Eng. Project #3 – The Route

Every day we walk on the same route to school. We are tired of the view on our route. We no longer feel curious about the view or want to look at it one more time. Our life becomes boring. Life should not be like that, life should be full of vitality, passion, coloring, changes, and new things. And this app will guide you discover a new route, which can rekindle your passion and color your life. A new route is not just a new route, you are going to find out lots of unexpected things on it.

New York City is the most populous city in the United State and one of the biggest city in the world. The huge population makes the city become fast-paced and noisy. The more people, the more noise. The five new places we are going to experience today are Cadman Plaza Park, Hillside park, Hillside park, Harry Chapin Playground, Fort Stirling Park, and Brooklyn Heights Promenade. They all located around Brooklyn Heights. And those five places relate to our theme today– quite.

The walk will take about 45 minutes.

Turn left after you head out of City Tech.

Turn right on Tillary Street and go straight to Cadman Plaza W.

Turn right on Cadman Plaza W and keep going to Old Fluton Street. (Cadman Plaza Park)

Turn left on Old Fluton Street then turn left on Vine Street. (Hillside park)

Keep walking on Vine Street then turn left on Columbia Heights.

Keep going down. (Harry Chapin Playground, Fort Stirling Park, and Brooklyn Heights Promenade)

You are going to see a lot of green on this walk. Enjoy your moment of quiet and peace!


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