Locations Project

So, for my 5 locations for this project, i honestly tried to get the most diverse places i can find/think of. For example, i chose a Planet Fitness location and also a local church. Seeing as how these two locations mostly differ than they do compare. I will try and describe what/why these locations drew me in to choose them. And I also tried my best to stay within the ‘boundaries’ of the city tech area and or immediate area.

My first chosen location was the transit museum. I choose this museum because when it comes to museums, its a hit or miss with me, some can bore me out of my mind, and some can intrigue me to a point of searching relevant topics on the internet. And i recently went to the tenement museum around the city. What draws me to this location as a happy place is how it connects us to the past in an interactive and fun way.

My second location is St Joseph High School. As i am kind of surprised to see a high school around the area, i like to see this kind of educational diversity in the area. I honestly thought that the area was more of a ‘campus site’ than a neighborhood. But what somewhat adds to my surprise is that i usually don’t see ‘high school looking’ kids around when I’m transiting to classes or home.  I guess i can call this a happy place since its another school here in New York to educate the future.

My third location is Planet Fitness. I chose this place cause it caught my eye since i work out as well. Seeing a close by gym can maybe open up some doors later in the future for me if i want to join them. But another reason can be that this place continues to tell me that the city tech area is more of a residential area than just a strictly business side of Brooklyn. I can easily call this a happy place since it promotes good change in peoples lives.

My fourth location is Chef’s Table at Brooklyn Fare. I chose this place because i sort of got really hungry when seeing the place on Google Maps. I pictured sirloin steak with some other tasty dishes, and also how classy this place might be. I plan on visiting this restaurant one day due to what I’ve read on the reviews on it. And its pretty close by to city tech so I’ll stop by with a friend some time to grab a bite. I place this location as a happy place as well since, well, food is good.

My fifth and last location i chose is St. Boniface Church. i chose this location due to how it brings culture and religion to such a business and commercial area. As i said earlier, i stated how places such as this and planet fitness shines a light on how diverse the area is. I can guess that many religious families attend this church daily and or on Sundays, since it’s interior and exterior are so extravagant and is a nod to how good architecture is done. Lastly, this place is also a happy place since it represents a place of cleanliness and prosperity.

English Project #3 Locations

The five locations I chose are;
New York City Housing Authority
BAM Harvey Theater
Hare Krishna Center
United Artists Court Street
St George Hotel

I chose these locations because I’m new to the City Tech neighborhood and I want to explore the community more. I really do not know anything about any of these locations except the Hare Krishna Center. I know this is a Hindu Temple, I know this because I am also Hindu. However, I never went to this location so it will be a great opportunity for me to walk there and back to City Tech. For the other locations I want to know more about them and see them for myself thus I chose those to be my 5 locations.

project #3 (locations)

The reason I’ve chosen the locations below and pined on the map was because they were interesting in their own way. As I was walking around the city tech community, I crossed by these places and found them to be beautiful and peaceful. The colors of the leaves and the structure of the building was what stood out the most to me especially the fruit street sitting area because it had a beautiful view of the skyline, the park and the street itself.

photo 5 photo 4 photo 2 photo 3

photo 1 (1)

Class Registration

Hello everyone,

You might find this information fairly important if you are planning to register for classes. 

The following dates are open for registration. In the registration workshops, you will be assisted in registering for your classes. Please note that November 3rd and November 5th are workshops that will take place before advisement so you will not be able to actually register that day, but you may still attend to know the process of registering through CUNYfirst.

  • November 3rd:     1-2pm in Smart Lab Learning Center
  • November 5th:     1-2pm in Smart Lab Learning Center
  • November 10th:     1-2pm G604 inside the computer lab
  • November 12th:     1-2pm Midway 302 (I am still waiting on confirmation of this room so it may be changed)
  • November 17th:     1-2pm in Smart Lab Learning Center
  • November 19th:     1-2pm in Smart Lab Learning Center
You are responsible for letting me know which day you would like to attend for one of the workshops. There are limited seats, so please get back to me ASAP.
Thank you!
Loubna Aly
Peer Mentor
First Year Program
N 506

Project #3 (Locations)

The five places I chose are commodore barry park, Commodore Barry Pool, Golconda Playground, Oxport playground, and Trinity park. They are all located on the Nassau St and Flushing Ave, horizontally, near each other, and segment to each other by one or two streets shown on the map vertically. And that is the bound where I strolled in about 2 hours, including midway break. They are having the same logo design, a design of a circle and maple pattern inside of it. The season for now is autumn, when I think of autumn, the first thing comes to my mind is maple, so I attacked a lot by looking at their logo. And there are also many real maple trees in the parks, the colors are turn into red, orange, and yellow, its very pretty. So I decided to use these parks, and the involving playgrounds and swimming pool as my locations.

commodore barry park commodore-barry-pool golconda playground oxport playground trinity park

Project #3 (Locations)

Throughout my walk, I’ve come across a few locations that gave me some beautiful sights that made my journey worth it. Most of these areas are along side the Brooklyn Bridge area and every sighting was new for me. This made my walk even more thrilling because I was surprised on how new everything was since I’m use to seeing just buildings on most of my walks. Don’t get me wrong the architectural design of some buildings are lovely to look at but I wanted a bit more natural aspects in my walk. I especially love that the season is autumn because the trees I’ve seen had some various shades of color which made me felt more alive when seeing them. All the sights I saw gave me a mollified but still sensational atmosphere. The first picture is the Brooklyn Bridge and at the bottom of the bridge is path that you can walk through trees with colors such as green, red, and yellow. The second picture is around where Harry Chapin Playground is. It’s a path with benches to rest and be surrounded by trees while glancing at the lower side of Manhattan. The third picture is of house from the Clark street area. I liked how the buildings looked and the area was very quiet when I strolled through it . The fourth picture is a view of the tip of Manhattan. While I was walking I saw The Freedom Tower and I took my route in that direction. I’ve come across this sight of the city, the East River and a bright blue sky while being surrounded by trees. The fifth picture is a flowery patch that I come across while exiting Cadman Plaza Park. I enjoyed taking in the vibrant sights that I encountered and taking that long walk was beneficial.


Project #3 (Location)

As you can see from the map, I picked very different locations where it took me about two to three hours in walking. I picked the first location, Voorhees Building because of an event that happened where drama department put this amazing Halloween Haunted Hotel. Next was the entrance of Brooklyn Bridge, I wanted to pick this location because of the mentioning in class. I went to the nearest park which was Cadman Plaza next to the court. The most farthest place I went was the at the end of Clark Street where I saw the river between Manhattan and Brooklyn. The view was very nice, where it showed me the different side views of from Brooklyn to Manhattan. Lastly, I picked Lawrence Street where I found many Asian cuisines restaurants.

Project #3Project #3

Project #3Project #3


Project #3Project #3Project #3

Project #2 Location

I have been going to Kings Plaza for as long as I can remember. Whenever I would go, I would always feel a rush of excitement to go to my favorites stores and look at the clothes and shoes to see what I could find, but a lot has changed. When I was a lot younger, Kings Plaza had a movie theater and my mom would usually take my sister to the first showing of whatever movie we wanted to see and we would have the best time. I was not and still am not sure how much money the movie theater made or if rent for them went up, but the theater eventually closed and was replaced by a Best Buy. Kings Plaza is also right next to the water so you’ll see seagulls, smell the hotdog stand and hear the noises of traffic. It does get a bit breezy, since it is right next to the water, but all in all its very nice.

Outside Kings Plaza:


I have only been to Strike 10 Lanes once and in that area twice. Although I was with my mother and sister, I still felt lonely. Walking there from Kings Plaza is like culture shock because in and around Kings Plaza, it’s busy. There’s people around and a lot of cars passing by and it’s a totally different scene. The walk over to Strike 10 Lanes, does feel quite lonely, but at the same time I felt a presence of either someone or something. When you walk in, the first thing you see is the front desk, which usually has 1 to 2 people at it. The bowling alley also has an arcade so even though the space is not that big, the owners really took advantage of it. Strike 10 Lanes is kind of like a diamond in the rough. You don’t expect much from the area or from the outside, but when you go inside your mind gets blown.




Project #2 Process

The place that I chose is not 15-20 minutes away from City Tech. When we started talking about different New Yorks and the juxtaposition between one part of New York to another I started to think about Kings Plaza, which is in the Flatlands area of Brooklyn on Flatbush Avenue, and how it compares to Strike 10 Lanes, which, as you can probably tell from the name, is a bowling alley in the same area of Brooklyn on Strickland Avenue. As you walk away from Kings Plaza, going down Avenue U, you pass by a Lowe’s, Home Depot, and a Walgreen’s. As you pass by these places, it’s still pretty populated because the area around Kings Plaza is commercial, but when you walk further away it becomes more residential and sort of like a ghost town. On the way to the bowling alley, from Kings Plaza, you’ll see what used to be a marina that’s been abandoned for what looks like a long time. There are destroyed boats and garbage in the water. There is also no one around, even in the afternoon. You see more houses and some local stores, but other than that there’s either no one or only a few people.



an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation

Source – Dictionary.com

I encountered this word while reading, The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter The city’s emotional divide has remained mostly one of conjecture”.

Now i understand that this sentence means people are divide by opinions and theory even though the information is incomplete or not true.

[Glossary Entry 5]