Didactic Panel

12308398_1495736224063171_9189550163241015207_nTsang, Ka Yee (TK)
Born in Hong Kong
Lives and studies in New York
“Flower”, 2015
Sharpie on paper, Inking brush pens

In this work, TK wanna create a simple idea that represents the Flower pattern. Set up the pattern like the painting book called ” Secret Garden”. Using the black and white composition, and lay out the curvy figure, randomized draw though the page. Also, the author’s using a legato pattern to create the flower pattern.

12346359_1495736444063149_7380081770727574868_nTsang, Ka Yee (TK)
Born in Hong Kong
Lives and studies in New York
” Shackles”, 2015
Color markers, color pencils

Shackles was intended by the author to represent the idea of imagination. The author used the markers drew the sun in the middle, used the chain to connect the sun. Nothing can be closest to the Sun, whatever they are.


Tsang, Ka Yee (TK)12341209_1495736250729835_8995960213660294801_n
Born in Hong Kong
Lives and studies in New York
“Don’t You Love Me?”, 2015
Sharpie on paper, Inking brush pens, paste some page

Drawing this page, the concept is selected text to go though the main idea of this page. The author’s using the text, “Don’t you love me?” “No one love me” that represents the feeling from the page, then drew the broken heart on the bottom to mention the idea.

Exhibit Catalogue

A Humument is an altered book has unique combinations of literary and art, the author merged art with the connotation of specific words to exhibit two different genres into one. This book created by Tom Phillips, released in 20th century. Now in 21th century’s today, an artist whose name is Jingyi Jiao, she inspired by A Humument, as reference to that she created her own humument and named as “The Stage of Value”, “Box of dimension”, and “Music Party DO-RE-MI”. Jiao born and raised in Tianjin, China. She now lives in New York as a college student, majors in Communication Design and continuing her art design studies. Jiao chose Macbeth to be her humument, by using the techniques learned from her english and graphic design classes helped to create art works on Macbeth, such as collage, placement, overlap, etc. “The Stage of Value” is her best piece of work. It looks easy and simple, but the meaning behind is significant. For “The Stage of Value” the artist chose to articulate value, which is the lightness and darkness of a color, used materials of Inking brush pens (black, dark gray, and light gray). Using inking brush pens to block out specific words, Jiao chose the word “stage” to incorporate the fact that Macbeth is a famous play itself. Using the skill of placement, the page shows value from the darkest blacks to no color at all. The black and grays color choices refers to  the evilness, hopeless, and the bunch of negative messages convey from Macbeth. More than half areas were low-key, only a small part left as white, because there still a little positive messages left in Macbeth, which are former King’s kindness and soldiers’ loyalty. Her second work is the “Box of dimension”. In Box of dimension, Jiao shows technique of overlap. Using inking brush pens to color boxes into different values, the transparent gray colors merged up, and becomes overlapped. By overlapping the boxes with different ranges of value together, it tricks your eyes and gives a 3D feeling. The last one is the “Music Party DO-RE-MI”. In Music Party Do-Re-Mi, it shows Jiao’s learning of rhythmic pattern that she connects with her interest in music. This composition shows the two different rhythms of staccato and legato. Staccato represents sharp patterns while legato represents round patterns. Jiao combines them up by using the creativity to turn music into art. So when people read this Macbeth, they can get a feeling of happy and relax, an opposite feeling as Macbeth’s tragedy. Jiao conveys a lot messages in her humument arts, and it also gives an effect to Macbeth. She exhibits her works at same time tells a short story plot about Macbeth, and also add a new feeling to it, other than the tragedy it brings a new kind of fresh mood for readers.

exhibit catalog

This exhibition is presented by the artist Tyler Santiago. Tyler Santiago was born and raised in Ozone Park, New York and still resides there and studies at New York City College of technology. Santiago got the inspiration from Tom Phillips re creation of a book called the Human Document but Phillips called it “The Humument”. Santiago’s title “essence come from part of the actual book he used which was a book written by Tillie Olsen called Silences. Santiago took the word Silences and jumbled up the words to create his title. Santiago made this book into his own creation based on what he learned in his classes Eng1101 and COMD1100. His concepts come from stuff like negative and positive space and juxtaposition the overlapping of something. Santiago used basic materials like rulers, black inking pens, and black inking brush. The first piece of work of Santiago’s book is called “silences” which shows negative and positive space and has a obvious focus point with the circled word silences. The second page that has all the word blacked out except the word “of” is called “isolation”. On the third page is called “Geometry” which shows negative and positive space and it shows geometric shape with a focus point where the word Literature is, and the first 3 pages are suppose to go together. The next page is called “The Beat” which represents a sound wave, which shows staccato. The next page titled “Flakes” which represents variety in size. The next page called “Swirls” represents a pattern of legato movement. On the next page is a piece call “Swoosh” are a bunch of line and in this piece it shows movement, And on the last page Santiago wanted to show what he learned in ENG1101 of Juxtaposition, this piece of work is call “New York”.

saturation studies: Phase 4

This project has been my favorite so far. I enjoyed learning how to really percieve color. I gained alot from this project and my perspective on life has changed alot. I no longer see hues and shades. Now blue can be turquoise and turquoise can be prismatic, muted or chromatic. Being able to be as specific and narrow with colors is important especially in the visual communications field. For the paintings prismatic was easiest and I found chromatic to be hardest. The reason i say this is because prismatic colors are the purest meaning using color straight from a tube would be perfect. Chromatic colors on the other hand have a dark, muddy appearance with a slight touch of color. For example, there are browns that lean more on the orange side and anothers that lean toward a green undertone. Regaurdless, chromatic should be more challenging because colors are mixed unlike prismatic which are straight from a tube. For my three compositions, I selected pieces that felt related and balanced to one another. This project overall was very beneficial and the skill of seeing was learned.

Value added: phase 2


Left: Broad range collage Right: Narrow high-key collage
Left: Broad range collage
Right: Narrow high-key collage

The collages were a challenge for me but I managed to complete both broad and narrow range pieces. For my broad collage I decided to surely include cutouts of my shirt. Plaid, already being a design itself, often gives a spectrum of gray when in grey scale. The reason being is that plaid contains many hues, shades and tints holistically. For the focal point I used a cutout that was high in value to draw attention. In the narrow range collage, I decided to stick with high key because the focal point for this piece would be very low in value. The contrast between the low key focal point and high key design makes it easy in drawing in viewers. The background was kept simple but uses a shadow of my headset to create movement and flow. In all I wanted both pieces to be an inverse of one another. The collage on the left has a broad range with a high key focal point and the right collage contains a high key design with a low key focal point.  Overall time taken was about 2 hours 20 minutes.

The Boston Photographs and Project #4 peer review


  • controversy
  • journalism
  • mid ’70s
  • morality
  • ethics
  • reality
  • publicity
  • (social) media
  • explicit material
  • censorship
  • AP wire (service)


What would you add to the paragraph, particularly where I have left ellipses to indicate where more information is needed?

Nora Ephron’s short essay, “The Boston Photographs” addresses a controversy surrounding the publication of graphic images of a failed rescue attempt… and how they motivate different reactions among editors and readers. Taken by Stanley Forman using a motorized camera that allowed him to take three photos per second… Although some readers argued it was sensationalist and unethical to do publish these photos that they saw as violating the “privacy of death” only to serve the newspapers’ own interests, editors… Ephron challenges… and ultimately sides with their value as good photojournalism because …

Some saw it as very controversial while others saw it as a window into the reality of death.

Supporting points:

  1. photographer was attempting to photograph the rescue–good photojournalism
  2. negative reaction: response against the breach of the privacy of death
  3. “Death is a constant in life, so we shouldn’t shy away from its depiction, [nor] should it be censored”: issues of fire safety, fire escapes, slumlords, ghetto life

For Project #4 peer review:

Comment on two classmates’ projects, giving any of the following feedback:

  • how to make the project the right length
  • thesis statements
  • organization: does the thesis statement offer a plan for organizing the rest of the project (ie, works as a roadmap)?
  • examples: are they the three you wrote didactic panels for?
  • title for the book?
  • what’s missing?
  • what’s extraneous?
  • what’s superfluous?
  • positive feedback: that it fulfills the task, perhaps in an exceptional way; interest in the approach you’ve taken, the style you’ve written about it, the examples you’ve included
  • neutral feedback: reflect back what you understood the project is about

Exhibit Catalogue

The artist Brandy Ortiz was born on 1997 in New York, NY. She currently lives and studies in the city she was born in. She was inspired by the works of Tom Phillips in his A Humument book to create compositions that combined linguistic language and art into three pages of her vision. Tom Phillip was an English artist who purchased a cheap book to use as the basis of an art project known as A Humument. Behind his artwork,  he paints, collages or draws over the pages, leaving some of the text peeking through in serpentine bubble shapes, creating a found text with its own story, different from the original. Ortiz made compositions with themes that juxtapose from the original theme from the novel Brimestone by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. While Brimestone theme was thriller, the artist decided that her artwork would have a softer tone. Within her creation of Glass Child contains Ocean Breeze, Picture Perfect Family, and Love Exists, each having their own messages that relate to a gentle tone.

Ortiz used Pigma Micron Pens(0.2, 0.5 and Brush), Faber-Castell Brush Pen, pencils(HB-6B) and a pair of scissors as her materials for her artwork. For her first design, Ocean Breeze, she shows a silhouette of a boy relaxing in a beach setting with the sun rising. She first made outlines of the boy and the waves by using the micron pens. Afterwards she used the Faber-Castell Brush Pen to ink the ocean and the sun. While having the top half of the page not inked and most of the image within the bottom area leave a visual sense of figure and ground. Figure and ground is the relationship between positive and negative space. The revealed message that the artist created says “Cool dawn air. Hear the surf thundering. Smell the salt air of the invisible ocean beyond”. The boy in the image is taking in the soothing sensation of the environment that the text creates.

For her second design, Picture Perfect Family, she first creates an outline of a frame within the margin area of the page with the micron pens. Next she uses the Faber-Castell Brush Pen to black out the rest of the page leaving out the frame and the revealed text. The revealed message that the artist created says “Family and friends perfectly never changed. Countless dinner parties, weekend parties, living room”. The message conveys a family that enjoys getting together for parties in their living room. A frame is a boundary made from either a rectangle, square or circle that is placed on the edges of the paper or the margins drawn within. The concept behind the frame was to transform the text to make it look like a family portrait since the idea behind the message was family gathering.

For her third design, Love exists, she used scissors to cut out pieces of the page to reveal words from other pages. Instead of blacking out the page to show her message, Ortiz creates a message from cutting out certain words from various pages to show all on one page. The revealed message that the artist created says “Love was fantastic to obtain in the vast world”.  The artist made a heart in the lower left corner of the page while everything was shaded by pencil to show low key. Low Key is when the values of an image are predominantly dark. The idea behind the message was that love is a great feeling to have in the world we live in. The heart shows that love will always be there even when surrounded by darkness. With her vision of the humument, Ortiz wanted to show her ideas of different messages of through the language and the art she depicted. Even though each page had its own concept the overall tone was pleasant.

Didactic Panels

Panel #1


Klever Javier Cobena Ramirez

Title: Hitlist”

Materials: Micron #02 Inking Pen, Pigma Brush Pen

In this work, Cobena integrates heavy ambiguity into a simple idea; A representation of the idea of “victims” being laid out. Set up as a black and white composition, the author lays out names of the characters in the original work, randomized throughout the page, and using a staccato pattern to separate them as ambiguously as possible. This gives the viewer a mental image of a sort of “crime scene”.

Panel #2


Klever Javier Cobena Ramirez

Title: Vision of Shadow

Materials: Pigma Brush Pen, Scissors, Exacto Knife, HB Artist Pencil

This particular composition stands out among the rest, both literally and figuratively. Composed of two pages, rather than just one, Cobena creates a distinct relationship between these two pages within the composition using an overlap of them. One image is not complete without the other, and together they juxtapose to create a single picture, consisting of a dark and morbid appearance intended to give the viewer a feeling of interested dread.

Panel #3


Klever Javier Cobena Ramirez

Title: Here Lies Her Sins

Materials: Pigma Brush Pen, Black Gouache Paint, #2 Round Brush, Exacto Knife

Here Lies Her Sins was  intended by the author to represent the idea of an unholy deed. Though without speaking that of which could be said action. Using an overlap of two pages within the book, they alter into one composition. The contrast of the bottom layer make the image of a cross, which is given the focal point in said composition. Cobena also uses images of fire to highlight a “list of possible victims” within the composition.