Discovery: Avatars

Jingyi's Profile Picture
Profile: Jingyi

What I Observe:

  • An anime cat
  • A silly expression on the character


Based on Jingyis Avatar, i infer that she may consider herself a very funny, silly, and outgoing person. She may have chosen this particular avatar to reflect just that, as the character can be seen to have that type of personality. I also infer that this particular character may be from one of her favorite shows or movies, as it seems to have originated from an anime, based on the style the avatar is drawn.

After Reading Bio:

Based on Jingyis Bio, she is, matter of fact, a fan of anime, and aspires to make a career out of it. She also mentions she wishes to be a voice actor, which, after seeing her avatar, would probably give her choice of Avatar more sense.

Project #1 (Draft)

The way I see it is we are all put in this world for significant reasons. We all have different and unique talents. What we make of it is what matters the most. Whether we had hard times or not, we can all achieve what we want if we put our mind to it. The important thing is to do it the right way.

Art back then was not appreciated as much as it is now since it revolves us in many ways. Therefore I feel like there is more ambition to finally have a job we will enjoy for the rest of our lives. As a child learning to draw, I found it interesting how we are able to express ourselves with just a pencil and paper. Not only in drawing but also in writing poetry.

The reason I chose a lotus flower as my avatar is because it reminds me of myself. As most humans, my road here was very rough and bumpy. I say this because a lotus flower grows through thick heavy mud, which is what my obstacles were pretty much similar to mud. I find myself much more outgoing then before, but I am still a sprouting flower because I have alot more to learn.

My avatar might give that calm and down to earth feeling to some. Which I actually wish was really the case because I find myself trying to find calm time. I live a very rushed and fast pace life, surround by my family and noise all the time. I feel like you can see this in my art work because it is abstract but in a neatly matter. It just represents me trying to control the ciaos. I just use this as my unique way of being an artist.


ENG1101 Project #1 (Tyler)

Hi, my name is Tyler Santiago I am 18 years old, I am Puerto Rican but i was born and raised in New York. Sadly i do not know how to speak Spanish wish i did. I’m a very active and athletic person, my favorite sport is basketball but i also play a little bit of football and baseball for fun and I also play softball with my father on his team on Sundays. I am pretty tall my height is 6 feet 4 inches, my friends say I’m a funny guy and fun to be around. putting a smile on someones face or making a person laugh or even making them feel better makes me happy. I was born on April 13th, 1997, i have one older brother by 6 years he’s 24 years old. My family is pretty big. I’m into video games, hanging out with friends, and going to the movies. I like to listen to music, most types of music but mostly old school rap and r&b. I want to get into the advertisement business and i am looking forward for what i am going to learn and take in for these classes and hope it all pays off in the future.

My plan for my future if everything works out in college and i keep up and succeed and graduate is to become a advertising designer for a big company like Sony, Microsoft, or Samsung. It would be even better if i can get a job for one of my favorite gaming companies like Naughty Dog, or Ubisoft. I really hope this all works out for me though because it seems like a fun field to be in but a lot of work that I’m willing to do though. If this doesn’t work out I’m going to have to get a job with my brother doing construction and I’m really not trying to do that, I’m trying to be my own person and make a living for myself. i really don’t want too rely on anybody i hate asking people for favors. I also want to get into editing films,videos, and photos because that seems like a fun thing and useful thing to know for my future.

My profile will convey who i am, what i like to do, my interest, and contact information if any of my classmates has a question about the what was taught in class or about the homework and ill give them my best understanding of it and ill try my best to help with the homework if i understand it myself. On an academic standpoint its going to have all my work that was assigned to me and that is due for this class ENG1101 or COMD1100.


I shared in class most things about me but I left a few things out that I think are important for my personality. First of all pink is not my favorite color if that’s what you’re thinking from my profile picture. The reason why my picture is all pink is because i went on vacation to cancun this summer and I went with about 26 people friends and family and since my mother is a home based travel agent she makes these shirts which happened to be pink this year that has all her business information on it but that sums up why the picture is all pink because thats the way i edited the borders to match my shirt. But i love to travel its like my top favorite thing to do besides playing basketball. Ive been to so many places like Cancun Mexico, Florida, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and more and even more to come, the top 3 places i would love to visit is Australia, Japan, and England. Another thing about me is that i love to smile and laugh if I’m not doing one of those things you already know there is something wrong with me. But i hope thats basically everything if i remember anything ill add it but thats about all there is to know about me.



Project #1 Draft (Jingyi)

My name is Jingyi and I was born in China, came to US when I was 13 years old. I graduated from Midwood High School locates next to the Brooklyn College. During the time to make a final decision for the  college that I had to enrolled to, I abnegated the Brooklyn College, and chosen City Tech. I love to draw the manga, to read manga, and to watch anime began from childhood. Even many years later, the passion for it never changed. I determined my future career must to be related to anime and design, such as animator, manga artist, graphic designer, and or the voice actress for anime only.  Apparently, this would be the reason why I was chosen to enrolled to the City Tech, based on the name of the college, New York City College Of Technology, it obviously indicates they do teach a lot about computer usage which means it also includes the graphic design and animation courses.

The appearance of my avatar is a full shot of a Calico cat who’s acting in a humorous funny position. This is an anime Calico cat. He tightly stuck his face on the camera lens that taking a photo of him. He has a big eyes, small mouse, and a huge puffy face.

My avatar can be considerate in a few different ways. This is a picture from an anime named Natsume’s Book of Friends, which is one of my favorite anime with healing style. By observing the cat from my avatar, he is a Calico cat likes to do the stupid things, and usually fooling around and making trouble. He also likes to eat a lot and fall in sleep for a long time, day by day never reduced, the appetite leads to his body and face shapes become puffy as what you see how he looks like now. He is lazy, crazy, and comical, but he is also friendly, playful, and sensitive. Avatar, can be said that is my inner reflection. Calico cat stuck on the camera lens can be defined as he pursues to get closer to the others, wants to make friends, wants to help, and wants to encounter with more people.

My complete profile will convey who I am. What am I good at and bad at, what I don’t like and do like, what my career goal is, and what my hobby is. My overall life would never live without anime and manga. I’ll be glad if I got a chance to go to Japan, so I could visit the place where Japanese anime produced and met with those amazing manga artists. I wish I could visit there in the near future.

Discovery: Avatars


Profile: Ayano

What I Observe:

  • An Adorable Anime Character
  • Japanese Lettering


Though its a very simple avatar, it could still speak volumes on the individual. I observe a grey-haired, red-eyed, fierce yet cute looking character drawn in the style of anime, a very popular style of art. This image gives me a sense of fierceness and adventure. I interpret a character that at a glance seems to have an adventurous spirit, and who isn’t afraid of anything. By the object in the characters hand, i inference the character to be Japanese in origin, due to the lettering. Based on all of this, i can make the inference that Ayano is a big fan of anime, and that she chose this character as her avatar because she defines herself as fierce, adventurous, and fearless. I can also infer that her nationality is Japanese.

After Reading Bio:

My inferences seemed to be pretty spot on, as Ayanos bio comfirms most of my assumptions. She is, matter fact, from Japan. She is a big fan of anime, and even aspires to pursue anime as a career in her future.

ENG 1101 9/10 Class and Lab

I have asked everyone to read selections of the first chapter of Ways of Seeing. Please read from page 7 (the first page of the chapter) to page 11 (stop just before the last paragraph) and from the middle of page 16 through the end of the chapter, or the best you can.

During class we will watch the first episode of the BBC production of “Ways of Seeing.” This groundbreaking television series was the basis for the book of the same name, which is the source of our reading for this class and subsequent classes. (note: some of the words in the captions are incorrect.)

Focused freewrite: What remains with you after watching Part 1 of “Ways of Seeing”? What questions do you have?

We will continue our conversation about how we read images in light of the video and reading from Ways of Seeing.

We will also work on note-taking and annotation of a text, using Ways of Seeing as our example.

*     *     *

In our lab, we will work in small groups to provide peer feedback for Project #1. In pairs:

  • Review your draft on your own, adding anything you want to add. (5 minutes)
  • Partners then swap projects and read the other partner’s work.
  • After reading, everyone will respond to questions about the draft:
    1. What does this bio provide so you learn about this person in an academic, pre-professional context?
    2. What are the author’s goals, interests, and aesthetics?
    3. Does the author describe his or her avatar in detail? Try to imagine it just from the description–what do you understand and what is missing?
    4. Does the author identify meaningful ways in which someone might misunderstand their avatar? Offer your own possible interpretation.
    5. What does the author say this OpenLab profile will do to represent him or her? What is missing? What does not come across to you in terms of the assessment of the profile’s purpose?
    6. Is there anything about the way this was written that you want to comment on? Remember that this is a draft, so some pointers can be helpful, but some might be too specific for this stage in the writing process.
  • After answering the questions, swap back and review the responses to your project.
  • After reviewing the responses, take turns asking any questions you have about your reviewer’s experience reading.
  • Collaborate on making an action plan for each partner’s revision.

It would be helpful if you upload your latest iteration before class on Wednesday, 9/16, so we can discuss any issues that arise as you continue to work on your projects. Final versions are due on Monday, 9/21, by the start of our 9:00am lab.

*     *     *

In class we brainstormed some techniques for annotating a text. As you read “Univers Strikes Back” by Ellen Lupton and Julia Lupton, use as many of these techniques to annotate your copy of their essay:

  • highlighting or underlining for things that stand out
  • squiggly underlining for things you aren’t sure about
  • circling words that you need to define (possible glossary entries!)
  • using the margins or space on the page to
    • ask questions
    • agree
    • disagree
    • summarize
    • define words
    • explain

Discovery: Avatar



Profile: Brandy Ortiz

What I Observe:

  • A Young Girl
  • Hills in the Distance
  • Celestial Lights
  • Plants, Water
  • A Pedestal of some sort
  • Flower petals scattering


What I see in Brandy’s Avatar is a very complex and beautiful illustration of a very young looking girl in a fantasy-like setting. The girl seems to be holding something of mystical or magical essence, while positioned under a starry sky. I also see her surrounded by flowers, potted plants, and crystal water. She is alone, and looks to be very happy, blissful and feel independent about it. I depict the image as very magical and spiritual, with a sense of mystery as well.  Based on this avatar, I infer that Brandy is regularly a fan of genres like fantasy and science fiction. She may be into books, movies or TV shows about fantasy and magic. I can also infer that her avatar can be a reflection of her character. Perhaps she herself feels like an independent person, who loves the night and connects with everything around her in a very spiritual way.

After Reading Bio:

Most off my inferences were not really confirmed within her bio. Though the Avatar seems very complex and deep (to me), Brandy seems to be a more laid back, and simple individual. Although she IS a fan of anime. Which, being a fan myself, i know consists of a lot of fantasy, therefore sort of confirming my inference on her being a fan of such things


Project #1 Introducing Yourself Draft

Jaichan Kirty (Jay) graduated from high school, Hillside Arts and Letters Academy in 2015. He is now nineteen years old and a freshman in college. Jay was born in Guyana but moved to the United States eight years ago. He is a shy and quiet person at first, but when you get to know him that’s when he does not stop talking. Jay major is Graphic Design. He chose this as my major because this is something He really like doing, and he like to expressing myself by designing what he think of. Jaichan is very good at computer graphics. He does numerous of designs. For plays, random videos, and power point. Many people consider his skill is “graphic designing” although Jaichan thinks otherwise. Jaichan claims he does this for “fun” but he is an amazing artist and has a great sense of creativity. His drawing are beyond imaginable. He is the most caring, most wonderful person you’ve ever met.

Jaichan is known for his graphic designing on facebook, and what he has done in high school. The administrators at his high school even asked him to create the official website for the school, which he had the honor of doing all by himself. That is something he is very proud of. You can check it out, its I also created and managed my high school’s facebook page. ( He created all the material posted on the page. He is mostly proud of the videos he created for my school. You can watch some of them on the facebook page. Many people tells him he’s talented when it come to that. Jay is very passionate about his works, especially graphic designs, his style is random really. He creates what inspires him. When you are down in the dumps Jaichan is always the one to make you rise like the sun bursting with joy and happiness. Although it may rain on Jaichan end, he never lets the rainy days get the best of him. He’s super smart, fun to be around, likes to mingle and always the one to laugh or make a sound. In five to ten years Jay sees himself owning his own designing company and starting to be known around the country.


The avatar I chose to represent myself is a hot-air-balloon. Firstly this picture of the balloon is not a photograph, it has been graphically designed, which is my passion. This picture means more to me than just it being graphically designed. The balloon is rising in the air just like how I will not give up on something that I put my mind to accomplish. The balloon is rising just like how I like to soar in life.  I said I am very creative and as you can see in this picture this graphic is also very creative. I like how the designer uses the colors to make the subject pop out. This balloon is by itself, just like how I like to be by myself sometimes. I like to work in a peaceful and quiet place with no distractions. This balloon is the only thing recognized just like how I like to be recognized also. This is why I choose this subject as my profile avatar.

My avatar could be misleading to some because you really need to dig deep and think deep to understand how it connect to me. People may see this picture and think I like to ride on hot-air-balloons, which I never even tried in my life but something I can see myself doing for fun.

My complete profile will convey that I am a very creative and hard working person. My passion is graphic design and I have a lot of experience is this field already. I will not give up on something that I put my mind to accomplish. I express myself throughout my works because that’s the best way I know how. This matters because if someone is to hire me for a job they need to know that I give my best. I will work day and night if I have to do give the best product the client will love. They need to know I am very good at what I do and that will give me recommendations and more jobs.



Discovery: Avatar


Members avatar:

Brandy Ortiz


  • Majestic
  • Colorful
  • fantasy
  • calm


  • She is out going
  • She is calm
  • She likes to fantasias
  • She likes things that stand out of the ordinary

This avatar caught my eye because it seems like a lot is going on in it. It speaks to me and says, I am a free person. The way the girl is letting go of, to what looks like glitter or gold, feels like to me that it represents she is outgoing and adventurous. Since it also looks like the girl is on a cliff way high in the clouds it makes me feel like Brandy might be a bit of a day dreamer and enjoys fantasy stuff, which we have in common. The background is very easing to the eye because it looks like a beautiful sunset, which makes me also think Brandy is a calm girl that enjoys her alone time even if it is watching the sun set.

How do we read an image?

  • color
  • lighting: natural or artificial
  • point of view, angle, vantage point: where is the subject in relation to the camera?
  • focus: where the viewers’ eyes are drawn
  • foreground
    • space, complexity
  • background
  • location: urban/rural,
  • time: era (history), time of day, season,
  • subject:
    • people in it
    • their clothing
    • features, facial expressions –>emotions
  • actions: what are they doing
    • is there a narrative that the image tells?
  • objects
  • context
  • metadata: artist, collection