Project #1 Introduction (Final)

“Tk”, is the abbreviation of her name Tsang, Ka Yee. She born in Hong Kong, which is a part of China. Has the different policy of China, “One Country, Two Systems”, is a prosperous and many kinds of culture city. She graduated from Lower East Side Prep High School around one and half years ago. She moved to NY around 3 years when she finished high school in her county. She still learning the English, because she wanna improve her English as fast as possible, that will be more helpful for her future life. She’s a optimists and quiet person, but when you get to know more about her. You may not think she’s a quiet person, she always non-stop talking and keep to making fun with you. By the way, She’s a typical Gemini girls, because she always capable of displaying different personality traits at different points of time. It doesn’t mean she’s a “melancholy and moody” person. Also, she doesn’t like to be pinned down by anyone or any rules, always need to experience the world on her own. She thinks Change and freedom are extremely important to her, will never let anyone dictate her. Sometimes she will turn off her phone and stay at home, try to give some time for her brain to release. She loves to play the different types of puzzle. Her design aesthetic involves a foundation of geometric, she falls in love of the geometric figure. She focus of the relationship and distance between the lines and points, then will create the perfect proportion of geometric.


The appearance of my avatar is black&white color and I use my hair cover my face then look into the left side. My avatar could be misleading because it not really show my face and using the black&white color then it will hard to understand me. That’s like I wanna hide myself and forbid people to know more about me, because of the action and color might make my avatar more mysterious.

My complete profile will convey who I am and my personality. Even though, I know my avatar not exactly show my personality, and still hide something. By the way,  I believe time will show everything if you wanna know more about me.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

The first one which was the stable piece took about an hour to an hour and a half. The second one which is the ambiguous took around three to four hours. All together it took about four to five hours to complete.


For this project, instead of inking in our ambiguous and stable drawings, we had to re-create using black paper and making cut outs of the objects. This project relates to the previous phase by having the same designs we made but using a different method to create it. Instead of inking the drawings like the last phase, we used black drawing paper, cut the shapes, and arranged it how it was supposed to be.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 3


The stable figure took around 30 minutes, the ambiguous took around 45 minutes. I chose this stable and ambiguous to my final project, because these two design is simple to show what I understand of the meaning of stable and ambiguous. Compared to phase 2, it was hard to cut and difficult to make each side looked  like the original drawing.

ENG 1101 Project #1 (Process)

When it came to this project, I decided to step a small bit out of my comfort zone, and get slightly personal. I wanted this project to mean something, and to portray me as an individual as transparently as possible. I knew that I would include some details that not very many people know about me, in order to give the reader or anyone else a good impression of who I am and what I pursue.  After my first draft, I realized that a lot of what I had written didn’t make too much sense, or didn’t include enough details. I went back and made more clear sense of what I was trying to say, and fixed a few mistakes in grammar and/or run on sentences. However, I didn’t really cut anything from it. I didn’t think it was necessary to eliminate what I had already written, cause I felt I needed every detail I included. I also took my peer editors advice into much consideration, and decided to be more specific in some ideas and thoughts that seemed to vague or confusing. I also, again, fixed sentences and paragraphs that seemed to prolonged and/or run on. Over all, I spent a considerable amount of time in thinking of what is it that I was going to write, and what exactly was it that I wanted to express. What idea and overall thoughts could I write, that would give the reader the best overall impression of who I am as an individual.

Project #1–How did you get here?

  • How did you know what you wanted to include?

I knew, because anime is something that represents me. With out anime, I would most likely would be interested other than art. Also including my childhood of coming here from Japan to United States, and how my English developed over the course of years.

  • How did you refine what you included?

I asked my peers to revise what I would add and cross out unnecessary things. By reading over again to make sure I forgot to include, or something that is unnecessary.

  • How did you determine what to eliminate?

Things that are too personal, or something that is off topic. Also things that unrelated to my passion in anime or art.

  • How did you figure out the project’s organization?

I actually saw someone’s post at first and made me think about how I was going to construct my project. Beginning with introducing my self on how my childhood became who I am now.

  • What did your classmate’s feedback do for your work process?

My classmate’s feedback helped me a lot to revise, such as things that I need more explanation which most of people do not understand what anime is.

  • What did reading your classmate’s project and giving feedback do for your work process?

It made me wonder if I missed anything in my project while giving feed backs. Made me go back and check my project over and over.

  • How much time did you spend brainstorming? outlining? drafting? revising? Polishing?

Not much, I knew what I needed to include and not to include. Also, because of the help from my classmate’s feed backs, it made it much easier and smoother for me to work on.

ENG 1101 Project #1 Process

After reading through my first draft I’ve noticed that it was good but it could be better. With my draft I needed to explain in more detail on some parts. I refined my essay by rewording some sentences that sounded a little funny to make it more clearer. Also I’ve added different adjectives instead so my sentences won’t sound redundant. I’ve noticed I kept on using “I love” a lot so I eliminated that by rewording it in different ways. I split up my first paragraph into 2 since it was too big in structure. With every alterations I read the sentence over to make sure that it made sense. My paragraph about others misinterpretations on my avatar I kind of took it in a way that people could misinterpret me since my avatar conveyed who I am. With that paragraph I had to make sure the misinterpretations was set more on the avatar and less about myself. With the feedback I got from my classmate I got encouraged to put more into my essay since she was really interested in some parts of it. By reading my classmate’s project and providing feedback it help me in my revision since in that scenario I had to be focused on what to eliminate or add. I took about 20 minuets brainstorming and outlining. The draft itself took about 2 hours and 30 minutes to do. Revising and polishing took about 2 hours.

Project #1 Introductions (Final)

Sometimes I wonder to myself, what are people’s usual first impressions about me upon meeting me? What do people assume and infer about me as an individual at a glance? I am a Freshmen here at City Tech. I am 18 years old and I am of Ecuadorian and Salvadorian descent. I live in the Bronx (6 line) and I’ve had a passion for visual arts for as long as I can remember. Ever since I could even speak, I used to always tell my parents how much I wanted to be an “art-teeest” as I used to say it. Growing up I became more and more fascinated in the way art was used to decorate the world around me, and how important it was to so many people in being able to express ideas and imagination. I began to draw and paint every single day. I used to carry my mini sketchbook with me everywhere I went. In it I would have such childish but imaginative and crazy drawings, which till this day, I still possess that free style in my work. I used to beg my parents to take me to the MOMA almost every weekend, after my first time visiting it when i was in first grade. I continued to grow more and more inspired, although when I reached high school, I had dropped my passion for it due to an unexpected tragedy in my family, which was the loss of my grandmother. My grandmother was a huge inspiration to me when it came to following my passion. She used to always push me and give me lectures about me getting an education and pursuing a true career. Losing her was one of the hardest things I’ve ever endured. However, I decided to continue to pursue what I have always known and loved, and decided to make it my major in college and re-ignite that passion I’ve always had, with the mentality that I will make my grandmother above and the rest of my family proud. I aspire to be an animator or a concept artist in the future, and pursue making a living out of what I love to do. I can imagine myself in the future creating beautiful and complex works of concept art, that can potentially be brought to life through a video game or a feature film. THAT is what I want to do, and be successful at. A few years from now, when technology advances even more than it already has, I wish to see my name in the credits of the newest blockbuster film or the hottest new video game release. Some words that describe me as a person are Timid, Stubborn, and Adventurous. Though I can be hard headed over small things sometimes, I’m pretty likeable and easy to get along with. I’m always the type to be very timid to speak when I’m around new people, but once you get to know me, I could talk about just about anything for days. I also love to discover and travel, and explore new things. Some things I’m into are baseball, DC comic heroes, drawing/creating/writing, anime, science fiction, horror and fantasy books, and traveling. I am more specifically a huge fan of the hunger games series,the Dragonball series, and Halo. I’m also really into Music and the performing arts (more specifically Broadway musicals), as I went to a performing arts high school, where I did many amazing things like be a part of huge concerts and shows, and met many famous music artists, performers, and actors.

There are many reasons and aspects as to why I chose this Avatar for my profile. My avatar consists of a piece of concept art created by Bungie Studios, for a video game called Destiny. Its almost like a design or blueprint, so to speak. A concept artist created this character and designed him, before creating it digitally through the game. Looking at the avatar, you can see the detail and information the artist input into these “blueprints”, and the very image he had in his head for this particular character. Not only am I a vivid player of the Destiny video game, but the art and character design in the game are simply fascinating to me. The aesthetic care and imagination that went into creating this “world” is mind blowing. Every time I play i can’t help but think of how amazing it would be to one day create such vivid and fantastical worlds and characters, and have them come to life in such a way. I aspire to be the one to create such concept art, after being inspired for so many years through movies, TV shows and other entertainment media.


Though my Avatar to me is a symbol of the passion I wish to pursue, there can be all types of interpretations as to why I chose it. Knowing a lot of people who are fans of the Destiny video game, anyone of those or other individuals could simply assume I just love the game. There could also be inferences that i have a pinpointed passion for just video games, which is not the case at all. Yes, I do love the game, but my main perspective is the art and passion that went into creating every single aspect of that game. Especially the concept art, which like I mentioned before, is something I’m pursuing to do. Through my entire profile, I wish to convey and make clear what I pursue, and how I plan to get there. I aspire to be the one to create such beautiful and fantastical worlds and characters, and make them come to life. I will continue to pursue this goal through education in the graphic arts.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

I chose this stable and ambiguous design, because it intrigued my attention that these two design have a connection. Both designs pulls in each others energy of ground and figure composition. It balances out together since the top design have more ground and the bottom has more figures.

It took me about 3 hours of completing, such as tracing, measuring, cutting, and pasting. I was wondering if I am suppose to outline the measuring.

Final Design
Final Design

Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

My final project consisted of 2 hours work time total. One hour for the ambiguous image and 1 hour for the stable one. Compared to phase 2, this phase of the project required much more detail and focus, in order to achieve a clean, final product. However, both take considerable time, and the illustrations especially, took more work time to complete. I tried to express as much a clear distinction between ambiguity and stable as possible, as seen in the final product.  I also made a slight change to the ambiguous image, where i added some extra detail to make the negative and positive space more balanced.
