Urban Artifacts: Phase 1: Discover






This feather has organic & angular elements to it, from its straight bone like center to its soft & flowing bristles. From the look of it one can assume it was plucked off of a sleeping pidgin to wake it up. The feather is not asymmetrical showing the bird to have gone through rough times.

-Peace of bottle cap:

It seems to have been stepped on & bent in a way that could look like a mouth smiling or frowning. Most likely being chewed by some squirrel before being tossed due the fact that it is not food.


With straight lines and rounded edges this object made writing a check extremely easy for someone before being lost in the abyss being their bag before being accidentally drop when they were searching for another object in their bag.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 1 Discover

My Discovery

While we were outside looking for urban artifacts I came across a few interesting items they consist of a bottle cap, a small plastic bag, a package wrapper and a Lowes key ring. These objects aren’t exactly the most interesting things to look at they are all geometric shapes except for the bottle cap which has more of a natural shape. Even the colors of the objects aren’t exactly the best most of them are a dull green or blue while the plastic bag is transparent.  So instead I have theorized that the objects have all came from a bus driver on his lunch break who wanted an excuse not to go to Lowes on his way home. I thought of this immediately when I saw the print on the plastic bag saying bus company.


Each one  approximately 7 minutes each/ an hour overall.



Urban Artifacts: Phase 1 Discover

My Discovery

               The three artifacts I discovered are two maple leafs and a stone. The first artifact is green maple leaf . It is a small and still green. It is more organic but also can be geometric. I found this leaf on the street around the Flatbush avenue.

The second artifact I found is other one maple lead. It has the different color of my first lead. The leaf is organic but also can be geometric. I found this leaf on the side walk. When I take the leaf, I imagine the autumn is coming soon.

The third artifact I found is a stone. The stone is organic since it was created by nature. I found this stone on the side walk also, I imagine it from road and was move between the car.

All these artifacts are some similar. The two leafs and s stone have different properties such as shapes. They are all found on the street, created and came from the nature.


Each one  approximately 10 minutes each/ an hour overall.






Urban Artifacts Compositions: Discover

The object that I found was a newspaper, a Tropicana juice bottle and a knife wrapper. I decided to use the newspaper and the bottle. Since the newspaper has a lot of papers I took out two pages and turned them into two different shaped objects. The first objects is a geometric shape. It’s a circle. I crumbled up a paper into a ball. The second in the frame is a bottle which is also a geometric shape. The last object is a paper airplane made out of a sheet of the newspaper.

The relationship between these objects can be very simple and very complicated at the same time. The paper objects and the bottles are both geometric shapes but the root of their origin varies. Paper comes from tree but the bottle was made out of plastic. The newspaper and the bottle was found right next to each other. They were on the street next to a building that was under construction. Some construction workers might have left both the newspaper and the bottle there. He had the juice with his breakfast while reading the newspaper.


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Discover: face #1

The three objects I selected to use from the urban journey are a rock/pebble, a receipt, and something that looks like a tube but was unidentifiable. All these objects are unique in their own way and have their own story. For example, the rock is very dimensional, its color is white with some grays, and is filled with dirt from the place it was found at. The story it has that I can interpret, is that one day a group of construction workers were fixing the street and while they were doing their job a few pebbles and rocks started to fall in different directions and one of them landed on the sidewalk for me to find. The second object is the receipt, I found this item on the grass of a buildings yard. It was crumpled up and filled with dirt. The story that can be perceived from this is, one day a person came out of a store and while they were walking they crumpled up the receipt and threw it on the ground. It was then kicked around and swept by the wind to a bunch of different places while getting a bit dirty. Finally, the third item which is the tube thingy. I found this item on the edge of the sidewalk where pedestrians can hook their bikes so they can return for them later. This item looks like its a torn part from the full thing that’s why its unidentifiable. To describe it, its black, about the size of a fun size snickers and its dirty. The story that can be told about this item is that, as a person was riding their bike one day they accidentally broke off a piece from their bike and while they were hooking their bike on the pole to rest that certain piece fell off and was left their to collect dirt. Overall, the three items were interesting to work with even though they all were filled with dirt and germs from the street.

Sketches: Each sketch took about 4-5 min.





Urban Artifacts: Phase 1: Discover

Brandy Ortiz
Brandy Ortiz
Brandy Ortiz
Brandy Ortiz


Sketches: each one took 35 minutes/ 2 hours and 20 minutes

On my urban journey I came across three artifacts that have a relationship of having unique characteristics. I’ve found a piece of tree bark, a bolt and a plastic screw. The tree bark is the biggest artifact from the bunch. The shape of the bark is both organic and geometric. The tree bark resembles a parallelogram but has bumps that give off an organic look. It has a smooth texture and probably came from an old tree since it was pretty brittle to pressure. The bolt is the smallest artifact and it has a geometric shape. The shape of the bolt is like a square on top of a cylinder. The bolt looks to be jagged and rusty. I found the bolt near a lamp post which is most likely its place of origin. The plastic screw has an organic shape and looks to be worn out.Although the origins of the screw is hard to trace, I feel like the screw is some type of compartment to a backpack. Regardless of how different these artifacts are, they are all seem to be in a worn out condition.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 1: Discover

My  Discovery

The three objects I close to write about are rock, nail, and chocolate. I found all three objects in the corner where located in the different place near the street. They are dirty and full with dirts. I believe no one would pick them up. The rock I found is round and smooth. Its yellow and looks pretty to me. The chocolate is also round, and the color is red. I think it was someone careless dropped this chocolate on the ground, then he just walked away without it. The nail is the oldest object in the all objects I found. It’s made of iron, smells like blood, dirty, and get rusty.

Sketches: Each one consisted of approximately 15 minutes each/ 3 hour overall.


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Urban Artifacts: Phase 1: Discover

                                                      My Discovery

The three objects I discovered consist of a metro card, a beer can, and a cigarette end. The reason I picked those three items up was that I saw kind of a connection between them. And there was a word comes up to my mind when I put them together at the first time— PRESSURE.  I can imagine that there is a man going into a subway station with his metro card. The subway takes him to his work place. After working for a whole day, he feels a lot of pressure from competition, and his boss. He is looking for some relaxation. So he starts smoking and drinking. And left a cigarette end and a beer can on the street. The metro card is in a geometric shape, having lines, corners, and edges and giving me a neatly feeling. The beer can and the cigarette end are very different from the metro card. They are in organic shape. Both of them are bended, having jagged edges. They look irregular and 3D.

Sketches: each drawing took around 7-10 minus/ an hour in total



















Urban Artifacts: Phase 1

My Discovery

My three urban artifacts that discovered seems to have nothing in common. Unless you put it in a category, “In a use for everyday life”. The three artifacts were a Kit Kat wrapper, Bobby Pin and a piece of plastic. Each artifact has a little bit of history of why it’s been left the place that I found. The Kit Kat wrapper was found near the gas station, it seems like someone ate the chocolate bar and just left the wrapper outside on purpose. Without thinking of throwing it in the garbage can. Or someone in the car, ate the chocolate bar and throw the wrapper out its window. Wrapper itself was not damaged, just wrinkles and the hint of smell stained the inside. Color is red and the Kit Kat logo stands out. Texture is smooth and no stains. The Bobby Pin was found near the City Tech College. It is a bit rusted, like it was being there when it rained. One side of the pin was broken; making the pin sharp and dangerous. Texture is smooth, there is some wavy part of the pin, which it supposes to grip into its hair. Color is black, I have never seen a colored one. The last artifact that I found was this weird shaped plastic. I found it also near the gas station, and it might be some sort of piece it fell off from the car. The color is light green, and the texture is a little bit rough. Since it is plastic and there is one pointed part, it can be dangerous if it pokes people.


Took approximately 5~10min drawing each


Stable Sketches

Sketch #3&4

Stable Sketches
Stable Sketches


Sketch #1&2

Sketch #3&4

Sketch #5&6
Ambiguous Sketches

Urban Artifacts: Phase 1: Discover

My  Discovery

The three artifacts I found are a piece of wood, a flower, and a beer cap.

The first artifact I found is a piece of wood at a corner of the street, its dirty, broken, and brown. It has a rectangular shape with some spikes on it. I guess its part of a chair or table. It breaks off somehow, maybe someone was moving the  chair or table and it bump into something, a piece dropped on the street.

The second artifact I found is a flower in a small garden at the middle of a street. Its small, fresh and pink with five petal. It fell off from its branch not long ago.

The third artifact I found is a beer cap next to a car. Its dirty, rusty, and old. It must be dropped few years ago, and it has been stomp or roll so much times,s o it seems so flat. I think someone drank a beer on the street, he dropped the cap and never picked up.

These three artifacts are all found on the street. The difference between these three things are that, the piece of wood is “wood”, the flower is living thing, and the beer cap is a metal.

Sketches: all sketches took an hour to draw/each sketch took around 5-10 minus to draw.


ambiguous 1

ambiguous 3

ambiguous 4

ambiguous 5

ambiguous 6

ambiguous 2



Stable 6

Stable 5

Stable 3

Stable 2

Stable 1