Saturation Studies: Phase 2

For Phase 2 of this project we learned about color saturation. In the chromatic study, I had to make a broad range collage and a narrow range collage(in this case high key). The colors within these two collages had to be desaturated by adding a large amount of the compliment color. The compliment colors are opposite on the color wheel such as blue and orange. In the muted study, I had to make a broad range collage and a narrow range collage(in this case middle key). The colors within these two collages had to be desaturated  by adding a compliment color but not as greatly like in the chromatic study. In the prismatic study, I had to make a broad range collage and a narrow range collage(in this case high key). The colors within these two collages had to be purely saturated which means no compliment colors or white was added. Each collage took 3 hours to complete. In total this phase took 18 hours to complete

Project #3: revising the pitch (Final)

People always say time is money, especially those who live in a big city. They always thinking of go to their destination as fast as possible. And usually those routes are very noisy, with all those honking sound from cars. However, people might want to try some different route, there could be many beautiful and quiet scenery on the way to your destination, that could make the route totally different than the original route. With the app I’m working on (New Life Routing), User could make this happen easy and simple. Compare to all other routing app, most of them make the route fast and short enough to get to users destination, however what my app does is to make the route a little longer, so the user can see many beautiful scenery, and feel nature quiet and peace, while on the way to their destination.

Taking a route to the destination directly and do what ever users have to do, or spend few more minutes on the way, walk through quiet road and see some beautiful scenery. Think about it, if that day you were in a bad mood, however, you took this extra few minutes detour, and it made your day. Don’t you think that worth a lot? The air people breath everyday in most of the place of big city are not very fresh, by taking these detour people can breath fresher air. People might felt boring when go to same place with same route every time, this app make your route more interesting, beautiful and healthier.

This detour at citytech Namm Hall and our destination is Brooklyn Hieghts Promenate. When walk out of the building, turn left walk to the end of the block then turn right, walk to Cadman plaza, you can see Cadman Plaza Park. There is a big field in the center of the park surround with woods, some people play sport in the field, and some just lay down on the grass reading book. Now turn right walk toward to Johnson Street, there is another park named Columbus park, if you were lucky, you can see pigeons surround those people sit on the bench, waiting for food. Across Cadman Plaza W, walk into Pierrepont street, and keep walking to Monroe Place, you can see a church is at that corner, its appearance is very old. For some people looking at some old building make them feel really peaceful. Keep walking to Henry Street turn left and walk two blocks to Remsen street, then turn right. On this street, its really quiet, not much car drive by, even if they did, they didn’t make much sound, because of the road is very small, they drive very slow. As you keep walking to the end of the road, its a dead end. Here, you can see the whole skyline of Manhattan, and here is most quiet and peaceful place in this detour.

This was a detour was one example from our beta user’s experience. When using the app, user can choose how long do user want to walk, either time or distance. The app will calculate the best route that match to user’s requirement. Users can pick what kind of route theme they want, the app also provide free music that matches to the them user picked. The app often provide special option when user go to certain place in a certain time, such as the app will note user there are restaurant nearby when its time to eat lunch, desert or dinner. The app also calculate the time you will took in this detour, or time how long you have walked in this detour. The app will also tell user about the weather changes. The app has history record, it will save every route users have walked, of course user can also delete the history. It also has suggest caption, such as the best time to go this certain location can have the best experience, it will shows in the description before users start the detour. User can control the app with sound, just like siri or google. However its better than siri or goolge, because it can learn from the user. About what? About what kind of route the user prefer to see and the language users prefer to speak.

When people trying to find routing apps, most of them are provide the fastest and shortest route for user to get to their destination. Now I have made this app New Life Routing which not only make the route acceptable short but also make users’ detour more interesting and enjoyable. And even make their life healthier. Such a incredible app, why not give a try, and don’t forget share it with your friends.

Project #3: (Annotated Bibliography)

8 Places to Find Peace and Quiet in Central Park

This website tells us the 8 peace and quiet places in Central Park. Those 8 places are called “quiet zones”. In “quiet zones”, there are no music allowed; you need headphones for radio; and dogs must always be leashed on the pathway. The website also shows the pictures of the 8 places. The pictures all look green and give us a feeling of quiet and peace. So this website having a stronge connection wth the project#3.

19 Beautifully Isolated Places Where You Can Finally Get Some Peace And Quiet

This website lists 19 isolated places where we can get some peace and quiet. This website doesn’t give out many informations about the places. It only tells the location of the places and shows pictures of the places. If you carefully look at each picture, you would see a common between them. Almost every picture has water(sea, lake). Comparing to the previous website, the pictures in this website don’t have much green, but it still gives us a feeling of quiet and peace.

6 Most Peaceful Places in India

The artical in this website is written by Shubhra Krishan, an editor of a travel magazine. She often meet men and women from other lands who come to India in search of the exotic, the mystic, and peace. The 6 places are Nubra valley, The Backwaters of Kerala, Coorg, Khajjiar, Malana, and Andretta. All the 6 places are in different areas. Some on mountain; some in forest; some on plain; and some near the lake. All of them are realated to quiet and peace.

10 Best Places to Live for Escaping World Conflict

This website lists 10 places that you can escape from the conflicts in the world and get peace. By looking at the pictures of the 10 places, you would find out that they are all nature. You would see a lot of trees, mountains, seas, and lakes sourronding the locatioins. The website talks about the history and culture of the places and how each place is a peace place. After visiting this website, you would want to live in at least on of them.

The longest anyone can bear Earth’s quietest place is 45 minutes

The place in this website is very different from the previous places. It is a very interesting place. This place is called anechoic chamber. It is not natural but man made. As you can see in the picture, it is a room surrounding by somethings look like slabs. It holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s quietest place. In this room, 99.99 percent sound are absored. And we become the sound.  we’ll hear our heart beating, sometimes we can hear our lungs, hear oour stomach gurgling loudly. We may start hallucinating. The longest that anyone has survived in this room is just 45 minutes.


Final Pitch. Project #3

Somehow or some way we all ended in this city and I was one of them. I’m not quite sure how and I most certainly don’t know why but there are things about this city you hate. I hate the fact that the city is full of people that are constantly making noise. People says the city never sleeps. To quote it in my own words, The city never shut the hell up. The voices are so loud and so horribly strong. They never leave you. Even when you get home those voices keeps ringing in your head. In this loud city it’s hard to find a peaceful place. Even at a park there are people like you that complains about noise but making noise at the park. No peace of mind.

We all need a state of peace in our mind. I have made a route which will take you to few of the peaceful places near New York City College of Technology. After you walk out of the Namm building walk about fifty feet until you hit the Tillery street. When you get there cross the street and make a left. Now walk. Walk until you see the Cadman Plaza park to your left. Go inside and walk straight into the green field. Sit right in the middle of the field. Lay down even if you want to. Here you are. Now you can close your eyes are chase your dreams and memories.

In order to get to the next spot get back to Tillery and walk back less than a block. Make a left at Cadman Plaza E. Then you will walk right into the Walk Whitman park. The park is similar to the Cadman park. But it fives you a different feeling. In order to get the third spot you have to get back on the Tillery street and walk till you get to jay street. . Cross the street and keep walking. In no time you will end up at McLaughlin Park is mostly alive with people but they’re not making the machinery city noise like the other people in the city. They are also busy connecting with their inner-self and find their mental peace just like you are.

Next stop is the The Granite Prospect. One of my personal favorite place in New York City. This is where the rocks meets the river. The nature ends and the city starts. It’s a bit of a walk to get there. Walk back to Tillery street and make a right on the first turn. Then walk straight until you get to prospect street and make a left. You will another park on your way to the old Fulton street and when you get there Then turn right on the old Fulton street. Then walking until you hit the DUMBO then make a left. Here you are. The best view. The sanctuary.

One in every thirty eight people in United Stated living New York city.  (Gear Patrol  The New York City Adventure Guide   November 16, 2015 Web. December 18, 2015.)Now that is insane. just the thought of this makes me very claustrophobic. It is no way healthy or peaceful for a human being to spend all his life not taking a break from this crowded city. You might be wondering why? Why is it unhealthy for you or me to spend all his life not taking a break from this crowded city. It is because we are human and that is how we were programmed According to Stephen Kellert, a professor at Yale University’s School of Environmental Studies “Humans have a deep and enduring urge to connect with living diversity,” (Begley, Sharon Do We Really Need Nature?  August 12, 2015 Web. November 18, 2015). Then again you might ask how is it even possible? How is it that we seek the company of nature? Do we REALLY need nature? Is it not SILLY to seek nature? Not really because culture and religion plays a big part in here. No matter what religion you believe in or even heard of (unless if you are in a cult worshiping the devil [which I have no problem with]) you must’ve even get the slightest hint that nature plays a extremely part in any religious systems. “our minds may be naturally more geared to religion than science.” (Dawkins, Richard and  Kelemen, Deborah Is It Silly To Seek Purpose In The Natural World? Updated April 8, 2013 Web November 18, 2015.) A team of researchers in Boston University’s Psychology Department has found that, despite years of scientific training, even professional chemists, geologists, and physicists from major universities such as Harvard, MIT, and Yale cannot escape a deep-seated belief that natural phenomena exist for a purpose. (Boston University College of Arts & Sciences, Even professional scientists are compelled to see purpose in nature, psychologists find October 17, 2012, Web, November 22, 2015) To wrap it all up here’s the golden fruit of the tree so you will jump a little bit higher to reach the fruit. “Risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, depression, and other life-threatening conditions can be greatly reduced through regular outdoor walking….” (University of East Anglia, Sarah Hanson and Prof Andy Jones Step Outside 16 Nov 2015. Web November 23, 2015). Those disease that are listed above are scary enough to make you start running instead of walking. Putting the fear death is not what my intention is but if you can live healthier and longer by walking then why not walk? Health is wealth and you can achieve the wealth just by taking a nice walk.

ENG 1101 Project #3 final peer review

Where do we need to focus in the final revision?

  • thesis statements
    • does it establish an organization?
    • is it relevant to the assignment?
  • incorporating quotations
    • works cited list
    • parenthetical citations
    • do they provide authority?
  • is the route in keeping with the requirements of the assignment?
    • it goes from City Tech to a train or vice versa
    • it remains within a reasonable walk from City Tech

Didactic Panel for the Poster

  • describe Tom Phillips’s project
  • guidelines for our project
    • in a used book, represent different projects and concepts
    • re-envisioning of the book’s theme
  • use inspiration from Tom Phillips to incorporate visual and written expression: a goal of our Learning Community
  • the complete project is slated to be on display in the library in the Spring 2016 semester

First sentences:

  • The Humument book by Tom Phillips was an inspiration for this project.
  • Tom Phillips’s Humuments refashioned books as platforms for visual art while making use of the book’s written contents in order to create something entirely different.
  • Sourcing inspiration from Tom Philllips’s A Humument, Learning Communities COMD 1100 and ENG 1101 teamed up in order to curate a project that includes both text and visuals.

Draft of text for the poster:

Sourcing inspiration from Tom Phillips’s altered text, A Humument, COMD 1100 and ENG 1101 teamed up in the Ways of Seeing: Adventure with Image and Text Learning Community to curate a project that integrates both words and visuals. Like Phillips, students found inexpensive used books to transform into new artistic creations both in appearance, using ink, paint, pencil, cut-outs, folding, and burn-out, and in theme. The resulting work merges image and text for each new project or concept in both courses.



Project #3 the pitch

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. If you take time to really look at simple things you will come to realize that they really are beautiful. The surrounding beautiful, natural scenery spreads out before our eyes. It makes our spirits are cheered up and refreshed. True happiness comes from nature, the peaceful and beautiful environment is indeed enjoyable. Take some time out of the working day to enjoy by walking through into the environment.

This route begins at the General Building, when you exit to the Johnson st and turn right side to the Cadman Plz E. Walk through the Tillary St, the Brooklyn War Memorial will appear in front of you. There have the memorial,that designed by the architectural firm of Eggers and Higgins. Building adorned by two large figures, one at either end of front facade. That depict a male warrior on the left and a female with a child to the right – symbols of victory and family. The other one of my location is Hillside Park, is one of the dog parks in New York City. This park can be the one of the green lungs of an urban area. A walk in the park can calm our strained nerves, which is very quaint, very clean, and quite beautiful.

The other beauty in nature place is Brooklyn Bridge, is a park on the Brooklyn side of the East River in New York City. It’s a recreational, environmental and cultural destination enjoyed by visitors to New York City. There have a perfect view of the Manhattan, when you gaze afar into the Manhattan, the skyline at night from the those Building at Brooklyn Bridge Park. The panoramic view are marvelous. Also, the park have an alley when you walk through the alley, the surrounding view make you feel more comfortable and enjoyable into the nature environment. Looking at beauty in the alley, make me remind to the life is not always perfect. Like the alley, it has many bends, ups and down, but that’s its beauty and silent.

Keep walking to the end of the Brooklyn Bridge Park, you will see the boat ramp on the right side, have the other perfect view of the Manhattan. Then you can completely see the Pier 2 at Brooklyn Bridge Park in front of your face. It is dedicated to active recreation, contains over five acres of basketball, and over half an acre of artificial play turf, fitness equipment, and picnic tables available for walk-up use. A wide promenade wraps around the pier. It is one of the park have perfect promenade view includes the physical exercise fitness equipment and places. This is the different location of other places, is cross-over with physical exercise and beauty-in-nature. There is able to enjoy quietness and provide the area for visitors strengthen muscles & keep fit. It is kill two birds with one stone.

Where the beauty of nature and the freedom to breathe fresh air is all part of what is worth living for. Making the first change of your routine, you will really gains a different experience of your day, while it is the simple easy step. Every step can bring a lot of unpredictable things happen, but never ever stop to find the beauty in nature. Tale a moment to enjoy the beauty of nature, take a deep breath, relax…enjoy the rest of your day.