The Pitch

You only live once thus you need to break off from your everyday routine and do new things every day, try new things, see new things. Enjoy life for what life is. And with this app it does just that. This app (The Beauty Finder) takes you away from your everyday boring walk to school and leads you in a new walk that will excite you and appreciate the way our planet really is. Although walking along Jay Street is the fastest way to get from the A/C/F/R station to City Tech, a route that passes Bridge Street, Hoyt Street, and Jay Street would be a better way to start the day because it offers The Beauty Finder users beautiful inspiration.

When you’re walking in a city, your experience could change completely just by a wrong turn in a single block. One minute you’re walking along a crowded artery, the next you’re on a quiet residential street. In New York, there are so many different views and places all in one spot due to the diversity of this great city. Some people probably develop favorite routes, from either getting to and from their home to their work, school, and even the local grocery store. However when it reaches the time to go somewhere unfamiliar, like in a new neighborhood or city. Now what do you do? Which path do you take? You can look on a map or you can just type in your new destination it on your smartphone. But what you don’t realize is that will show you the most direct way from where you are to where you are going. Now some people may say that’s a great thing, they want to get to their destination as fast as possible, but what they also don’t realize is they are missing out on all the beautiful things they could see if only they spend an extra 20-30 minutes on their route to their destination. Does that faster route and smaller roads mean beautiful gardens or garbage and rats? It’s impossible to tell. Until now with The Beauty Finder.

They are so many beautiful routes you can take around New York City that will worth your wild, but the main focus today is a beautiful route from Hoyt – Schermerhorn, Brooklyn, NY, United States, to New York City College of Technology. By using The Beauty Finder, I will show you why you should invest your time in an extra 15 minutes of your daily routine from the train station to City Tech.

Instead of getting off the train at Jay Street MetroTech Station and walk for about 3 minutes to reach city tech, let’s take a new route and see the beauty around the City Tech Community. This new route will only take you about 16 minutes, 13 minutes more than your usual walk to school. While on this new route you will see so many beautiful things you have never seen or even know about. This walk will worth your wild. You can walk this route both in the day and in the night. In the day you see everything every little details; the beautiful buildings, streets, trees, art on the walls and much more. In the night, you see the beauty of the lights as it sparkles in your eyes. In addition to this route’s beauty, aren’t you hungry in the morning or even in the afternoon after a long day at City Tech? Well this route offers you a range of restaurants and fast food chains where you can grab a quick bite to eat or even sit in for a while. Walking through Fulton Street, you can sit down and eat a delicious pancake or whatever your taste buds are craving that day at IHOP. Or if pancakes aren’t your thing, maybe a quick bite of Burgers and Fries suits you better or even Chipotle right in the middle of Jay Street and Bridge Street, called Metro Tech.

This part of the City Tech neighborhood is very busy, which is part of the reason why there are such a high number of restaurants so close together. When you first walk through the center, you are greeted by the beautiful pleasant scent of the Chipotle Mexican grill restaurant. Also when you’re eating don’t you want to look at something beautiful instead of burying your face in your smart phone? That is why this section has put a lot of expenses in constructing this business site so that it creates the beautiful view for people to appreciate as they eat.

Also in this section of this beautiful route you can see the fall season take effect as the trees are stripped from their leafs, as they turned brownish-yellow. You can see them fall from the trees and blown by the wind as the children tried to catch them. You can hear the laughter and yelling of the young children socializing with one another in the park area rather than seeing them on a smart phone like every other place you go. You can also take a breath of fresh air and relax on a park bench and observe the beautiful art pieces that are placed all around the park area. This walk will clear your mind and will make you take a minute to appreciate the beauty of this city. And in addition to this new route and seeing beautiful things you will be exercising by walking an extra 13 minutes which is great for your health!

To summarize why you should take this route instead of your old boring two-minute walk from the Jay Street MetroTech train station to City Tech, this new walk you will show you the beauty of the City that will make you appreciate waking up in the morning and coming to class. This walk will give you a chance to unwind and loosen up while you gather some thoughts. This that is very helpful, especially for someone who had a long day and need to take some time to garth themselves back together. Walking and socializing is a great way to relieves stress because you are putting the stressful things aside for a moment and enjoy the time and the things that are around you during that moment. By the time you reach the end of this route and entered the A train, your mind will be at ease because you took some time to slow things down and relax for once. And the best part is, it will only take a short 15 minutes out of your way which is worth the while. For this reason, I would highly recommend that you consider this route for the app The Beauty Finder.

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 4

This project was actually fun, interesting, and different. It was simple and easy. I thought the painting part was going to be fun for me until I tried it. I discovered I’m not a good painter, the composition did not come out as I have hoped. What this project thought me was how to create something new out of what I already have by cutting them up and rearrange them to form a new and interesting composition. I learned about Broad Range, Narrow range, Focal point, and many more. My favorite part of this project was creating the 3D image. That was very cool to learn. I also learned some new things on photoshop due to this project.

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 3

This is my finished Narrow Range Collages, as you can see the focal point is on the top left. You can get there by following the zipper.

This is my finished Broad-Range Painting & Broad-Range Collage. The focal point is in the middle, where the hands folds-in in a way like a flower.

Broad-Range Collage & Broad-Range Painting
Broad-Range Collage & Broad-Range Painting

Time Spent of this part of the project, about 5 hours.

Eng. Project #3 – The Route

You only live once thus you need to break off from your everyday routine and do new things every day, try new things, see new things. Enjoy life for what life is. And with this app it does just that. This app takes you away from your everyday boring walk to school and leads you in a new walk that will excite you and appreciate the way our planet really is.

Today’s new walking route will start from Hoyt – Schermerhorn, Brooklyn, NY, United States, and lead you to your destination at City Tech.

Instead of getting off the train at Jay Street MetroTech Station and walk for about 3 minutes to reach city tech, let’s take a new route and see the beauty around the City Tech Community. This new route will only take you about 16 minutes, 13 minutes more than your usual walk to school. The sense of this walk is to see beauty around us. Your new route will start from Hoyt – Schermerhorn train station, one stop before Jay Street MetroTech Station. Once you come out of the station, you will have to;

Head southeast on Schermerhorn Street toward Bond Street.

Then turn left onto Nevins Street.

Then turn left onto Flatbush Ave.

Then a slight Left onto Fulton Street.

Then turn right onto Bridge Street.

Then turn left towards Jay Street.

Then Turn right onto Jay Street.

Walk straight until you see City Tech.

While on this new route you will see so many beautiful things you have never seen or even know about. This walk will worth your wild. This description will not tell you what you will see, therefore you will have to see it for yourself in person for the first time. Nothing beats seeing something right in front of you rather than seeing it on a screen first.

However some locations you will see are below. 

English Project #3 Locations

The five locations I chose are;
New York City Housing Authority
BAM Harvey Theater
Hare Krishna Center
United Artists Court Street
St George Hotel

I chose these locations because I’m new to the City Tech neighborhood and I want to explore the community more. I really do not know anything about any of these locations except the Hare Krishna Center. I know this is a Hindu Temple, I know this because I am also Hindu. However, I never went to this location so it will be a great opportunity for me to walk there and back to City Tech. For the other locations I want to know more about them and see them for myself thus I chose those to be my 5 locations.



an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation

Source –

I encountered this word while reading, The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter The city’s emotional divide has remained mostly one of conjecture”.

Now i understand that this sentence means people are divide by opinions and theory even though the information is incomplete or not true.

[Glossary Entry 5]



A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority

(Source – Google Definition)

I encountered this word while reading the guideline from Graphic Design project #3. “Use Visual Hierarchy and Movement to clearly direct the viewer’s eye to the focal point.” Now I understand Hierarchy mean something that is judged by its importance. So now I understand that I have to clearly state an important focus point so that the viewer can see it easily.

[Glossary Entry 4]

English Project #2 Process

In this project, I knew what I wanted to include by reading the project description. This project is all about over lapping New Yorks, how two different things in New York overlap in one place. Such as; old and new, residential and commercial, historic and replaceable, natural and man-made, constructed and under-construction, well maintained and in disrepair, celebrated and forgotten, etc. I then reread what I wrote and refine it by changing some words, adding new thoughts and take away what is not important. I determine what to eliminate by what I saw as repetitive and what really does not really say a lot about the topic. I figured out how to organized my project by the order in which the project task asked, First I wrote about how to get to the location I chose, then how they over lapped. As my classmate read my work and give me feedback, it helped to improve my work. By reading my class mates work and give them feedback, it helped to me to also improve my work because as I was reading their work, I realized what was missing in my work. I spent approximately 15 minutes brainstorming, 15 minutes, outlining, 40 minutes drafting, 15 minutes revising, 15 minutes polishing. A total of 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Project #3 Phase 1 – Discover

High Key
High Key

This first image is a High Key image of Jay Street. You can tell it is a High Key image because of how bright it is. you can clearly see how the sun is shining bright on the edges of the building. You can tell the sun is on the left by looking at the huge shadow the building created on the street. By making this image gray scale, it made the street looks sad and depressing. You can only see a few cars drawing by which people can take as this part of town is really dull and boring.

Low Key
Low Key

This second image is a Low Key image of a computer with the screen on in a dark room. You can tell this is a Low Key image by all the negative space. There is no shadow in this picture only a little highlight on the keyboard caused by the brightness on the screen. Part of the keyboard is light and the rest faded into the darkness. This picture can represent there will always be light in the darkness.