Saturation Studies: Phase 4

My thought on this project was, It was actually fun. We finally got to work with color! It was interesting how mixing the primary colors creates new colors.

Phase 1: Color Wheel

In order to create this color wheel I had to use only the 3 Primary colors, (RED, YELLOW, and BLUE). To create the rest of the colors, I then had to mix these colors together to create the secondary colors (ORANGE, GREEN, and VIOLET). And so on.

Color Wheel
Color Wheel

Phase 2: Saturation Studies

I have learned allot from this project, for example how to create Chromatic Gray by mixing the a color and it’s complementary. And I learned how to create Muted Colors by mixing the colors with white, or its complementary.

Phase 3 – Swiss Style Band Poster

This part of this project was fun, I like creating stuff right on the computer, Hence Graphic Designer. It was fun to create this poster because I learned what the old times Band posters looked like. Creating this poster was harder than I thought because I am new to illustrator so it was very frustration. We came up with the name Sour Stare because our colors where warm colors, therefore, we also use different saturations and values of the color orange.

Sour Stare
Sour Stare

Saturation Studies: Phase 2


Fixed Prismatic Studies
Fixed Prismatic Studies
Muted Studies
Muted Studies
Chromatic Studies
Chromatic Studies

Total time took 6 hours to finish. By doing chromatic studies, I learn when mixing two opposite color on color wheel with same amount. The color will become darker. When doing muted studies, I learned when adding different amount color can change the volume of the color. Fixed prismatic studies are the easiest part of the project, its only using six pure color to paint.

Project #3 (Final)

Beauty, nature, and entertainments bring us good moods, usually we don’t realized them but they are always exist and surrounding in our daily life. Maybe they are on our passing routes, however we don’t see them because sometimes we walked without looking at front, rushing for being on time for school, or it located on the street next to the street you are walking on, so we missed up them. To avoid this kind of instance keep happening in your life, start using this app today. This app will guide you to walk through a new route, and brings you to the beautiful environmental places you have never been before. The memory from the boring routes you walked everyday will be immediately gone as you used this app for once. Good mood will make your life more colorful.

The five places that waiting you to explore are Commodore Barry Park, Commodore Barry Pool, Golconda Playground, Oxport Playground, and Trinity Park. They are located on the Nassau St and Flushing Ave, horizontally, near each other, and with a segment of one or two vertical streets shown on the map. The starting point is from City Tech (New York City College of Technology), located on the Jay St. Turn left when you get out of City Tech. And then turn right when you see the first crossroad, take 10 minutes walk on the Tillary Street. Turn left on Duffield street. When you get on the Nassau St, Trinity Park will appears in front of you. Turn right after you explored Trinity Park, keep walking on the Nassau St. The rest of other locations are all on the same street and the same direction, shown on the map horizontally.  Including midway break, this journey will taken you about a hour, unless you spend few minutes to visit inside the location.

These five locations have the same logo design. You could find them on a green board of location signs, it builded on the wall or fences next entrance. The logo design is a circle with a maple pattern in it. This logo represents NYC Parks or City of New York Parks & Recreation, means they all under control by the same association. The season now is autumn, when people think of autumn, the first thing comes to mind is maple, the idea is overlapped with the maple logo.The logo helps you to easier to discover their exact location, so you won’t miss out when you are  near them.

Four of these locations are parks. Commodore Barry Pool is the only place not in the park genre, but it is a part of Commodore Barry Park, occupy a small area. Commodore Barry Pool operates in summer, and the late of spring only. Because it is outdoor, so when the weather turns cold, temperature went down, the water in the pool becomes freezing, to prohibit kids play in there, they closed the pool. The time in the pool area seems froze up, other than bird chirps, you can not hear anything sounds. Before the next summer came, Commodore Barry Pool is the best option for people who need quite, silent, and secluded for themselves. You can find wood bench in anywhere of these five locations, they are all good places for you to take a break, so people don’t need to worry about the siting place. Commodore Barry Park is the largest park from these five park locations. It also contains a kid playground. The recreational facilities are same as what Golconda Playground and Oxport Playground have. There always are many kids play around, no matter what season. For people have children at home, welcome to bring your kids to these three playgrounds, let them have fun and made new friends there, and when summer came you could bring them to the Commodore Barry Pool.

Other than playgrounds and swimming pool, all of these five locations are good places to view foliage. Season now is autumn, leaves turn to orange, red, and yellow, its interesting to see the different type of leaves with the different patterns, and how they slowly falling down on the ground. Beautiful leaves on the ground makes up a golden trod, looks like a picture of a beautiful landscape. In spring you will view cherry blossoms, so the color you see in the park will be the mix of white and light pink. Sharon Begley states: “…but with simple peace and quiet or getting away from the daily grind, as in studies finding that hauling participants into the wilderness improves their feelings of well-being.” It indicates nature can heal your fatigue from daily grind, can bring you a feeling of peace.

You will gain a lot piece of beautiful memories through this short but valuable journey. For experienced beauty, nature, and entertainment, get start using this app now. Enjoy your walk.

Saturation Studies: Phase 4

For this project, in the beginning I learned about the different triads of colors which are CYM (Cyan, Yellow, Magenta), RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and RYB (Red, Yellow, Blue). Also I learned about the different levels of saturation for color which are chromatic, muted and prismatic. Mainly the tasks were to make broad and narrow range collages using each level of saturation. At first getting the colors down was pretty difficult because you had to be careful with how much of the complement color you add in to change the saturation. I was very scared of the paint running out in this project. Another fear was making the exact shade of color when I ran out of it. I thought using paint in this project would be a bit easier because in the previous project we used paint. As a matter of fact it was harder because of mixing all the different colors. I find for this project I really need to improve my craftsmanship because the paint didn’t come out as smooth as I wanted it to. The next task was to make a swiss style poster which I found to be pretty simple because at that point I got a better grasp behind the concepts of the saturation levels. The next project I don’t really know what to expect which is pretty exciting because I’ll be learning something new. Hopefully I can use what I learned from this project and previous projects for the next one.



pre¡req¡ui¡site noun, adj.
pronounced: (prēˈrekwəzət/)
Something that’s necessary and required prior for something else to occur.
I first heard of this word when I had attend the registration workshop. I also learned about it there. But last week during English class, the term had also came up when Prof. Rosen quickly mentioned classes and registration. Some classes are needed before others is what this means in college terms.

project 3: pitch (first draft)

The average person often finds theirselves living in a routine. Whether it’s school, work, family etc, humans all have liabilities. Having very little leisurely time can seem to become a burden on many. But in a time of need, Right Route offers the foundation for a vibrant happy day. Using information on your current mood, Right Route incorporates time, visuals and distance to create an overall goal which is happiness and relief from daily troubles.

Today’s focus is on students. Students on a daily are significantly focused on taking the fastest route. Due to choosing the fastest route, environmental factors become muted out but with an extra ten to fifteen minutes the experience can become breath taking. A student who everyday walks from Jay Street Metro Tech train station to City Tech is only geting a block’s worth of what this world has to offer. That is when Right Route will suggest a peaceful naturalistic walk from Carroll Street to City Tech.

Project #3 (Final)

Beauty, the quality of being physically attractive is something that the user will encounter after they downloads this app. My co-workers and I, Ayano Morishima are making an route simulator known as “Road to Beauty” that takes the user to a journey that can lead them to a beautiful constructed location. Many people uses other apps to locate their shortest and fastest route, so that they could get to their location much faster. Taking a different walk from your usual course of route would open your view on beauty after downloading this app, which it contains features of short, fast and beautiful route.

Many apps from the apple store contains route simulator that pinpoints to the users location and calculate time to show them different option in best or shortest route to get there quickly as possible. However, is it time that the users want to save up to get to their destination? Sure, people want to get there quickly and do whatever they needed to do. But what if there is an app that can change the users surrounding views? Think about it, looking at the same route over and over is boring. The user might already know whats built there, even if they are blind! Our app focuses on people’s daily route and time, however what is different is users can use this app to encounter a beautiful constructed location just by taking a different route. Simple right? By changing just a little routine of using the same route to their destination; even if it takes just an extra few minutes, sure the surroundings of the users view will changes. Peter Terzian states that “The Heights wears its rich history on its sleeve, with the area a showcase of stately architectural styles, august churches and schools and literary landmarks.” Basically, the author is saying that there is a lot to see at the Brooklyn Heights. Such as churches, beautiful architecture, school, etc. Its beauty captivates people hearts and its amazing location with in Brooklyn heights conveys the inner beauty in Brooklyn.

One of the ongoing project route starts from the Voorhees building. This building is a center for engineering technology for students who does to NYC College of Technology. Once you left the building to make a right, you will see a big road. If you turn right again, you would encounter an entrance of Brooklyn Bridge. Brooklyn Bridges connects the two boroughs, Manhattan and Brooklyn crossing over the East River. As you go further straight, you will see a huge park called, Cadman Plaza Park. A huge park where you can play any sports. Walk to right and left again, where you will encounter location called, Brooklyn Heights Promenade. As you go in though this location, and keep walking straight, you will see a Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 2. Place where it features in basketball, handball, etc. Each locations shows the beauty of each aspect in how it was constructed for. For example, since the Voorhees building was built unique, which it intrigues people who are interested in architecture or simply how different they are. Also, Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 2’s building is constructed beautiful, because of the surrounded body of Hudson river and the view of the sky scrapers of Manhattan. Ronda Kaysen states that “As it is, many preservationists worry that Midtown could soon reach a tipping point in which the architectural mix of old and new is lost to a wash of sparkly glass.” Basically, the author is saying that not only in Manhattan, but other boroughs such as Brooklyn architecture are in need to keep an eye out. Soon or later it would be demolished without knowing.

These exampled location is a place where the users will encounter in the app. Such as the caption below will pop up to explain a little information that the user could do, when they arrive at certain locations. Many volunteers contributed to this route making, so that it shows the best time to go to the location, where it also shows the “best time” to go to the location at the top right corner. An example for the location above is, “the best time to go to the location” is between 2:30pm to 5:30pm. One of the volunteer commented, “It is a great place to go, especially since it is quite. You can see how each location are constructed differently comparing it to other locations. Going with friends or family would be a great way to explore a new route!” Thanks to our volunteers, this app does contain other features, such as little game that satisfies the users traveling, voice active system where you use it like Siri, time countdown where it countdowns time to get to the location. The article of The Adventure of a New Perspective: A Literary Walk in Brooklyn Heights states that, “Brooklyn Heights still retains a sense of dignity and quiet, the legacy of a residential neighborhood that was famous in the nineteenth century for its churches and for its elegant homes built by merchants and sea captains in the shipping trades.” Basically, the article is saying that Brooklyn Heights is the best place to go and explore about the legacy of a residential neighborhood and the beautiful scenery that smooths people heart.

Seeing different surroundings would motivate users to look though into new route to their destination, where they haven’t discovered yet. By using this app Road to Beauty, not only they gives the best option in shortest route, but to think about the user’s preference in showing beauty of how the location was constructed. Many people looks for quick way to get to the destination that they are seeking. However what if there is a route that is short and beautiful enough to make you use this app again? Why won’t you not give it a try?

Saturation Studies: Phase 3

spicy pop

For this phase I was out in TK and Ashley’s group, we had to make a poster that follows 3 cards that was assigned to our group. We had to make a title that was a cross-sensory metaphor. In other words using, words that involves the senses of the body such as touch, taste smell, etc. For our title we used the sense of taste and sound which is “spicy” and Pop Our main primary color had to be a warm color, so we went with red. We went with a bad religion style for our composition. This poster took 3 hours to complete.

ENG 1101 Project #3 cover letter and process post

Please write a private post to share your thoughts as you ordinarily would in class on paper for the cover letter, and on the site for the process post.

To make your post private when you write it, click on Edit next to Visibility in the right sidebar, and choose Private instead of Public or Password protected.

In combining both letter and process post, please write about the following:

  • What are you most proud of in Project #3?
  • What challenged you the most in Project #3?
  • How did you figure out your approach to the topic, both in terms of location and in terms of the theme?
  • How did you approach incorporating the outside resources into your project?
  • To what extent is your project making a persuasive argument about taking the longer route?
  • Did you meet the requirements of the assignment?
  • If you had more time, what would you change?
  • How much time did you spend on each phase of the project?
  • What did you take away from reading your classmates’ work, from their comments, from my comments, and from class discussions?
  • If you could have changed the assignment, how would you have changed it? What would you insist on not changing?
  • Is there anything else I should know about your work or about you as a writer or as a student?

Please categorize your post as ENG 1101 Project #3, and use the tag Phase 4: Deliver, plus any additional tags you find useful.