Project 4: Phase 2 (Chromatic Gray Color Studies 1&2)

Each painting took me about almost three hours. It was hard for me to make the broad color than the narrowed one. I was not really sure about the colors for the narrow high key, because I saw example from my classmate. However,  like how it turned out including the shapes that I picked.

Left: Broad Right: Narrow (High Key)
Left: Broad
Right: Narrow (High Key)

1 thought on “Project 4: Phase 2 (Chromatic Gray Color Studies 1&2)”

  1. Even though the colors for the high key collage was not really desaturated, which was the goal, I still like the colors and the shapes. Also the high key collage looks to be more on the broad range. I would say that broad range collage is more successful in less saturated color. Other than that keep up the good work!

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