English Project #2 Process

In this project, I have changed it for many times to make it easier for readers to read and better understanding. I realized what I wanted to include was after I saw the theme word juxtaposition, “the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side; also  :  the state of being so placed” , so I decided to start with choosing my two places that Im going to juxtapose. I determined what to eliminate is after my classmates leave me a comment. I  figure out the project’s organization after having met with professor, she inspired me a lot. My classmate’s feedback helped me to consider what to include and eliminate, example like grammar, sometimes I put “the” in the place don’t need to, and my classmates help me out with that. I spend 20 mins on brainstorming, 1 hr on outlining, 2 hrs on drafting, 1 hr on  revising, and 10 mins on polishing.



A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority

(Source – Google Definition)

I encountered this word while reading the guideline from Graphic Design project #3. “Use Visual Hierarchy and Movement to clearly direct the viewer’s eye to the focal point.” Now I understand Hierarchy mean something that is judged by its importance. So now I understand that I have to clearly state an important focus point so that the viewer can see it easily.

[Glossary Entry 4]

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1

The first picture I took is a low key circular light. It is low key because you can see it has more dark than white. The ceiling is dark, only part of it is bright because of the circular light. It gives me a feeling of loneliness. The second picture I took is a window. I took it form inside of the building, so you can clearly see the light shine in through the window and make the window become very light. And it gives me feeling of hope.

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ENG 1101 Project #2 Process

When we discussed about the word, “juxtaposition” during our class time, I was not sure what that word meant and I was kind of in between of what I was suppose to do for this project. I had few ideas on that we have to explain, but mostly I was thinking about “How am I going to explain about the walk I done around Brooklyn neighborhood.?” After searching up the word, it made sense to me on what I must do for the project. Mostly, the brainstorming part for the project helped me what I needed to include. It also made me able to refined my work as I kept reading the sentence over and over, until it made sense to the reader and if I missed any part of the element that I needed. I determined what to eliminate, when words were unnecessary to the topic that we are discussing in the project. Some of the sentence were weaker than the others, so I carefully eliminated if it was unnecessary or not. My classmates’s feedback was the most helpful things that I received. Since some of the part from the project that needed to be fix, was only visible to the other readers. I spend on brainstorming ideas about an half an hour, thinking about what kind of overlaps that I wanted to explain to the reader and also looking at the pictures that I took from the walk I done with my peers. Other than that, outlining took be about thirty to forty-five minutes, and the drafting was about three hours, and forty-five minutes on revising. So in total, the amount of time I spend of writing this whole project was about five hours.

ENG 1101 Project #2 Process

When I first heard the word juxtaposition in class, I couldn’t come up with any idea on what it meant and was kind of scared to start the project. When I actually got the definition, it’s not really confusing as the word itself. On the walk that we had to take in the beginning phase of this project, I already knew what location I was going to go with. The reason being is that before starting my semester at Citytech I did some exploration around the area. I’d came across an area that felt odd to me because the two stores that was in this area were very contrasting but yet they were right next to each other. I refined my essay by condensing some of my longer sentences and adding more necessary detail into my two stores since I got the reputation paragraphs already done. I made two extra paragraphs about the stores to really get the contrast out of them since the reputation of the boroughs they were in was contrasting in itself and the stores portrayed those boroughs. With the elimination and organization of this project, I made an appointment to see my teacher because I had many ideas and it was too scattered. I felt unsure about my first draft in terms of extra detailing and not getting straight to the point in a less wordy way. In this project my peers feedback wasn’t as helpful as I thought it would be because my main response back was that my essay was pretty good. In the back of my head I knew that it wasn’t really the case and I had to do better. At the time of the peer feedback, since many of my peers were stuck on coming to a clear subject to use in their essays they probably thought I had mines well figured out. I took about 30 minutes brainstorming and outlining. The draft itself took about 4 hours to do. Revising and polishing took about 5 hours.

English Project #2 Process

In this project, I knew what I wanted to include by reading the project description. This project is all about over lapping New Yorks, how two different things in New York overlap in one place. Such as; old and new, residential and commercial, historic and replaceable, natural and man-made, constructed and under-construction, well maintained and in disrepair, celebrated and forgotten, etc. I then reread what I wrote and refine it by changing some words, adding new thoughts and take away what is not important. I determine what to eliminate by what I saw as repetitive and what really does not really say a lot about the topic. I figured out how to organized my project by the order in which the project task asked, First I wrote about how to get to the location I chose, then how they over lapped. As my classmate read my work and give me feedback, it helped to improve my work. By reading my class mates work and give them feedback, it helped to me to also improve my work because as I was reading their work, I realized what was missing in my work. I spent approximately 15 minutes brainstorming, 15 minutes, outlining, 40 minutes drafting, 15 minutes revising, 15 minutes polishing. A total of 1 hour and 40 minutes.