Didactic panel

Brandy Ortiz

Born 1997 in Bronx,NY
Lives and studies in New York

Picture Perfect Family 2015
Pigma Micron Pens(0.2, 0.5 and Brush) and Faber-Castell Brush Pen

The Humument book by Tom Phillips was an inspiration for the vision behind this project. The theme of family gathering juxtapose the source Brimstone theme of thriller. The concept behind this composition is that through the selected text,  Ortiz depicts a family that enjoys getting together and the frame with in the  margin area makes the text appear to be the picture to make it look like a family portrait.

Brandy Ortiz

Born 1997 in Bronx,NY
Lives and studies in New York

Love exist 2015
Scissors and Pencils(HB-6B)

The Humument book by Tom Phillips was an inspiration for the vision behind this project. The concept behind this composition is that through the selected text, Brandy Ortiz depicts that love is a great feeling to have in the world we live in. Most of the page is shaded by pencil and represents low key. The heart shows that love will always be there even when surround by darkness.

Didactic Panel (Final)

Ayano Morishima

Born in Japan, Tokyo
Lives and studies in New York City

Book of Wonder, 2015
Ink brush pen, and used paper bag book.

Understanding Tom Phillips’ concept behind his creative art work, Ayano Morishima combined different skills she learned from her Graphic design principle and English class to create a humument book. She changed the theme of the book, Wishes to a crazy wonderland concept to show completely different side of wonderland, where She used patterns to represent the chandelier and doors that connects to the theme.

Didactic Panel

YingYang Zhang

To represent Of Mice and Men’s themes of dreams, loneliness, and sacrifice, Yang used an X-Acto knife to cut out shapes of a dark cloud, lightning, and a bird from black bristol, then glued them on the page to create the obvious composition. The dark cloud and the lightning stand for the obstacles of our dreams, and the bird is used to represent loneliness. Yang also used a No. 6H pencil and a black big brush to create the concept of pattern. The irregular lines staggered together makes it look like a broken mirror, represent the idea of sacrifice.