Didactic Panel (Progress)

Ayano Morishima

Born in Japan, Tokyo
Lives and studies in New York City

Book of Wonder, 2015
Exacto knife, Ink brush pen, and used paper bag book.

Understanding the concepts though the graphic design principle, Ayano Morishima learned different types of technique to use ink bush pens to construct creative, humument book which it made connection with the texts from the book itself. Morishima changed the theme of the book, “Wishes” to more “Crazy Wonderland” concepts. She chose this concept, because she wanted something totally different than the original. The Book of Wonder was created by using Exacto knife to cut open the text at the bottom of the page and placed glue only in the middle on the same place and using the inked brush pen to color the triangular part of the top right corner to show the image of flipping the page and the pop art of book; representing the Book of Wonder. Morishima created this Book of Wonder to show others to see “more” crazy side of original book; the creation of book and the flip page is a door way to the readers vision.

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