Locations Project

So, for my 5 locations for this project, i honestly tried to get the most diverse places i can find/think of. For example, i chose a Planet Fitness location and also a local church. Seeing as how these two locations mostly differ than they do compare. I will try and describe what/why these locations drew me in to choose them. And I also tried my best to stay within the ‘boundaries’ of the city tech area and or immediate area.

My first chosen location was the transit museum. I choose this museum because when it comes to museums, its a hit or miss with me, some can bore me out of my mind, and some can intrigue me to a point of searching relevant topics on the internet. And i recently went to the tenement museum around the city. What draws me to this location as a happy place is how it connects us to the past in an interactive and fun way.

My second location is St Joseph High School. As i am kind of surprised to see a high school around the area, i like to see this kind of educational diversity in the area. I honestly thought that the area was more of a ‘campus site’ than a neighborhood. But what somewhat adds to my surprise is that i usually don’t see ‘high school looking’ kids around when I’m transiting to classes or home.  I guess i can call this a happy place since its another school here in New York to educate the future.

My third location is Planet Fitness. I chose this place cause it caught my eye since i work out as well. Seeing a close by gym can maybe open up some doors later in the future for me if i want to join them. But another reason can be that this place continues to tell me that the city tech area is more of a residential area than just a strictly business side of Brooklyn. I can easily call this a happy place since it promotes good change in peoples lives.

My fourth location is Chef’s Table at Brooklyn Fare. I chose this place because i sort of got really hungry when seeing the place on Google Maps. I pictured sirloin steak with some other tasty dishes, and also how classy this place might be. I plan on visiting this restaurant one day due to what I’ve read on the reviews on it. And its pretty close by to city tech so I’ll stop by with a friend some time to grab a bite. I place this location as a happy place as well since, well, food is good.

My fifth and last location i chose is St. Boniface Church. i chose this location due to how it brings culture and religion to such a business and commercial area. As i said earlier, i stated how places such as this and planet fitness shines a light on how diverse the area is. I can guess that many religious families attend this church daily and or on Sundays, since it’s interior and exterior are so extravagant and is a nod to how good architecture is done. Lastly, this place is also a happy place since it represents a place of cleanliness and prosperity.

English Project #3 Locations

The five locations I chose are;
New York City Housing Authority
BAM Harvey Theater
Hare Krishna Center
United Artists Court Street
St George Hotel

I chose these locations because I’m new to the City Tech neighborhood and I want to explore the community more. I really do not know anything about any of these locations except the Hare Krishna Center. I know this is a Hindu Temple, I know this because I am also Hindu. However, I never went to this location so it will be a great opportunity for me to walk there and back to City Tech. For the other locations I want to know more about them and see them for myself thus I chose those to be my 5 locations.