
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 16 of 23)

Response to Donald Murray Reading

While reading this, i realize that i personally do not re-read my own work nor do i revise my work. i simply just write and edit , re-write it and hand it in. what shocked me was the professors that read Murray book and felt as if they didn’t know what they were doing anymore.  This article and the “Shitty” articles are similar in many ways.

Quote from Murray Article from a professor ” My students are smarter than i am. I have to rewrite and rewrite many drafts”.  He felt embarrassed because he had to rewrite over and over again. I don’t think that makes you question your intelligence.

Rib Recipe


1 white onion

1 red onion

2 garlic cloves

2 tbsp olive oil

½ tsp chilli flakes

110g dark soft brown sugar

600g tomato ketchup

110g dark soy sauce

Salt and pepper

1 rack of ribs


Step 1: Preheat the oven to 150

Step 2: Peel and cut the onion, then crush garlic

Step 3: On medium heat in a frying pan until it’s hot add in the oil, onion and garlic. You are going to up to 4 to 5 minutes until it soft.

Step 4: Add chilli if you like spices,then mix with tomato ketchup and brown sugar up to 1 to 2 minutes. (Reminder if you cook it for too long it will be really hot)

Step 5: Add everything with the soy sauce and tomato ketchup and stir fry up to 1 to 2 minutes.

Step 6 : Put in the rib into a deep pot and place into the oven for 40 minutes.


I understand the term “genre” as a form of art or entertainment where communicative interaction involves and it can be written, spoken, audio or visual. 10 Genre’s that I encounter every day: Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, BabyCenter (app), Youtube, Google, music, media news, photography, children’s book.

As a new mom I always try to be on top of my babies development, meaning that I use application called BabyCenter which has expert information,insights and tips for pregnancy and parenting. So, this app gives you daily parenting guidance through your baby’s first year.

The audience of this app is moms in general, who needs support and advice from others. App also, connects with moms of babies born the same month as yours, the same moms you met when you were pregnant. You can chat with moms using the app and post pictures, have your calendar.

Photos, I love taking pictures of my little baby. Because, I think we are lucky to live in a modern, progressive world where we can capture amazing things and have them for life. The audience will be my family who will look at all those memorable pictures.

Blood draw recipe

***Before doing any procedure you must confirm patients full name and date of birth.

Materials (ingredients) for the tray

  • gloves, butterfly needle, gauze, band-aid, tourniquet, alcohol wipes, tubes to collect the blood


  • wash your hands with soap, put the gloves on, check the patients arm or hand for the vein,
  • place the tourniquet
  • wipe the arm or hand with alcohol wipes (spot where the needle will be inserted)
  • insert the needle 30 degree angle if it’s arm, 15 degree angle if it’s hand
  • collect the blood into the tubes in order (color)
  • remove the tourniquet on the last tube (do not leave it for more than two minutes)
  • make a pressure with gauze to stop the bleeding and place the band-aid


  • if patient faints from a blood draw then you have to ask them to get in supine position and have a conversation with patient (perhaps, people who holds their breath while drawing blood, they start feeling light-headed and end up fainting)
  • have a blood pressure cuff to check patients blood pressure and cup of water as well

***Process by spinning the blood using the centrifuge machine and send them to the Lab with the right patients requisition form.

Illstration: A Recipe


Different kind of Drawing tools

  • Drawing papers
  • brushes/Palette/Container
  • pens/pencil/color pencil
  • paints/ink/watercolor
  • tablet
  • computer with a drawing software

And more…

clean drawing table/ Space



imagination/ Creativity

Open minded



Time and Efforts


  1. Get all the supplies you need
  2. Sit in a clean table
  3. Think of a theme of what you want to draw
  4.  Do some research about the theme you choose
  5. Make a concept map and putting down some ideas of what you going to draw
  6. Find some reference online that relates to your theme
  7. Draw as many thumbnails sketches into your sketchbook as you can and categorize into different concepts (same theme)
  8. Write down a short description of the idea of each concept (events, inspiration..etc)
  9. Draw some sketches/draft, and Practice drawing different details related to your theme
  10. Choose the best drawings from each concept(thumbnail)
  11. Draw out each concept to a bigger paper
  12. Choose one best concept as your final drawing
  13. Using photoshop to modify some details
  14. Finalize your drawing



Name 10 genres you encounter in your everyday life.
1. hand drawing/illustrating
2. Watercolor
3. Literary
4. We Chat
5 Comics
6. Anime
7. Google Drive
8. Guinea pigs
9.Chinese tv shows
Name one or two that you like best and say why. Who is their audience? What sort of language do they use?
I like hand drawing/illustrating and watercolor the best because I think drawings can tell more than just words and gives people more Imagination and creativity. Also, different drawing style and media or the decision of using what type of drawing tools can define a person‘s identity and their genres.  My audience can be my major teachers, classmates, and people who have the chance to critique the drawings. And people tend to use art words, such as color, Composition, Tone, Texture, Mood, lighting…etc.
What is your understanding of the term “genre”?
My understanding of the term “genre” is the style on which people defined themselves, people can have many different genres and become a person’s identity/personality.

Answers to Readings One and Two

Nicola Caracci


Reading 1 

1) It usually takes 2 to 3 drafts of a piece of writing it all depends on what type of piece it is that I’m working on. I also write a “down draft”, an “up draft”, and a “dental draft” like Lamott says. I was not surprised about her chapter’s title because I believe also that the very first draft in something will always be the “shittiest”. I do not think I will have to change the way I write if I decide to write a “shitty first draft”. 


Reading 2 

1) I feel very comfortable composing a piece of writing in this genre because I would think of it as just writing a normal post that I would usually on Facebook no matter where it is being posted the writing will always be the same. I do feel more comfortable then someone much older than me in this instance, they may not write as well because they could start possibly clicking all the different features by mistake and some mistakes they might make is I do not believe there is any spell check on Facebook so just like me there could be the same grammar and spelling errors as I would have. 

2) My favorite title was “Time Traveler: Everyone In The Future Eats Dippin’ Dots” 

3)  Some rules I carry around in my head are to always try and make my story seem interesting as a great storyteller to keep the reader hooked. I do not have a genre I struggle to write in. I like to write in all genres and quick to adapt to whatever type I need to write to. 

Recipe for Public Speaking

Recipe By: Nick Caracci 

Name of Recipe: 

The Key to Public Speaking 


NUMBER OF SERVES: UNLIMITED                                                        DIFFICULTY: VARIES ON SKILL 

PREPARATION TIME: 10 MINUTES                                                                          COOKING TIME: AS LONG AS NEEDED 



  • Confidence 
  • Good Posture 
  • Clear Voice 
  • Talk Slow  
  • Healthy Throat 
  • Idea of What to Talk About 
  • Someone to Talk To 
  • Quiet Are to Practice 
  • Note Cards 



  1. Couple of days before the event start learning what it is that you will be talking about. 
  2. Write down on Note Cards the key ideas that you want to talk about. 
  3. Over the next couple of days stand in front of the mirror and practice what you will be saying. 
  5. The night before prepare your clothes and note cards for the event the next day. 
  6. The morning of the event eat a breakfast so you are awake. 
  7. 10 minutes before the event if possible, use the bathroom so you can keep still on stage. 
  8. Have a relaxed mind and go on stage making sure not to fall. 
  9. Go give the best speech you have ever given! 
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