Urban Artifacts: Phase 3


The stable figure took around 30 minutes, the ambiguous took around 45 minutes. I chose this stable and ambiguous to my final project, because these two design is simple to show what I understand of the meaning of stable and ambiguous. Compared to phase 2, it was hard to cut and difficult to make each side looked  like the original drawing.

ENG 1101 Project #1 (Process)

When it came to this project, I decided to step a small bit out of my comfort zone, and get slightly personal. I wanted this project to mean something, and to portray me as an individual as transparently as possible. I knew that I would include some details that not very many people know about me, in order to give the reader or anyone else a good impression of who I am and what I pursue.  After my first draft, I realized that a lot of what I had written didn’t make too much sense, or didn’t include enough details. I went back and made more clear sense of what I was trying to say, and fixed a few mistakes in grammar and/or run on sentences. However, I didn’t really cut anything from it. I didn’t think it was necessary to eliminate what I had already written, cause I felt I needed every detail I included. I also took my peer editors advice into much consideration, and decided to be more specific in some ideas and thoughts that seemed to vague or confusing. I also, again, fixed sentences and paragraphs that seemed to prolonged and/or run on. Over all, I spent a considerable amount of time in thinking of what is it that I was going to write, and what exactly was it that I wanted to express. What idea and overall thoughts could I write, that would give the reader the best overall impression of who I am as an individual.