

pass time by playing tricks or practical jokes; indulge in horseplay

Source – Google Dictionary

I encountered this word when my cousin text me. I asked him what is he doing and he said “Skylark, I’m getting paid to skylark”.

I did not know the meaning of the word so I Google it and found out it means passing time while making jokes. He was joking of course.

[Glossary Entry # 10]

Preparing for the ENG 1101 final exam

Skim the reading

  • look for names or dates or quotations that stand out
  • who/what/when/where/why
  • important or key words
  • main idea–underline or circle
  • underline words you don’t know to look up after skimming

Reread the text to annotate it:

  • paraphrase difficult ideas
  • list main idea of each paragraph–in the margins
  • number the paragraphs
  • vocabulary!–write in the definitions and make sense of the sentences with your new understanding of the words
  • what is the thesis of the reading?
  • what controversies does it address?
  • try to anticipate the questions
  • what would you quote to support an answer to the anticipated questions?
  • parallel experiences

Add to these ideas in the comments!




: the act of carefully examining something especially in a critical way

I was reading a paper about Sherlock Holmes wrien by an author from Bangladesh and I was confused when I read the word in a sentence “scrutinizing is the key!”

Now I know it means to look deeply in order to find the answer



“the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.”

Source: Google Definer

Upon reading the article “60 Years Later, Echoes of Emmett Till’s Killing”, the author quoted a previous written article about the Charleston Church Massacre, stating his opinion on Dylan Roof’s motives, and his sense of “Altruism” in his actions. It’s an essential word in his article, due to the sarcastic nature of which he quotes it . It voices the fact that he is against the actions committed, and on the side of victims of said massacre.

Glossary Write-Up

As the glossary assignment indicates, you will need to write a final post to reflect back on the glossary entries you’ve completed this semester, to facilitate my finding all of them, and to make it easier for us to share the entire glossary with each other and anyone else interested.

Before you write this final post:

  • I strongly encourage you to revise individual glossary posts to correct any misspellings, typos, or incorrect, incomplete information. Check that they each have the category Glossary, any tags for the title of the text or class topic they come from , and any other tags you want. Be sure to include a comma between tags when you create them so you don’t create one giant tag that only applies to one post.

Please write a post that includes the following information:

  • Give it a title
  • Choose the category Glossary
  • Choose the tag Glossary Write-Up (look for that tag and choose it), along with any other tags you find appropriate
  • In the post, make a list of the 15 or more words that you included in your glossary–just the words in a list.
  • Then hyperlink each word to its glossary entry post.
    • To do this, highlight the word, then click on the link icon
    • Paste in the address for the post you wrote about that word
    • Click Add Link
  • Then write a reflection about the glossary assignment for the semester. Think about how it affected your reading process, your comprehension, your coordination with classmates for this crowd-sourced project, etc. This should be approximately 250-300 words.
  • Due date: 12/18/15

Exhibit Catalog

Emma is Still Alive”  is a piece created by aspiring artist Klever Javier Cobena. Drawing inspiration from Tom Phillips “A Humument”,  the artist conveys a dark, mystifying, and gruesome atmosphere, using the contrasting original work of Jane Austen’s “Emma”.  The concept behind both of these works is taking any medium of literature (i.e. a book) and turning it it into something completely new using different design aesthetics and artistic techniques. and  Originally a story of a young girl living in an upper class home in England, Cobena re-works that story with the the intention of driving it as far away from the original concept as possible. Using horror as a medium, Cobena decides to tell a tale of a a gruesome massacre, using only his design aesthetics and few highlighted words already within the pages of the book. Within the composition, a vast majority of the pieces are composed of either black ink, black paint, or black cut paper. Cobena, preferring black as a sort of “negative” color, utilizes materials such as Micron Ink Pens, Pigma Brushes, and Black Gouache Paints to re-work and block out certain words within the pages. With the given emphasis on certain select words that weren’t blocked out, Cobena re-tells the story through the artwork spread throughout the page. Certain examples within “Emma is Still Alive” include pages within like “Here Lies her Sins” and “Vision Of Shadow”, that use overlaps of two pages to create a single composition. Cobena uses nothing more than an exacto knife and a pen to create these overlaps, and express a single idea and theme with an overlap of two pages. Cobena also strongly integrates the concept of certain patterns of staccato nature, and legato nature. Using these concepts, Cobena creates certain moods and certain ideas using patterns differing between these two traits. On one page for example, one can view a sort of blood pattern running down on the words of a page, created using only a colored pencil and an HB sketch pencil. It has a  a flowing, smooth pattern, and gives the viewer that feel and imagery of a bloody mess. On another page, there are images of sharp, jagged edges blacked out with a pigma brush, giving the viewer a sense of danger.  Other design asthetics included with the piece also include ambigeouity, where Cobena utilizes the words on the page to create a layout that is very eye wandering and complex. There are also stable compositions, where he instead makes a focal point on the composition, drawing the viewers attention to a specific spot.

Color Interaction Parings: Phase 3


This project I found to be really fun and interesting. Not only was everyone able to work with a partner but we had the chance to get to know our partners in this activity. So with my partner Tyler, we had to pick a color for each other that best represents the other person’s personality. Then we had to pick a color that matches both of our personality traits. Next we had to come up with logos that represented each other but in a way that they are similar. With all of these elements we had to make sure our work showed simultaneous contrast. I chose yellow-green for Tyler because he’s mainly funny and outgoing(that represents the yellow) but at the same time he’s relaxed(that represents the green). Tyler chose to do a pink-blue color for me because although I’m cheerful and giggly(that represents the pink) I’m also intellectual, trustworthy and relaxed(that represents the blue). Our shared color is a blue-green to represent our relaxed traits. Tyler chose a cat logo for me since I’m cuddly but clever like a cat. I chose a dog for Tyler because dogs are outgoing and he really loves dogs. This part took about 4 hours and 30 minutes to complete.


Exhibit Catalogue

This exhibit is presented by Xingfu, Ye. Xingfu was born and raise up in Zhejiang, China. Then he moved to New York where now he live. Xingfu is a student of New York City College of Technology whose major is graphic design. He get inspired by a British artist Tom Phillips’ recreation “The Humument”. “The Humument” was first publish in 1970, it was a recreation of W H Mallock’s Novel  “A Human Document”, and the name “The Humument” was come from the original novel name. Tom Phillips took out “an” from the word human, and “Doc” from document, then he put two words together become Humument. The purpose of this is to recreate a different theme and story of a book to let reader have a different exprience of reading the original book and recreated version of the book. Alice Taylor’s novel House of Memories is a story of resilience in the face of family tragedy. Xingfu have recreates few pages of House of Memories with different theme, his favorite three pages are “Great Position”, “Death and life”, and “Twisted space” In first page, Xingfu try to convey a great postion, so he used Ruler, Pigma Micron 05, and PITT artist Big brush to draw lines and solid bridges to support the center. The idea was come from the text where he found the words “Great position”. He is trying to explain that how a great position is like, a great position is where the surrounds are supporting one area to make it a great position. For this page, if views did not see the word great position, they might be confuse and not understanding about this page. In the second page, Xingfu try to convey life and death, he also used Ruler, Pigma Micron 05, and PITT artist Big brush to drew circles and line taps, half of which were filled in with black ink and the other half left blank. The idea was came from the text, the words “dead,” and “live”. Xingfu is trying to express that live and death are so close. The lines was drawn twisted, because he wants to show that life is difficult so is death. Viewers might confuse about the circles, Xingfu said he drew circles was trying to represent spirit, but he did not write in the description, because he think the circles could also represent as events that makes how the life is going to be, different person has different views. In the third page, Xingfu drew a snake goes in circle like a sea shield, this is trying to convey Twisted space. Xingfu said this is trying to express how he thinks a twisted space look like, a twisted space in his mind is like a space that everything is twisted and has no end. In this page, viewers might think that this drawing look like a portal, Xingfu also had a thought about that, however he thinks inside of the portal there must be another space, and that space is just like what he have described. Xingfu’s recreations give readers a different point of view of the original novel. From a resilience in the face of family tragedy story to a science fiction story. Each page contains a small message about the new theme of the story.