ENG 1101 Project #1 Process

As I was writing my essay I knew what I wanted to include in it because I wanted to put in all the things I thought where important about me that others should know. These things would show how I am in and out of class and how I might translate that to when I am working. When it came time to refining the essay I knew I had to include a better description of my avatar because in my draft I did not describe it as well as I should have. Also I have to rearrange some elements to areas where they are actually relevant to that paragraph. I also had to take out a couple of things. I figured out what to take out of my essay by thinking about what is important and relevant to the essay and what is not relevant. My classmate’s feedback contributed heavily on my work process because I listened to what he had to say and I tried to fix the problems that he saw because I also saw those same problems. I actually spent quite a lot of time brainstorming I had to think of all the things that are important about me but then I had to choose the most important parts about 15 minutes. So i had to choose what to leave in and what to take out, which took about 10 minutes. Not to forget writing up the essay itself which took about 30 minutes. Now I will have to add my revisions to my final product. So overall this project will have taken about an hour.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

The stable cut out which is on the right took 5 hours to complete. The ambiguous cut out which is on the left took 6 hours to complete. In total the cut outs took 11 hours to do.

IMG_1058 (1)

This phase of the project relates to the previous phase by having the same figure it’s just in a different medium. The previous phase were inked sketches while in the picture above it’s cut outs. Through both mediums you can still guess which portrait is stable or ambiguous. The portrait on the right has the figure in the middle and at the bottom which makes the figure surrounded by the negative space. With so much white being around the black there’s a sense of lightness and focus on that particular figure. The portrait on the left has multiple figures that cover each corner. Although they are separated the figure in the middle makes everything feel united as a whole.

ENG 1101 Project #1 Process

English 1101 Project #1 Process

In this project I knew what I wanted to include by reading the project description. This project is all about introducing ourselves so I included what I wanted people to know about me, both personally and professionally. I then reread what I wrote and refine it by changing some words, adding new thoughts and take away what is not important. I determine what to eliminate by what I saw as repetitive and what really does not represent me as much. I figured out how to organized my project by the order in which the project task asked, first I introduced myself then I talked about the avatar I chose to represent me, then how others may interpret my avatar in the wrong way, and finally how my profile overall represents me. As my classmate read my work and give me feedback, it helped to improve my work. By reading my class mates work and give them feedback, it helped to me to also improve my work because as I was reading there work, I realized what was missing in my work. I spent approximately 15 minutes brainstorming, 15 minutes, outlining, 40 minutes drafting, 15 minutes revising, 15 minutes polishing. A total of 1 hour and 40 minutes.

ENG 1101 Project #1 Process

You’re in the final stages of your revision of Project #1–how did you get here? Write a post (Category ENG 1101 Project #1, Tag Phase 3: Develop, plus any tags you want) in which you reflect on your process. You will want to address some or all of the following:

  • how did you know what you wanted to include?
  • how did you refine what you included?
  • how did you determine what to eliminate?
  • how did you figure out the project’s organization?
  • what did your classmate’s feedback do for your work process?
  • what did reading your classmate’s project and giving feedback do for your work process?
  • how much time did you spend brainstorming? outlining? drafting? revising? polishing?

In class on Monday, you will write a cover letter for your project based on different reflective questions. Then we’ll gather what we learned for Project #1 and bring it to Project #2!

If you have any questions about Project #1 as you’re finishing it, feel free to reach out to me via email or to reply to this post so anyone in class can respond to you or see my response.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

This phase of the project relates to the previous phases because in the previous phases we sketch our artifacts in an interesting way. Then we chose four and ink them. In this phase we chose two of the inked compositions and transform them into paper. Therefore the previous phases led to out final product.

Cut Paper Compositions

Final Product
Final Product

The Stable composition took 20 minutes, The Ambiguous composition took 30 minutes, in total (including drawing the rectangles) took an hour.

Project #1 Introduction (Final)

Jaichan Kirty (Jay) graduated from high school, Hillside Arts and Letters Academy in 2015. He is now nineteen years old and a freshman in college. Jay was born in Guyana but moved to the United States eight years ago. He is a shy and quiet person at first, but when you get to know him that’s when he does not stop talking. Jay major is Graphic Design. He chose this as his major because this is something he really like doing. He likes to express himself by designing what he think of. Jay is very good at computer graphics. He does numerous of designs. For plays, random videos, power points, posters, etc. Many people consider his skill to be graphic designing, although Jay thinks otherwise. Jay claims he does this for “fun” but he is an amazing artist and has a great sense of creativity. His drawing are beyond imaginable. He is also the most caring, most wonderful person you’ve ever met.

Jay is known for his graphic designing on facebook, and what he has done in high school. The administrators at his high school even asked him to create the official website for the school, which he had the honor of doing all by himself. That is something he is very proud of. You can check it out, its http://hillsidearts.org/ He also created and managed his high school’s facebook page. (https://www.facebook.com/HillsideArtsAndLettersAcademy) He created all the material posted on the page. He is mostly proud of the videos he created for his school. You can watch some of them on the facebook page. Many people tells Jay he’s talented when it come to that. Jay is very passionate about his works, especially graphic designs, his style is random really. He creates whatever inspires him. When you are also down in the dumps Jay is always the one to make you rise like the sun bursting with joy and happiness. Although it may rain on Jays end, he never lets the rainy days get the best of him. He’s smart, fun to be around, likes to mingle and always the one to laugh or make a sound. In five to ten years Jay sees himself owning his own designing company and starting to be known around the country.

The avatar I chose to represent myself is a hot-air-balloon. Firstly this picture of the balloon is not a photograph, it has been graphically designed, which is my passion. This picture means more to me than just it being graphically designed. The balloon is rising in the air just like how I will not give up on something that I put my mind to accomplish. The balloon is rising just like how I like to soar in life. The balloon’s black center represents what experience I yet have to learn. The sky is the limit for me, and even further beyond that. I said I am very creative and as you can see in this picture, it is also very creative. I like how the designer uses the colors to make the subject pop out. This balloon is insulted by itself, just like how I like to be by myself sometimes. I like to work in a peaceful and quiet place with no distractions. This balloon is the only thing recognized in this picture, just like how I like to be recognized also. This is why I choose this subject as my profile avatar.

My avatar could be misleading to some because you really need to dig deep and think deep to understand how it connect to me. People may see this picture and think I like to ride on hot-air-balloons, which I never even tried in my life but something I can see myself doing for fun.

My complete profile will convey that I am a very creative and hard working person. My passion is graphic design and I have a lot of experience is this field already. I will not give up on something that I put my mind to accomplish. I express myself throughout my works because that’s the best way I know how. This matters because if someone is to hire me for a job they need to know that I give my best. I will work day and night if I have to, to give the best product the client will love. They need to know I am very good at what I do and that will give me recommendations and more jobs.



Impossible to separate

Closely joined or relate

Source: Merriam-Webster

I came across this word from the reading expert “Universe Strikes” Back by Ellen Lupton. I picked up this word because it stood out from the sentence that I read, “A cosmopolitan place such as New York or Paris or Kumasi draws its energy from a mix of persons inextricably connected with a larger world who have the right to participate in a world discourse”. Meaning that energy from the places all around the world mixes to together to form a bigger picture that can speak against the world. This word is something that connects individual to form unity, that brings our differences together. I also picked this word, because of the upcoming election. I wanted to share this word and how we have to realize that Barnie Sanders knows more than other voters; what is better for the people and the country.

Urban Artifacts Phase #2

As I was inking my two ambiguous and two stable, it was scary tracing the organic and geometrical shapes since ink is not something you an erase.  I do not have a steady hand but tracing with ink pen .02 made it easier for me. It was also hard for me to ink in the shapes with the brush because it was too big for some corners and edges, I was afraid to ink outside the lines. This whole process took me about 3 and a half hours.

inked photos inked photos 2