Project #1 Introducing Yourself Draft

Jaichan Kirty (Jay) graduated from high school, Hillside Arts and Letters Academy in 2015. He is now nineteen years old and a freshman in college. Jay was born in Guyana but moved to the United States eight years ago. He is a shy and quiet person at first, but when you get to know him that’s when he does not stop talking. Jay major is Graphic Design. He chose this as my major because this is something He really like doing, and he like to expressing myself by designing what he think of. Jaichan is very good at computer graphics. He does numerous of designs. For plays, random videos, and power point. Many people consider his skill is “graphic designing” although Jaichan thinks otherwise. Jaichan claims he does this for “fun” but he is an amazing artist and has a great sense of creativity. His drawing are beyond imaginable. He is the most caring, most wonderful person you’ve ever met.

Jaichan is known for his graphic designing on facebook, and what he has done in high school. The administrators at his high school even asked him to create the official website for the school, which he had the honor of doing all by himself. That is something he is very proud of. You can check it out, its I also created and managed my high school’s facebook page. ( He created all the material posted on the page. He is mostly proud of the videos he created for my school. You can watch some of them on the facebook page. Many people tells him he’s talented when it come to that. Jay is very passionate about his works, especially graphic designs, his style is random really. He creates what inspires him. When you are down in the dumps Jaichan is always the one to make you rise like the sun bursting with joy and happiness. Although it may rain on Jaichan end, he never lets the rainy days get the best of him. He’s super smart, fun to be around, likes to mingle and always the one to laugh or make a sound. In five to ten years Jay sees himself owning his own designing company and starting to be known around the country.


The avatar I chose to represent myself is a hot-air-balloon. Firstly this picture of the balloon is not a photograph, it has been graphically designed, which is my passion. This picture means more to me than just it being graphically designed. The balloon is rising in the air just like how I will not give up on something that I put my mind to accomplish. The balloon is rising just like how I like to soar in life.  I said I am very creative and as you can see in this picture this graphic is also very creative. I like how the designer uses the colors to make the subject pop out. This balloon is by itself, just like how I like to be by myself sometimes. I like to work in a peaceful and quiet place with no distractions. This balloon is the only thing recognized just like how I like to be recognized also. This is why I choose this subject as my profile avatar.

My avatar could be misleading to some because you really need to dig deep and think deep to understand how it connect to me. People may see this picture and think I like to ride on hot-air-balloons, which I never even tried in my life but something I can see myself doing for fun.

My complete profile will convey that I am a very creative and hard working person. My passion is graphic design and I have a lot of experience is this field already. I will not give up on something that I put my mind to accomplish. I express myself throughout my works because that’s the best way I know how. This matters because if someone is to hire me for a job they need to know that I give my best. I will work day and night if I have to do give the best product the client will love. They need to know I am very good at what I do and that will give me recommendations and more jobs.



Discovery: Avatar


Members avatar:

Brandy Ortiz


  • Majestic
  • Colorful
  • fantasy
  • calm


  • She is out going
  • She is calm
  • She likes to fantasias
  • She likes things that stand out of the ordinary

This avatar caught my eye because it seems like a lot is going on in it. It speaks to me and says, I am a free person. The way the girl is letting go of, to what looks like glitter or gold, feels like to me that it represents she is outgoing and adventurous. Since it also looks like the girl is on a cliff way high in the clouds it makes me feel like Brandy might be a bit of a day dreamer and enjoys fantasy stuff, which we have in common. The background is very easing to the eye because it looks like a beautiful sunset, which makes me also think Brandy is a calm girl that enjoys her alone time even if it is watching the sun set.

How do we read an image?

  • color
  • lighting: natural or artificial
  • point of view, angle, vantage point: where is the subject in relation to the camera?
  • focus: where the viewers’ eyes are drawn
  • foreground
    • space, complexity
  • background
  • location: urban/rural,
  • time: era (history), time of day, season,
  • subject:
    • people in it
    • their clothing
    • features, facial expressions –>emotions
  • actions: what are they doing
    • is there a narrative that the image tells?
  • objects
  • context
  • metadata: artist, collection

Project #1

Comment on: Wind, Sand and Stars “The Tool” by Antonie de Saint- Exupéry


The Wind, Sand and Stars “The Tool” by Antonie de Saint -Exupéry, tells the reader how design is not to only to add, but to take away as well. This sentence from the chapter “to refine the curve of a piece of furniture, or a ship’s keel, or the fuselage of an airplane, until gradually it partakes of the elementary purity of the curve of ‘a human breast or shoulder…”, shows that there are elements that are necessary to make an object function to achieve its purpose. It connects to our graphic design principle and our everyday life, because in drafting it will take many hours and it will not be complete if elements are missing from the objects. The key is to start with something simple where you can go back and change. It will eventually take you another step closer to the finish line.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 1 Discover

From my journey, the three artifacts that I discovered was a caramel candy wrapper, a small green candy wrapper, and a green stick.

Caramel Candy Wrapper: I found this artifact in front of the City Tech main entrance. Someone must have been eating the candy before going into the building and just threw it on the sidewalk. The wrapper is kind of crumbled but wasn’t ripped open. The shape of the wrapper might be organic.

Green Candy Wrapper: I found this second artifact at the corner of Tilary Street.  The candy wrapper is small and has Chinese writing on it. It’s also opened in the back. A person must have wanted something to snack on while going somewhere. While opening the candy they probably dropped it without realizing. The shape of it is a geometric shape.

Green Stick: I found this third artifact in front of a gas station. I’m not sure what is it exactly, but I’m guessing it’s a stick you mix your coffee with. It’s dirty and looks like it’s been stepped on. While filling up their car with gas, the person probably bought a cup of coffee while waiting. When they were done with it, they just threw it on the ground. The shape of the stick is a geometric shape.

Sketches: The each of the sketches took around 10 minutes


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Discovery: Avatar

Ruky's avatar

Avatar: Ruky’s


  • A tranquil facial expression
  • The mouth is being covered
  • a halo
  • one angelic wing and one evil looking wing
  • sort of a light pink background
  • Hair color is red


  • He has more than one side to him
  • Walks around with a calm expression
  • He’s probably shy
  • He likes anime
  • He’s probably passionate

Ruky’s avatar caught my interest because of the evil wing that is mixed in with the soothing vibe that I get from the rest of the picture. Without the evil wing I would think he’s just a shy, nice, calm person. Now add the evil wing in and it sparks an idea of there’s more to his character than from what I’ve just mentioned. That wing kind of gives off a mysterious feeling to his character. The hair color being red also adds on to his personality. Red is a color that is usually associated with passion so he probably has passion within him. Usually shy people are just seen to be shy and nothing else but over here there is more.

When I read Ruky’s biography he didn’t really go into detail of the kind of personality he has. The one interpretation I can get from his bio is that he’s passion is most likely linked to his interests. By the things he’s interested in he seems like a pretty cool guy.



Urban Artifacts: Phase 1: Discover


I took  journey through my backyard to find these objects because I wanted to find something organic and natural. I found three very different objects that are texturally different from one another. The first is a white smooth rock about the size of a ping pong ball. The second is a short twig that has interesting flower-like buds on the end of two stems that branch out. The last is a withered weed flower stalk that is full of tiny leaves and small purple flowers/buds. I feel that these objects really complement each other really well and work nicely together which is why I chose them.




An hour to hour and a half.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 1: Discover


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  • Trix Yogurt

I found the trip yogurt container on Tillary Street. It was compressed or flattened and a little dirty when I found it but it still has those bright beautiful colors on it. a child or a man/woman must’ve been eating this for a snack and when he or she was finished with it they didn’t wait till they found a garbage to throw it away and thats how it ended up on the ground.

  • Piece of Concrete

This piece of concrete i found on the corner of Jay street and Tillary Street it was next to a sign i think the sign might have been a bus stop but not to sure. Since there is construction going on something must have happened to make the piece break off from the ground.

  • Flower

I found a flower on Myrtle ave and Flatbush but i did not use it to trace on my paper because i was unable to use that one do to the fact that it died while sitting in the bag for so long. So on the way home that day i picked up a flower that looked similar in shape and color.


Discovery: Avatars

Member’s Avatar



  • Sillouette of a man
  • An ipod
  • The color green
  • Looks as if the man is in a dance position


My initial interpretation of Phoenix’s avatar is that he loves music in general. I am familiar with this being an old Apple I-pod advertisement and there is an I-pod in the image therefore concluding music plays a significant role in this person’s life. Im also guessing this person’s favorite color is green just for the simple fact that these ads come in a variety of colors and dance positions but to specifically pick green i think that there’s some relevance. In all, it’s a very symbolic photo.


After reading Phoenix’s bio, I can justify that I was correct on the part that music plays a big role in this person’s life. Phoenix is very much into hip-hop and rap which is where the ipod comes in. It symbolically stands for his interest in the music culture. Phoenix says he sometimes draw rappers and can even have full out conversations soley on that topic. Being a person who’s into design, i can also view how this graphic relates to him. Yes its a simple silouette but there is a very effective strategy to it. For example, the contrast between the figure and the background and the contrast between the figure and the ipod. In addition, colors play a humongous role on emotions and psycology of others so i feel as if this clearly represents who phoenix is as a person and i love the icon that was chosen. Simple yet very much straight to the point.



Urban Artifacts: Phase 1: Discover






This feather has organic & angular elements to it, from its straight bone like center to its soft & flowing bristles. From the look of it one can assume it was plucked off of a sleeping pidgin to wake it up. The feather is not asymmetrical showing the bird to have gone through rough times.

-Peace of bottle cap:

It seems to have been stepped on & bent in a way that could look like a mouth smiling or frowning. Most likely being chewed by some squirrel before being tossed due the fact that it is not food.


With straight lines and rounded edges this object made writing a check extremely easy for someone before being lost in the abyss being their bag before being accidentally drop when they were searching for another object in their bag.