Value-Added Portrait: Phase 4

Project#3 was very interesting where I got to use paint and Photoshop in order to create my finial work.I learned many things from this project that will benefit me to the next project. Hardest part of this project was the painting, since the last time I painted was when I was in elementary school in Japan. I also screwed up on measuring my collages, so that the final project looks off for the Photoshop. I do not know what happened when I printed out my image version in JPEG. I specifically out it into 6″x 6″ however, I do not know how library printer works so the image came out smaller. Also, since my collage’s measurement was off by 2 to 5 millimeters, I had to add in more to the side. When I looked the final project, I noticed many errors that I can work on further more. Above all, I did pretty much “Ok” with the above all project #3. However, I could do them better next time.

Broad Paint/Collage
Narrow (High Key) Photoshop/Collage
3D Anaglyph
3D Anaglyph

Eng. Project #3 – The Route

No exception for you or me, beautiful things, nature, environment, and fresh air have given all of us good mood. This app will guide you to walk through a new route, and takes you to the beautiful environmental places that you have never been before. The memory from the boring route you walked everyday will be immediately gone since you used this app for once. Good mood will turn your life more colorful. For Experiencing better life, mood, nature, beautiful things, environment, and fresh air, start using this app right now.

The five new places are waiting you to explore today are Commodore Barry park, Commodore Barry Pool, Golconda Playground, Oxport playground, and Trinity park. They are all located on the Nassau St and Flushing Ave, horizontally, near each other, and segment to each other by one or two streets shown on the map vertically. They have the same logo, a design of a circle and a maple pattern inside of it. This logo represents NYC Parks or City of New York Parks & Recreation, means they are all under controlling by the New York City Department of Park & Recreation. The season for now is autumn, when people think of autumn, the first thing comes to mind is maple, consistent with the maple logo. The logo helps you to easier to notice where they are when you get close to them, so you won’s miss it when trying to find the location by looking around. Each time you get to a target location, you can take a few minutes to explorer inside and or just move to the next location.

The starting place is from City Tech (New York City College of Technology) Including midway break, this journey will taken you about a hour.

Turn left when you get out from City Tech.

And then turn right, take a 10 minutes walk on the Tillary Street.

Turn left on Duffield street.

When you get on the Nassau St, Trinity Park is in front of you. Don’t miss it.

Turn right after you explored Trinity Park, keep walking on the Nassau St. The rest of other locations are all on the same street and the same direction, horizontally. Don’t missed up maple logo. Enjoy your walk.

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project2: (phase 4) first draft

New York city, one of the most grand cities in this universe. Consisting of surplus people who come from different backgrounds, distinctive cultures, who all hold diffrrent values. All contrasted through physical features; black, white, tan,tall, thick, skinny, but still remaining as one. New york is an overlap personified and has been for many centuries. Despite differences, people come together through an aesthetic cosensus which eventually varies from generation to generation. Ultimately the aesthetic of older generations revolved more around the concept of industrialization in comparison to today’s generation who’s aesthetics are based more off the idea of urban reconstruction through artwork.

In the past New York was never as upgraded and innovative as it is today. In fact, New York industrialization did not begin until 1790 and ended in 1860. Because New York did not have the skyscrapers, billboards, and shinning lights as it does today, building all of that would have been visually pleasing for it is time. Back then New York was ultimately a land filled with nature and a diverse range of species. Lots of farms, wildlife and more rural feel. But as time followed, more people began to migrate toward the U.S in hopes of a better life. This migration of mass people meant accommodations had to be made in order to fit the growing population. That is when the era of industrialization came into play. The new sights of large skyscrapers, roads and bridges was a new aesthetic in which the older generation appreciated. Present day, aesthetics of the new generation are more aimed toward urban reconstruction through art work. Artwork of all mediums can be found throughout the city whether its murals or sculptures themselves. Benches in Brooklyn Bridge park consist of weird shapes and colors, the Brooklyn Queens expressway underpass is home to two beautiful murals. It is evident that the generation of today finds that incorporating artwork onto industrilized things give a visual appeal reducing the mechanical aspect.

Despite generations containing aesthetics that were distinctive from one another, they can be seen overlapped in current day. A great example that showcases an overlap are the “YES!” murals located under the BQE underpass. The works from the new generation literally overlap the BQE which in fact is a prominent structure to NYC. Although both overlap, they work together to create emphasis on one another. The color from the mural helps the underpass stand out while the large scale of the underpass helps to project the mural. This is how using both artistic tastes can balance each other out while still upgrading the overall look. The overlap generates more audience from all over. In a conceptual way, the underpass is like a doorway into Dumbo.  In a reading titled City Limits , Colson Whitehead writes “The city also puts a lot of effort into making your hometown look really drab and tiny”. This line showcases the fact that no matter what generation, the same focus is to make the city appear to be superior and utopian. 

Throughout time New York has lived to see many phases go by. Whether it was the 20’s, or the 40’s or the 70’s, New York has survived many marks and scribbles from countless generations. That being said there are overlaps all around us but sometimes arent that noticeable to the eye because they work seamlessly into you mind. There is a balance between what is and what was and together those two things will always coexist side by side. Like Whitehead says “The city saw all that. Remembers too.” (City Limits, 9) That quote displays how the city has been through history of all kind and remembers through various stains left behind.

Continue reading project2: (phase 4) first draft

Value-Added Portrait: Phase 3+Phase 4

It took me about a hour to finish everything. The focus point on my broad-range painting is the most lightest part of two pieces of collage, you can easily find it out. And the focus point on my narrow-range is the curves with darker colors. The most difficult part of this project for me is painting. The last time I used brush was in elementary school, I used to use graphic tablet to draw and paint on laptops, so when I paint with brush, it didn’t work as I imagined, a pretty hard challenge for me. Other steps are fine, I enjoyed to work on them, easily accomplished. This project helps me to realize I’m better as doing digital art than physical art which is painting. I spend more time to paint on bristle than making a collage on mac. Learn to paint physically is one thing I have to improve on in the future, I hope next time when I worked on the painting it will done as I imagined.




Value-Added Portraits: Phase 3

This is my finished Narrow Range Collages, as you can see the focal point is on the top left. You can get there by following the zipper.

This is my finished Broad-Range Painting & Broad-Range Collage. The focal point is in the middle, where the hands folds-in in a way like a flower.

Broad-Range Collage & Broad-Range Painting
Broad-Range Collage & Broad-Range Painting

Time Spent of this part of the project, about 5 hours.

Value-Added Portrait: Phase 3

Took me about three to four hours to complete the painting, and the animation took about hour and a half. Mounting to Bristol took  me about 2 hours. When I was working on it, the print out for the Photoshop version did not came out right. I specifically out it into 6″x6″ however, I do not know how library printer works so the image came out smaller. Also, since my collage’s measurement was off by 2 to 5 millimeters, I had to add in more to the side. (Will explain more in phase 4)  The 3D Anaglyph was easier for me to do them, because I learned almost everything from my other class.

Narrow-Range Digital Collage & Narrow-Range Collage
Broad-Range Painting & Broad-Range Collage
3D Anaglyph
3D Anaglyph

Eng. Project #3 – The Route

You only live once thus you need to break off from your everyday routine and do new things every day, try new things, see new things. Enjoy life for what life is. And with this app it does just that. This app takes you away from your everyday boring walk to school and leads you in a new walk that will excite you and appreciate the way our planet really is.

Today’s new walking route will start from Hoyt – Schermerhorn, Brooklyn, NY, United States, and lead you to your destination at City Tech.

Instead of getting off the train at Jay Street MetroTech Station and walk for about 3 minutes to reach city tech, let’s take a new route and see the beauty around the City Tech Community. This new route will only take you about 16 minutes, 13 minutes more than your usual walk to school. The sense of this walk is to see beauty around us. Your new route will start from Hoyt – Schermerhorn train station, one stop before Jay Street MetroTech Station. Once you come out of the station, you will have to;

Head southeast on Schermerhorn Street toward Bond Street.

Then turn left onto Nevins Street.

Then turn left onto Flatbush Ave.

Then a slight Left onto Fulton Street.

Then turn right onto Bridge Street.

Then turn left towards Jay Street.

Then Turn right onto Jay Street.

Walk straight until you see City Tech.

While on this new route you will see so many beautiful things you have never seen or even know about. This walk will worth your wild. This description will not tell you what you will see, therefore you will have to see it for yourself in person for the first time. Nothing beats seeing something right in front of you rather than seeing it on a screen first.

However some locations you will see are below. 

Project #3 (Location Guide)

Beauty is something that you will encounter after you download this app. My co-workers and I, Ayano Morishima are making an route simulator known as “Route & Beauty” (Short for R&B) that takes the user to a journey that can lead them to a beautiful location. Many people uses other apps to locate their shortest route, so that they could get to their location much faster. What if there is a app that can take you to the location, where the route is short, fast, and beautiful? One of the ongoing project route is shown below.

One of building from NYC College of Technology, the Voorhees. Incorporated in 1971; center for the engineering technologies.
One of building from NYC College of Technology, the Voorhees. Incorporated in 1971; center for the engineering technologies.
Entrance/Exit of Brooklyn Bridge. Completed in 1883, it connects the borough of Manhattan and Brooklyn by crossing over the East River.
Entrance/Exit of Brooklyn Bridge. Completed in 1883, it connects the borough of Manhattan and Brooklyn by crossing over the East River.









Cadman Plaza Park, a border between the Brooklyn Heights historic neighborhood and Downtown Brooklyn.
Cadman Plaza Park, a border between the Brooklyn Heights historic neighborhood and Downtown Brooklyn.
A 1,826-foot-long platform and pedestrian walkway.
A 1,826-foot-long platform and pedestrian walkway.










Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 2. Green-space featuring basketball, handball, shuffleboard & bocce ball courts, plus a roller rink.
Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 2. Green-space featuring basketball, handball, shuffleboard & bocce ball courts, plus a roller rink.

These exampled location is a place where the users will encounter in the app. Such as the caption below will pop up to explain a little information that the user could do, when they arrive at certain locations. Many volunteers contributed to this route making, so that it shows the best time to go to the location, where it also shows the “best time” to go to the location at the top right corner. An example for the location above is, “the best time to go to the location” is between 2:30pm to 5:30pm. One of the volunteer commented, “Its a great place to go, especially since it is quite. You can see how houses are made of different structure comparing it to different locations. Going with friends or family would be a great way to explore a new route!”

Sketch of app logo, will add in color, etc. Concept is clock with squiggle arrow to indicate routes.
Sketch of app logo, will add in color, etc. Concept is clock with squiggle arrow to indicate routes.

locations guide

Beauty; it can make a place more interesting and appealing to a person. that is why I chose my five locations. These locations have beauty, they grab the viewers attention. It all depends on how you approach beauty of course. Depending on the date and time  it can make a difference, I prefer that its best to visit these locations at the end of October or  beginning of November, and the time would be best at 2:30-5:30. This is a preferred date and time because the tree leaves set the best mood and make the streets look beautiful. Not only do the trees make the streets beautiful but also the structure of the buildings.  These locations are a good way to enjoy the time with friends, family, etc.

In order to experience these locations follow these directions. Set the starting point at New York City College of technology and make your way to 91 Tillary St, Brooklyn, NY, this would be the first location and you would see this

photo 1 (1)

Next head west on Tillary St toward Adams St and Turn right onto Cadman Plaza, making your way into W 250 Cadman Plaza W, this is the second location

photo 5

Next head north on Cadman Plaza W toward Clark and turn left onto Clark St, this location is the third location. At this location you should see a hotel building.

photo 2

Next head east on Clark St toward Hicks St, turn left onto Hicks St and then turn left onto Orange St. At this location you would see this. At the preferred date this location is filled with Autumn colors because of the leaves.

photo 4

After that head west on Orange St toward Willow St and turn right onto Columbia Heights, this is the last location. At this location you would see the image below.

photo 3

This final location has a great view of the city skyline and the bridge. At anytime time it looks beautiful, However the best time would be at night time when the lights are flashing with the night sky.