project2: (phase 4) first draft

New York city, one of the most grand cities in this universe. Consisting of surplus people who come from different backgrounds, distinctive cultures, who all hold diffrrent values. All contrasted through physical features; black, white, tan,tall, thick, skinny, but still remaining as one. New york is an overlap personified and has been for many centuries. Despite differences, people come together through an aesthetic cosensus which eventually varies from generation to generation. Ultimately the aesthetic of older generations revolved more around the concept of industrialization in comparison to today’s generation who’s aesthetics are based more off the idea of urban reconstruction through artwork.

In the past New York was never as upgraded and innovative as it is today. In fact, New York industrialization did not begin until 1790 and ended in 1860. Because New York did not have the skyscrapers, billboards, and shinning lights as it does today, building all of that would have been visually pleasing for it is time. Back then New York was ultimately a land filled with nature and a diverse range of species. Lots of farms, wildlife and more rural feel. But as time followed, more people began to migrate toward the U.S in hopes of a better life. This migration of mass people meant accommodations had to be made in order to fit the growing population. That is when the era of industrialization came into play. The new sights of large skyscrapers, roads and bridges was a new aesthetic in which the older generation appreciated. Present day, aesthetics of the new generation are more aimed toward urban reconstruction through art work. Artwork of all mediums can be found throughout the city whether its murals or sculptures themselves. Benches in Brooklyn Bridge park consist of weird shapes and colors, the Brooklyn Queens expressway underpass is home to two beautiful murals. It is evident that the generation of today finds that incorporating artwork onto industrilized things give a visual appeal reducing the mechanical aspect.

Despite generations containing aesthetics that were distinctive from one another, they can be seen overlapped in current day. A great example that showcases an overlap are the “YES!” murals located under the BQE underpass. The works from the new generation literally overlap the BQE which in fact is a prominent structure to NYC. Although both overlap, they work together to create emphasis on one another. The color from the mural helps the underpass stand out while the large scale of the underpass helps to project the mural. This is how using both artistic tastes can balance each other out while still upgrading the overall look. The overlap generates more audience from all over. In a conceptual way, the underpass is like a doorway into Dumbo.  In a reading titled City Limits , Colson Whitehead writes “The city also puts a lot of effort into making your hometown look really drab and tiny”. This line showcases the fact that no matter what generation, the same focus is to make the city appear to be superior and utopian. 

Throughout time New York has lived to see many phases go by. Whether it was the 20’s, or the 40’s or the 70’s, New York has survived many marks and scribbles from countless generations. That being said there are overlaps all around us but sometimes arent that noticeable to the eye because they work seamlessly into you mind. There is a balance between what is and what was and together those two things will always coexist side by side. Like Whitehead says “The city saw all that. Remembers too.” (City Limits, 9) That quote displays how the city has been through history of all kind and remembers through various stains left behind.

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Certified photographer, Beauty retoucher, graphic designer, and artist

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