Project#1 Introduction (Final Draft)


  My name is Brandy I am a freshman here at Citytech. I graduated from Celia Cruz High School of Music, and while attending there I played percussion. I’m a pretty shy person at first, but eventually I open up the more familiar I get with the person. When I do open up I am a funny, bubbly, weird individual who is pretty open minded to new ideas. My passions lie in learning, creating, animation and imagination. I love learning not only new artistic techniques, but more about the world in general. There’s still so much I don’t know, and finding the answers to those unraveling questions is really satisfying. With creating, being able to bring out imagination to real life whether it’s from mine or someone else’s vision is fascinating, because a lot of interesting ideas dwells within people’s mind. I enjoy animation because this form of expression can be really effective when it comes to creating a great story. In animation I find there’s more life being put into the characters development, plotline and conflicts. Animation really engages me to want to know what will happen next and to make me feel what my favorite characters are feeling.

 With imagination I love wandering into my own world, taking a break from reality at times. Being able to come up with ideas that seem pretty unreal and having a feel for that fantasy is something that I can’t get bored from. I am still discovering my design aesthetic but I would say I really like to put my focus on color. Color brings about a reaction from people and depending on the color or shade I use, I can give out the most accurate atmosphere for my piece. To me the color blue is bold yet gentle, and by that statement I mean that it has balance in the way it shows itself which is why many people including myself enjoy it’s presence. In five to ten years I see myself enjoying whatever career I’m in, still exploring the world and having new experiences.

 I would say that my avatar portrays my carefree,adventurous personality. The way the petals carry off into the wind conveys being free to explore the world which is something I always look forward to in life.The petals also represent I’m a go with the flow type of person. The various sceneries depict the beauty I see in the vast world we live in. The different landscapes shows the adventures I wish to have in the future. This image really sets the way I like to imagine by the way the colors come together and make this image feel like a dream.

Some misinterpretations people could get from my avatar is that it is spiritual. This reason can be due to the fact it the woman seen in the picture looks like she is praying or practicing a ritual of some sort. People could interpret that she could be a farmer because of her possession of the petals, and pots that seem to resemble having wheat inside. Another interpretation someone might have when looking at my avatar is that the woman is killing the flowers by pulling them of their stems.

My profile conveys that I’m a laid back, adventurous person that is just fascinated by what the world has to offer. Also that I have a very whimsical vision when it comes to imagination. This matters to me because imagination is what makes me optimistic for the future, which is an necessity. It is necessity because I can see myself working in a field where it requires thinking outside the box. It can show that I am approachable and have various interests. And finally, my profile can represent on what I can offer the world.


Urban Artifacts Phase #3


The stable figure took around 40 minutes, the ambiguous took around 1 hour.

In the previous phases, we picked up three objects from the street. We arrange them on a piece of white paper. Then we sketched 6 obvious and 6 ambiguous figure-ground compositions. After, we chose 4 of them and inked them. Finally in this phase, we chose 2 most successful inked compositions to make a cut paper composition. We did it step by step. I think that’s how this phase of the project relates to the previous phases.


COMD Class 6 | Critique and Humument

September 21, 2015 Class Prep ALL PARTS OF Project #1 are DUE. Bring all work to class for critique. Label your inked thumbnails and cut paper compositions ON THE BACK with your full name and the project number (ie: Project #1) Protect your work with tracing paper and transport in a portfolio (refer to recent demo). Materials needed THIS class: Sketchbook […]


the use of individually distinct functional units, as in assembling an electronic or mechanical system.

i found this word in the reading Universe Strikes Back by Helen Armstrong in the first paragraph i didn’t know what she meant by the word modularity and after reading it over then looking up the definition of the word i now understand what she meant by what she said.

COMD1100 Project #1


I chose this stable one because it was simple and it actually shows the meaning of being stable. I chose this ambiguous one because it was my favorite one out of all of them. it was pretty hard trying to cut these pictures out but i tried, its not the best but its something and i worked hard took me at least 2 and half to 3 hours trying to do took a lot of cutting and erasing to get what i got here.

ENG1101 Project #1 (FINAL)

My name is Tyler Santiago I am 18 years old, I am Puerto Rican but I was born and raised in New York. Sadly I do not know how to speak Spanish wish I did. I’m a very active and athletic person, my favorite sport is basketball but I also play a little bit of football and baseball for fun and I also play softball with my father on his team on Sundays. I am pretty tall my height is 6 feet 4 inches; my friends say I’m a funny guy and fun to be around. Putting a smile on someone’s face or making a person laugh or even making them feel better makes me happy. I was born on April 13th, 1997, I have one older brother by 6 years he’s 24 years old. My family is pretty big. I’m into video games, hanging out with friends, and going to the movies. I like to listen to music, most types of music but mostly old school rap and R&B. I want to get into the advertisement business and I am looking forward for what I am going to learn and take in for these classes and hope it all pays off in the future.

As you can see my picture for my profile is pink, first of all pink is not my favorite color if that’s what you’re thinking from my profile picture. The reason why my picture is all pink is because I went on vacation to Cancun this summer and I went with about 26 people friends and family and since my mother is a home based travel agent she makes these shirts which happened to be pink this year that has all her business information on it and I liked how the picture came out so I edited it to have pink borders to match the shirt and that’s why my the picture is so pink. But I love to travel its like my top favorite thing to do besides playing basketball. I’ve been to so many places like Cancun Mexico, Florida, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and more and even more to come, the top 3 places I would love to visit is Australia, Japan, and England, I don’t really know why I want to go to those places but I just feel those would be some nice vacation spots and nice memories to be made. Another thing about me is that I love to smile and laugh if I’m not doing one of those things you already know there is something wrong with me.

My plan for my future if everything works out in college and I keep up and succeed and graduate is to become an advertising designer for a big company like Sony, Microsoft, or Samsung. It would be even better if I can get a job for one of my favorite gaming companies like Naughty Dog, or Ubisoft. The reason why I want to join these companies in the future are because I love the content and products these companies create, I use most of their products that they create. I really hope this all works out for me though because it seems like a fun field to be in but a lot of work that I’m willing to do though. If this doesn’t work out I’m going to have to get a job with my brother doing construction and I’m really not trying to do that, it’s a good job and all but since my dad did it and my brothers doing it I want to try something different and I’m trying to be my own person and make a living for myself. I really don’t want too rely on anybody I hate asking people for favors. I also want to get into editing films, videos, and photos because that seems like a fun thing and useful thing to know for my future.

My profile will convey who I am, what I like to do, my interest, and contact information if any of my classmates has a question about the what was taught in class or about the homework and ill give them my best understanding of it and ill try my best to help with the homework if I understand it myself. On an academic standpoint it’s going to have all my work that was assigned to me and that is due for this class ENG1101 or COMD1100. I would also like my profile to convey my imagination the stuff that goes through my head when I get to thinking about something. That is basically it for who I am and what I want in life.







Project #1 Introduction (Final)

Ayano Morishima was born in Japan and moved to the United States when she was just a 10 years old. Knowing English from her Saturday school in Japan, that opportunity made useful in her life when she moved to the U.S. Since English is her second language, she had to take ESL. It took her about 5 years of special class to pass, because she needed English language for her future. She graduated from the high school, The Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) in the year of 2015. She had no connection in any of the art department other than the ceramics during her high school year. She is now 19 years old and going to college to learn more about art and to be able to move one step closer in life towards her dream.

My passions lie in anime, because it’s what I grew up with. When I was little, my daily Sunday morning was anime day. I remember that the anime was for kids, like Sailor Moon, Ojamajo, Doraemon, Pokemon etc. As I grew up, the variety of anime or should I say genre of anime expanded. The expansion made me watch more teen type of anime such as Black Butler, Fairy Tail, Gintama, Attack on Titan etc. Because of this, it came into my mind that what if I can be able to draw like that and create my own anime which eventually be on T.V.? I eventually started drawing anime as I copied off others and was be able to work from there to make my own. I also like anime because it is almost a fantasy that will never come true in life. Sure, there are shows that turned to live actions. However it’s different because of anime, they could create something beyond. Many of my friends insist on me becoming an manga artist, however I declined. There are two reasons, first I cannot draw the same character and second living as a manga artist is a hard in financial terms. First problem can be solved, if I keep working on my drawing skills, however I cannot go through life which takes a lot of time selling manga and receiving money off of it. Instead, I want work as a character designer by hand and digitally. I’m usually aesthetic about my art work, because I get frustrated when final drawing looks horrible than the one I imaged in my head.Also, when head is too big for the body, etc. I am more into modern style of anime drawings, because old characters are drawn in a simple structure. Such as long face and big shiny eyes. I like to draw more complex and detailed characters which most people are more interested.

Usually I draw most of the time with a single pencil, but I hope I learn how to use various range of pencils. So that I could expand my drawing skills. Recently I am into digital drawing on a tablet. I find digital drawing interesting because there were techniques that I was able to do digitally and not by hand. (*Do not read the profile, it contains the wrong information. But you can check my drawing at: Here)


The avatar that I chose was a character from the BGM that I recently found on YouTube. (If interested, the music is from this link: Here) I fell in love with it, because of the catchy lyrics and the awesome beat grabbed my heart instantly. After that started to go to its official website where I encountered with the avatar. Before knowing it, the character itself matches my personality and the features. As I looked closely, his sharp eyes and angry eyebrows shows a powerful and smart mentally. However his one hand is covered over his chest, this action makes the connection that I also have the weak side and doesn’t always acts strong. We both have a same length of hair, however the difference of the avatar is that I don’t have a white hair and my gender is a girl.

My avatar can mislead people into thinking that I am mean or cold to people, because of the facial expression. Also, the characters that are written in the paper might mislead people that it is in Chinese characters rather than Japanese. Many people say that they are the same, however they are not. In history that these characters came from China. However, when it came across to Japan those characters changed a little to a simple character which people could understand more. In addition where the characters looks more girl like than the guy.

My profile conveys that I am a hard worker, and an amazing person who has a passion for anime. My imagination can go beyond the world, and always have a creative story that I can just make a book about it. Hoping that my creative imagination will become real in animation and my creativity would be acknowledge. This profile matters to me because this is who I am and always will be. After 10 or 20 years, I would still be interested in anime and have a creative mindset. If I changed, it will most likely be that I’ve become a boring person who only thinks about reality. Its good to have a time to be in your own world.

My Avatar
My Avatar

Urban Artifacts: phase 1

The three items I acquired are a rock, feather, and a broken, wooden clothes pin. Each of these have a distinct shape from one another and not one is alike. The rock is very flat on the bottom but smooth and bumpy above. The feather is small and light, as usual, very organic. Lastly the broken clothes pin just holds a unique shape but one that is mostly geometric instead of organic. I found the rock on a corner just down the block on tillary street. I assume this appeared due to the construction going on nearby. The feather was found in the center of metro tech just across the alligator floor sculpture. I predict a bird, pigeion most likely, had dropped a feather as it flew away. The broken clothes pin was found in a park in the back of a community dwelling. The most valid suggestion would be that someone had dropped, or the wind blew a clothes pin from the clothes line above. In terms of color, all three objects are dull. Hours spent working on each was about 25 minutes overall totaling to 5 hours overall.

Stable figure ground 1
Stable figure ground 1
Stable figure ground 2
Stable figure ground 2
Stable figure ground 3
Stable figure ground 3
Stable figure ground 4
Stable figure ground 4
Stable figure ground 5
Stable figure ground 5
Stable figure ground 6
Stable figure ground 6
Ambiguous figure ground
Ambiguous figure ground
Ambiguous figure ground 2
Ambiguous figure ground 2
Ambiguous figure ground 3
Ambiguous figure ground 3
Ambiguous figure ground 4
Ambiguous figure ground 4
Ambiguous figure ground 5
Ambiguous figure ground 5
Ambiguous figure ground 6
Ambiguous figure ground 6
Ambiguous figure ground 7
Ambiguous figure ground 7
Stable figure ground7
Stable figure ground7

Project #1 Introduction (Final)

My name is Eftekar but I would prefer to be called Efy. I am 18 years old and a freshman in college. I live in Brooklyn and I used to attend the High School Of Telecommunication Arts and Technology. My major is Art and Advertising design. I chose this major because I’m really interested in art. Most of the time when I’m not busy and have nothing to do I turn to art. My personal aesthetic or  artistic style  is drawing with a pencil and a journal size sketchbook. I don’t mind drawing on a bigger canvas but I prefer to draw on a regular size canvas. Usually, my drawings are simple but can have positive feedback. When I draw I rarely use color because my style of art is more realistic then cartoonist, so I leave the sketch with its shading/contouring. In the future, I hope to see my self as a famous artist/ advertising person working for a famous company or even better owning one of the biggest/famous companies.

The picture I chose for my avatar is a sketch that I’ve drawn my self, It’s called “growing without knowing”. The way to describe it would be a rose growing in the shape of a question mark, and the rose’ roots are wrapped around a heart, also the rose looks very bright and full of color. I chose this to describe me as a person because I’m interested in art and this is a piece of my work. To go in deeper meaning, this sketch describes me because as I was growing older, year by year adults like teachers or my parents would always ask me “what do you want to be when you grow up” and my answer would always be different or not really relating to what I really want. This is because I really didn’t know what to do when I grow up but I knew what I like to do as a hobby an that is to draw.

When looking at my avatar people might see differently then what I intend to portray. The viewer might think of their own deeper meaning of what the picture is. They might think I didn’t know what to chose as my avatar because of the question mark and they would think that I’m a hard person to get along with because of the thorns on the rose or they might be just confused because the avatar isn’t straight forward to the viewer.

I feel like my profile would help others know more about me as a person. It would show what I’m interested in, what my aesthetic is and what I hope to become. My profile would also help me meet new people that are interested in the same things I’m in.
