project #3 (locations)

The five locations I chose are Cadman Plaza Park, Hillside park, Hillside park, Harry Chapin Playground, Fort Stirling Park, and Brooklyn Heights Promenade. They all located around Brooklyn Heights. It took me about 45 minutes to walk through all those five locations. I always feel like New York City is too noisy. There are lots of people making noise. And I really want to escape from the noise and find a place to take a rest. Therefore, I chose these five places where I can enjoy a moment of quiet and peace.


Somehow or some way we all ended in this city and I was one of them. I’m not quite sure how and I most certainly don’t know why but there are things about this city you hate. I hate the fact that the city is full of people that are constantly making noise. People says the city never sleeps. To quote it in my own words, The city never shut the hell up. The voices are so loud and so horribly strong. They never leave you. Even when you get home those voices keeps ringing in your head. In this loud city it’s hard to find a peaceful place. Even at a park there are people like you that complains about noise but making noise at the park. No peace of mind.

We all need a state of peace in our mind. I have made a route which will take you to few of the peaceful places near New York City College of Technology. After you walk out of the Namm building walk about fifty feet until you hit the Tillery street. When you get there cross the street and make a left. Now walk. Walk until you see the Cadman Plaza park to your left. Go inside and walk straight into the green field. Sit right in the middle of the field. Lay down even if you want to. Here you are. Now you can close your eyes are chase your dreams and memories.

In order to get to the next spot get back to Tillery and walk back less than a block. Make a left at Cadman Plaza E. Then you will walk right into the Walk Whitman park. The park is similar to the Cadman park. But it fives you a different feeling. In order to get the third spot you have to get back on the Tillery street and walk till you get to jay street. . Cross the street and keep walking. In no time you will end up at McLaughlin Park is mostly alive with people but they’re not making the machinery city noise like the other people in the city. They are also busy connecting with their inner-self and find their mental peace just like you are.

Next stop is the The Granite Prospect. One of my personal favorite place in New York City. This is where the rocks meets the river. The nature ends and the city starts. It’s a bit of a walk to get there. Walk back to Tillery street and make a right on the first turn. Then walk straight until you get to prospect street and make a left. You will another park on your way to the old Fulton street and when you get there Then turn right on the old Fulton street. Then walking until you hit the DUMBO then make a left. Here you are. The sanctuary.

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 4


At the beginning of this project I was first introduced to the concepts of high key and low key value ranges. After finding examples of both concepts within the CityTech area I had to explain the tone that each example gives off. I learned that with high key ranges there’s usually a happier tone while with low key ranges there’s a more mysterious and dramatic tone. Next I learned the concept of a broad key value range by making a grayscale. Also I learned that high key and low key ranges are known as narrow ranges. By learning these 3 concepts I had to make 2 collages which consisted of one being a narrow value range and the other being a broad value range. After the first critique I pretty much had to redo both collages. The successful part was that my collages were distinguishable in terms of value range. What was missing was providing a clear focus and path within the collages. After seeing my peer’s collages I got a better sense on how to improve my collages. The next assignment was to make a painted version of the broad range collage and a digital version of the narrow range collage. When I first heard painting I was really excited but when it came down to actually painting I was scared because we had to mix white and black paints to create broad ranges of gray. This task was pretty tedious and I tried my best to make the shades really close to the collage. I got a kind of bitter-sweet feeling when I finally finished because my painting wasn’t in exact detail as I would’ve wanted it to be but for my first time doing something like this I at least learned how to handle paint more. I got a bit discouraged during the critique because there was painted collages that I thought looked better than mine. But I’m coming to terms that I’m still learning and through more practice I can improve. Since the next project deals with paints I feel I’ll get more satisfying results since I learned how to deal with paint through this experience. With the digital collage I was more comfortable because I at least had some experience of Indesign from Type and Media even though the program was Photoshop. The next assignment was making a 3D Anaglyph from my portrait which was fun until the 3D started bothering my eyes.


noun(plural form of anomaly)

  • something that is unusual or unexpected : something anomalous



When I came across this word in the reading excerpt  “The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter” by Ben Merchant, it was misspelled so I provided the right word. This word can be found in the sentence ” There are some strange anomalies in the study, too”. In the passage before this sentence researchers claimed that hospitals and prisons had some of the most negative tweets. The passage after the sentence explains that researchers found 3 cemeteries which attracted among the strongest Twitter sentiment on the list. While two cemeteries received many negative tweets, the third cemetery had many positive tweets. Researchers were unable to determine why that might be. By that being said I can see how the results were anomalous.


Project 3 : Value-Added Portraits: Phase 3

3D Image
3D Anaglygh

This will be the final post for project 3. In first image, on the left side is the Broad-Range Collage, and the other one is the Broad-Range Painting. In second image, on the left side is the Narrow-Range Digital Collage and the other one is Narrow-Range Collage. The last image is 3D Anaglyph.

Overall, It took 5 hours to finish.

Value Added Portraits: Phase 3

This is my final presentation of project #3. I spent approximately 5 hours of work time from the beginning of the project till the final phase. I feel my value range digital collage was more successful than the broad range painting, maybe due to my preference to using digita media. But overall I am pretty satisfied with the final product.image image



  • a person who does not like other people


I’ve come across this word in the reading excerpt  “The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter” by Ben Merchant. This word can be found in the sentence “Having been to just about all of the above, I can attest that each is capable of turning the gentlest romantic into a misanthrope”. When reading this sentence I inferred that misanthrope was going to involve hate since hate is definitely opposite from “the gentlest romantic”. This sentence came after a list of transportation hot spots. Before this list transportation spots was known to make people frustrated.

Writing a Persuasive Argument

Your second assignment: the pitch

Now that you’ve decided on the route, write a persuasive argument for beta testers of the app to convince them that they would want to take your proposed walk, and what the reward or rewards will be for that extra investment of time and effort. This should be approximately 750-900 words. Due M 11/9 for peer review

How do we organize a persuasive argument?

Eliminating most sounds by occupying quiet environments lead to a more relaxed route.

Rather than taking the traditional route, a quieter route that leads app users through X, Y, and Z can offer app users a more relaxed experience.

Although walking along Jay street is the fastest way to get from the A/C/F/R station to City Tech, a route that passes A, B, and C would be a better way to start the day because it offers app users beautiful inspiration.