Project #2: Including Senses

My chosen location is located at the corner of Prince Street and Myrtle Avenue, about 10 minutes walking distance from City Tech. In this particular corner, you’ll notice a couple of very tall corporate buildings, and also a very large neighborhood of housing complexes. You can also see a lot of construction sites surrounding this area. Because of these sites, there’s a strong smell of sawdust, mixing concrete, and burning in the air. It isn’t too pleasant of a scent. It also comes with very loud and ear piercing noises like jack hammers beating at the concrete, heavy machinery being operated, and lots of men yelling back and forth between each other. Looking at this location, you can see a distinct juxtaposition of the housing complexes and the corporate buildings. This is why I chose it. When I look at this location, I see half of it as a very higher class area, with lots of people in business suits and expensive stores. The other half however, seems more of a lower class area, with mostly very old looking apartments. The area is not very well kept either. Its interesting because these two areas are literally right next to each other, with no more than a line to cross between the two, giving it a very contrasting juxtaposition.






: shining with many different colors when seen from different angles

I’ve come across this word when I was listening to the song name “Iridescent” by Linkin Park. Even though that’s the title of the song the word was never used throughout the whole song so I was very curious to know what it truly meant. Now I have a better idea of the song and what the message behind the song is. It’s talking about  what it feels like to be at a bad place in your life and how someone can find the light while you’re walking through the dark.

Project #2: Including senses

As I was making my way towards my location, I walked through a busy street filled with different kinds of people, different kinds of smells from food carts, construction and honking cars. The lively area of Fulton Mall is filled with a variety of different stores all in one place. While walking I came across a Dr.Jays right next to Banana Republic. After seeing that I felt a bizarre feeling because Dr.Jays is usually a store you would find in the Bronx while Banana Republic is a store you would find in Manhattan. The juxtaposition here is that Manhattan is more of a welcoming, metropolis area that tourists like to flock to . On the other hand the Bronx is more of a hood area that most people would be afraid to be in. The overlap of these two stores is just odd since the locations that they primarily found in are completely different in terms of environment and social status.




: towards or at the back part of a boat, ship, or airplane.


I’ve come across this word in the reading excerpt “Reading Lucy”. This word can be found in the quote “So I’ll throw in another kiss and just an inchy wincy pinch on the aft end”. This quote came from a letter Lucy wrote to her husband Alfred when he left for boot camp. From learning what aft means, it would make sense that Lucy would be at an aft end because she was a mechanic at a Navy Yard in World War II. These letters were ways that Lucy could give her love to Alfred while he was away.

Sound Visualiazations: Phase 1

The song I chose is “Eternal Pose” which is the 15th ending of my favorite anime One Piece. In the beginning there’s a major legato feeling then there’s a staccato beat that is added in. With this song you get the feeling of these contrasting sounds in unison. In the staccato sketches, I felt the use of straight lines would represent a constant beat. The zig-zag lines represent transition into the more staccato feeling . The stars represent the snare drum sound I hear. The difference in line weight would show the on and off beat feeling. In the legato sketches, I felt the use of more curvy lines would represent the flow of notes that are held for a period of time from the violin. The repetition of circles would show represent the transition from one note to another from the guitar. The short curved lines would represent the cymbal crashes.

Each sketch took 30 mins(in total 6 hours)







Visualizations: Phase 1

For this part of the project, it took me about 1 hour to finish it. I create these designs with listening two types of music which are Legato and Staccato. Legato is those musics with beautiful, calm, and soft sounds. They can represent by the  rough, smooth, and thin lines. Staccato is sound with crazy rhythm, more beats than Legato. This kind of sound can represent by the sharp and thick lines.






