

Ayano Morishima

Born in Japan, Tokyo
Lives and studies in New York City

Book of Wonder, 2015
Exacto knife, Ink brush pen, and used paper bag book.

Understanding the concepts though the graphic design principle, Ayano Morishima learned different types of technique to use ink bush pens to construct creative, humument book which it made connection with the texts from the book itself. Morishima changed the theme of the book, “Wishes” to more “Crazy Wonderland” concepts. She chose this concept, because she wanted something totally different than the original. The Book of Wonder was created by using Exacto knife to cut open the text at the bottom of the page and placed glue only in the middle on the same place and using the inked brush pen to color the triangular part of the top right corner to show the image of flipping the page and the pop art of book; representing the Book of Wonder. Morishima created this Book of Wonder to show others to see “more” crazy side of original book; the creation of book and the flip page is a door way to the readers vision.

Thendrous Lifowao (Didactic panel)

Shadin Risha

Using the book The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, which is about a boy’s life and the ups and downs he experiences as he grows up, Risha changes the theme of the book to focus instead on love and horror. The artist uses black inked pen to cover a huge amount of the page representing contrast, positive and negative space.


The book The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao changes the mood as you move on from pages to pages. In this page the artist uses black inked pen to create positive and negative space which creates a visual image with the theme of love which transformed from the main theme of the chapter which was the main charecter’s bad luck.


In this page of the book the theme of culture is transformed. The artist focuses more on the words to create a physical reading story instead of creating a story just by the visual aspect of the page. This way the viewers has a more of a solid story that’s right front of their face. The theme of the new story is breaking the barriers.


In this page of the book the theme is horror. It give the reader both a reading and a visual story. It ties together all the different moods and transformed into horror. The specific choice of words and creation of new words creates a different dynamic in the project book Thendrous Lifowao.


Didactic panels

Due: by the time the layout team is meeting on Thursday!

For our Learning Community poster, students will represent their Humument project with one or two pieces, plus didactic panels for each. We discussed what didactic panels are: short notes that aim to teach the viewers about the work of art and the materials, techniques, and ideas that were used to create it.

In writing your didactics, aim to write one or two paragraphs, approximately 150 words to start (we can adjust), that use the terminology from Graphic Design to describe what you have created.

Didactics are written in third person.

One example we looked at was from Maxime Rossi’s Père Lachaise, 2010.

We also read a description of didactic panels.



Designed or intended to teach people something

—used to describe someone or something that tries to teach something (such as proper or moral behavior) in a way that is annoying or unwanted

Source: Merriam-Webster

I encountered this word during class time, where we have to write a short paragraph (About 75 words) about our humument project that will be going to be posted on the wall. Didactic means to teach or tell the reader. For our class, we made the didactic panel to teach the readers on that we learned from our COMD 1100 and Eng 1101 class. We have to include in our didactic, to show how our original theme of the book was changed and introduce our each thought about the project.