ENG 1101 Project #2 Process

When we discussed about the word, “juxtaposition” during our class time, I was not sure what that word meant and I was kind of in between of what I was suppose to do for this project. I had few ideas on that we have to explain, but mostly I was thinking about “How am I going to explain about the walk I done around Brooklyn neighborhood.?” After searching up the word, it made sense to me on what I must do for the project. Mostly, the brainstorming part for the project helped me what I needed to include. It also made me able to refined my work as I kept reading the sentence over and over, until it made sense to the reader and if I missed any part of the element that I needed. I determined what to eliminate, when words were unnecessary to the topic that we are discussing in the project. Some of the sentence were weaker than the others, so I carefully eliminated if it was unnecessary or not. My classmates’s feedback was the most helpful things that I received. Since some of the part from the project that needed to be fix, was only visible to the other readers. I spend on brainstorming ideas about an half an hour, thinking about what kind of overlaps that I wanted to explain to the reader and also looking at the pictures that I took from the walk I done with my peers. Other than that, outlining took be about thirty to forty-five minutes, and the drafting was about three hours, and forty-five minutes on revising. So in total, the amount of time I spend of writing this whole project was about five hours.

ENG 1101 Project #2 Process

When I first heard the word juxtaposition in class, I couldn’t come up with any idea on what it meant and was kind of scared to start the project. When I actually got the definition, it’s not really confusing as the word itself. On the walk that we had to take in the beginning phase of this project, I already knew what location I was going to go with. The reason being is that before starting my semester at Citytech I did some exploration around the area. I’d came across an area that felt odd to me because the two stores that was in this area were very contrasting but yet they were right next to each other. I refined my essay by condensing some of my longer sentences and adding more necessary detail into my two stores since I got the reputation paragraphs already done. I made two extra paragraphs about the stores to really get the contrast out of them since the reputation of the boroughs they were in was contrasting in itself and the stores portrayed those boroughs. With the elimination and organization of this project, I made an appointment to see my teacher because I had many ideas and it was too scattered. I felt unsure about my first draft in terms of extra detailing and not getting straight to the point in a less wordy way. In this project my peers feedback wasn’t as helpful as I thought it would be because my main response back was that my essay was pretty good. In the back of my head I knew that it wasn’t really the case and I had to do better. At the time of the peer feedback, since many of my peers were stuck on coming to a clear subject to use in their essays they probably thought I had mines well figured out. I took about 30 minutes brainstorming and outlining. The draft itself took about 4 hours to do. Revising and polishing took about 5 hours.

English Project #2 Process

In this project, I knew what I wanted to include by reading the project description. This project is all about over lapping New Yorks, how two different things in New York overlap in one place. Such as; old and new, residential and commercial, historic and replaceable, natural and man-made, constructed and under-construction, well maintained and in disrepair, celebrated and forgotten, etc. I then reread what I wrote and refine it by changing some words, adding new thoughts and take away what is not important. I determine what to eliminate by what I saw as repetitive and what really does not really say a lot about the topic. I figured out how to organized my project by the order in which the project task asked, First I wrote about how to get to the location I chose, then how they over lapped. As my classmate read my work and give me feedback, it helped to improve my work. By reading my class mates work and give them feedback, it helped to me to also improve my work because as I was reading their work, I realized what was missing in my work. I spent approximately 15 minutes brainstorming, 15 minutes, outlining, 40 minutes drafting, 15 minutes revising, 15 minutes polishing. A total of 1 hour and 40 minutes.

ENG 1101 Project #2 Process

You’ve finished your revision of Project #2–how did you get here? Write a post (Category ENG 1101 Project #2, Tag Phase 3: Develop, plus any tags you want) in which you reflect on your process. You will want to address some or all of the following:

  • how did you know what you wanted to include?
  • how did you refine what you included?
  • how did you determine what to eliminate?
  • how did you figure out the project’s organization?
  • what did your classmate’s feedback do for your work process?
  • what did reading your classmate’s project and giving feedback do for your work process?
  • how much time did you spend brainstorming? outlining? drafting? revising? polishing?

ENG 1101 Project #2 Cover Letter

Please write me a letter addressing the following questions in any order you like. I will then write a letter to you to provide feedback on your work.

  • What are you most proud of in Project #2?
  • What challenged you the most in Project #2?
  • If you had more time, what would you change?
  • If you could have changed the assignment, how would you have changed it? What would you insist on not changing?
  • Is there anything else I should know about your work or about you as a writer or as a student?

Project # 3 – Phase 1

Low Key
Low Key
High Key
High Key

These are two pictures that I took , the Starbucks cup is low key and the raindrop is high key. The low key I used the filter to change the color become black&white, also putted the cup under the sunshine that shows the Starbucks logo. The high key is the raindrop when I take it at the car roof. Also, I change a little bit of the color become more white then make the picture prominent.

Project #2 – Final

Everyday, new changes are happening and sometimes we are not aware of that. One place in particular that has been changing over the years is New York. Living in New York, we don’t realize or pay attention that it’s happening. From Colton Whitehead’s novel City Limits, he says “…At some point you were closer to the last time than you were to the first time, and you didn’t know it. You didn’t know that each time you passed the threshold you were saying goodbye.” There is always something changing in New York, whether it’s constructing new buildings or adding new businesses. Colton Whitehead also says in his novel, “Over a lifetime, that adds up to a lot of neighborhoods, the motley construction material of your jerry-built metropolis.” Here in New York City, it is filled with many different businesses brought together to make a street full of variety.

For this project, the place that I chose to do was the shop’s on Fulton Street Mall in Fulton Street, Brooklyn. From the City Tech building, it’s only a walking distance to the store. When you get out from the Namm building, you turn right and just walk straight until you’re at the corner of 403 Jay Street. When you’re walking from Jay Street, you’ll pass by the Supreme and Family Court, the Jay Street/MetroTech train station, and some stores on the way. When you get to the corner of 403 Jay Street, cross the street and just continue walking straight. On your walk in Fulton Street Mall, you’ll see many familiar brand name shops and some small businesses. Some shops you might see are Macy’s, H&M, Gap, Foot Locker, Payless ShoeSource, Aeropostale, etc. 

In the Fulton Street Mall, you see a mix of style and variety of name brand stores and small businesses with over 230 stores. With the variety of shops, there is a mix between small businesses and retailed stores. There is no separation between small businesses and retailed. With all the name brand stores and small businesses mixed with each other, it makes it easier for consumers to shop around. For example, the U.S. Polo Association Outlet Store; it is between a name brand store called Aldo’s, a small business sneaker store and a small business jewelry store. If consumers cannot find what they need in one store, there are many more they can go in that one street. 

Work Cited: Whitehead, Colson. “City Limits.” The Colossus of New York: A City in Thirteen Parts. New York: Random House, 2004. 1-12. Web.

Project #2 Final

“New York City”, what’s the first impression of that place? When you listen people tell you about New York City, what kind of the imagination come into your mind? Although there have many different juxtapositions & style of buildings, different cultural tradition of people, different landscape around us. New York City is not only hear or seeing, its about living the present and knowing the past. The past build up our beautiful and prosperous city; Bring the opportunity around the city in the present. You have to open all of your senses, perceptive of New York City by your feeling, seeing, hearing and touching. This idea come with the articles “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead, “Never listen to what people tell you about old New York, because if you don’t witness it, it is not a part of your New York.” The best example that starts to create our own perspective of New York, no matter what happens we have to accept the new and face forward our New York is changing..

The overlapping New York City I choose to go the Empire Fulton Ferry Park and Brooklyn Bridge Park, they juxtapose each other between the Brooklyn Bridge. I thought this is the best place for people to know it when you never ever seen the view of Manhattan. To get to this location you exit out of the Namm building and turn left to the Jay street, then go through the Jay street to the York street and turn left. Keep going to the Washington street and turn right to the Plymouth street, before you walk into the Plymouth street. Around those street have a fascinating place for people take a rest and most attractive shop. When you walked into the Plymouth street, the Manhattan Bridge is on your right side, there is the Empire Fulton Ferry Park. Keep walking to the left side, then will see the Jane’s Carousel and the Brooklyn Bridge in front of you, there is the Brooklyn Bridge Park.

Brooklyn Bridge Park is a park on the Brooklyn side of the East River in New York City. It’s a recreational, environmental and cultural destination enjoyed by visitors to New York City. There have a perfect view of the Manhattan, all juxtaposition of the buildings stand in the other side, have different style of the buildings between Manhattan and Brooklyn. As you know, Manhattan is the economic and cultural center of the United States. When you gaze afar into the Manhattan, the skyline at night from the those Building at Brooklyn Bridge Park. Shown are clear examples of Art Deco, Modern and Old architecture. Manhattan’s buildings have architecturally significant buildings in a wide range of styles spanning distinct historical and cultural periods.  “Our old buildings still stand because we saw them, moved in and out of their long shadows, were lucky enough to know them for a time. They are a part of the city we carry around. It is hard to imagine that something will take their place…” From the article “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead, those building recorded the memory of different periods, is an important part of the New York City. Even though, some buildings start to change when they are  torn down and a new are build in its place. But the point is to move forward because New York will continue to change with or without us.

Why I’ll choose Brooklyn Bridge Park as the location because I always take the N train go through the Manhattan Bridge, I look at the Jane’s Carousel think that is a awesome place for people relaxing and comfortable. Sometimes I take the N train at the night time, the view of Manhattan have an attractiveness to catch my eyeballs. When the nightfall, Manhattan buildings nightscape look similar with my country – Hong Kong, which called the Pearl of the Orient. Both have the modern buildings and multiculturalism background,imposing buildings like the waterfront, but the difference between two places is the level of the buildings. In the New York City, most of the taller buildings are build in the Manhattan, because as you know there is the main economic center then the modern buildings will build at the center. However, it’s difficult to find out the smaller house or buildings in Hong Kong, because Hong Kong is an over-crowded city, have a large population in a small area. There only can build the taller buildings to improve the area problem.  Addition, the main reason of I choose because those two parks are the best and convenient place for people turn on the relaxed mood. The peaceful and beautiful environment is indeed enjoyable. Also, parks are often called the green lungs of an urban area, you can enjoy the surrounding view, such as the view of Manhattan at the Brooklyn Bridge Park.

Brooklyn Bridge Park and Empire Fulton Ferry Park are the green lungs of an urban area, is a awesome place see the landscape of the Manhattan. Many people of New York City was first seen by different reasons however, from there all start to create own perspective of New York. All of the different story, people, buildings are changing every moment, even though you stand on the park look at the Manhattan. No matter what happens we have to accept the new and face forward our New York is changing, using your sense of hearing, seeing, feeling the change. People have to living the present and knowing the past, then oneday you’ll say “you are a New Yorker when was there before is more real and solid than what is here now.”

View of the Manhattan at the Brooklyn Bridge Park

Nightscape of Hong Kong