Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

This phase of the project relates to the previous phases because in the previous phases we sketch our artifacts in an interesting way. Then we chose four and ink them. In this phase we chose two of the inked compositions and transform them into paper. Therefore the previous phases led to out final product.

Cut Paper Compositions

Final Product
Final Product

The Stable composition took 20 minutes, The Ambiguous composition took 30 minutes, in total (including drawing the rectangles) took an hour.

Project #1 Introduction (Final)

Jaichan Kirty (Jay) graduated from high school, Hillside Arts and Letters Academy in 2015. He is now nineteen years old and a freshman in college. Jay was born in Guyana but moved to the United States eight years ago. He is a shy and quiet person at first, but when you get to know him that’s when he does not stop talking. Jay major is Graphic Design. He chose this as his major because this is something he really like doing. He likes to express himself by designing what he think of. Jay is very good at computer graphics. He does numerous of designs. For plays, random videos, power points, posters, etc. Many people consider his skill to be graphic designing, although Jay thinks otherwise. Jay claims he does this for “fun” but he is an amazing artist and has a great sense of creativity. His drawing are beyond imaginable. He is also the most caring, most wonderful person you’ve ever met.

Jay is known for his graphic designing on facebook, and what he has done in high school. The administrators at his high school even asked him to create the official website for the school, which he had the honor of doing all by himself. That is something he is very proud of. You can check it out, its http://hillsidearts.org/ He also created and managed his high school’s facebook page. (https://www.facebook.com/HillsideArtsAndLettersAcademy) He created all the material posted on the page. He is mostly proud of the videos he created for his school. You can watch some of them on the facebook page. Many people tells Jay he’s talented when it come to that. Jay is very passionate about his works, especially graphic designs, his style is random really. He creates whatever inspires him. When you are also down in the dumps Jay is always the one to make you rise like the sun bursting with joy and happiness. Although it may rain on Jays end, he never lets the rainy days get the best of him. He’s smart, fun to be around, likes to mingle and always the one to laugh or make a sound. In five to ten years Jay sees himself owning his own designing company and starting to be known around the country.

The avatar I chose to represent myself is a hot-air-balloon. Firstly this picture of the balloon is not a photograph, it has been graphically designed, which is my passion. This picture means more to me than just it being graphically designed. The balloon is rising in the air just like how I will not give up on something that I put my mind to accomplish. The balloon is rising just like how I like to soar in life. The balloon’s black center represents what experience I yet have to learn. The sky is the limit for me, and even further beyond that. I said I am very creative and as you can see in this picture, it is also very creative. I like how the designer uses the colors to make the subject pop out. This balloon is insulted by itself, just like how I like to be by myself sometimes. I like to work in a peaceful and quiet place with no distractions. This balloon is the only thing recognized in this picture, just like how I like to be recognized also. This is why I choose this subject as my profile avatar.

My avatar could be misleading to some because you really need to dig deep and think deep to understand how it connect to me. People may see this picture and think I like to ride on hot-air-balloons, which I never even tried in my life but something I can see myself doing for fun.

My complete profile will convey that I am a very creative and hard working person. My passion is graphic design and I have a lot of experience is this field already. I will not give up on something that I put my mind to accomplish. I express myself throughout my works because that’s the best way I know how. This matters because if someone is to hire me for a job they need to know that I give my best. I will work day and night if I have to, to give the best product the client will love. They need to know I am very good at what I do and that will give me recommendations and more jobs.



Impossible to separate

Closely joined or relate

Source: Merriam-Webster

I came across this word from the reading expert “Universe Strikes” Back by Ellen Lupton. I picked up this word because it stood out from the sentence that I read, “A cosmopolitan place such as New York or Paris or Kumasi draws its energy from a mix of persons inextricably connected with a larger world who have the right to participate in a world discourse”. Meaning that energy from the places all around the world mixes to together to form a bigger picture that can speak against the world. This word is something that connects individual to form unity, that brings our differences together. I also picked this word, because of the upcoming election. I wanted to share this word and how we have to realize that Barnie Sanders knows more than other voters; what is better for the people and the country.

Urban Artifacts Phase #2

As I was inking my two ambiguous and two stable, it was scary tracing the organic and geometrical shapes since ink is not something you an erase.  I do not have a steady hand but tracing with ink pen .02 made it easier for me. It was also hard for me to ink in the shapes with the brush because it was too big for some corners and edges, I was afraid to ink outside the lines. This whole process took me about 3 and a half hours.

inked photos inked photos 2

I have some good news and updates!

Hello guys!

I apologize that I couldn’t catch up with you today, again!

Today, I wanted to give out a handout I made that basically discusses the topics peer mentors cover. I will be giving this handout on Monday, so that it is a reminder of some questions you might want to ask.

Thank you for those who have given me or emailed me their City Tech email. There are only a few of you who still have not provided me with your CT email. I will have your copy of the contact sheet on Monday so that you can write it down for me.

GOOD NEWS! Potluck Tuesday is around the corner! As I may have mentioned before, The National Society of Leadership and Success is hosting a Potluck starting September 29th at 11 am in the 5th floor Lounge. There will be free food provided for ALL City Tech students. First come, first serve! SGA is sponsoring the first NSLS Potluck. I will have more information on that Monday.

As new college students, you will need help creating a good resume, practicing for professional interviews and even getting an internship for later on during your college career. Luckily, we have an amazing Professional development office at City Tech. It is located in the Welcome Center, past the front desks. There, they will help you create your resume, prepare for job interviews, and get you started on your experience as a professional student. This is an amazing source that we should all look into in our first years at college.

There are many fun events and activities at City Tech, which is a great way for you to get involved. Join a club, or even create your own at Student Life and Development in G516. As I always tell my students, it is fairly important that you get involved at your college.

More updates and reminders will be announced Monday morning. Again, you can always reach me during my office hours in room N 506. Follow us on Instagram @citytechlearningcommunities.  Please make sure that you are up to date with your Openlab posts and assignments. I’ll see you all soon.


Project #1: (Revised)

Sometimes I wonder to myself, what are people’s usual first impressions about me upon meeting me? What do people assume and infer about me as an individual at a glance? I am a Freshmen here at City Tech. I am 18 years old and I am of Ecuadorian and Salvadorian descent. I live in the Bronx (6 line) and I’ve had a passion for visual arts for as long as I can remember. Ever since I could even speak, I used to always tell my parents how much I wanted to be an “art-teeest” as I used to say it. Growing up i became more and more fascinated in the way art was used to decorate the world around me, and how important it was to so many people in being able to express ideas and imagination. I began to draw and paint every single day. I used to carry my mini sketchbook with me everywhere I went. In it i would have such childish but imaginative and crazy drawings, which till this day, I still possess that free style in my work. I used to beg my parents to take me to the MOMA almost every weekend, after my first time visiting it when i was in first grade. I continued to grow more and more inspired, although when i reached high school, I had dropped my passion for it due to an unexpected tragedy in my family. However, i decided to continue to pursue what i have always known and loved, and i decided to make it my major in college and re-ignite that passion I’ve always had. I aspire to be an animator or a concept artist in the future, and pursue making a living out of what i love to do. I can imagine myself in the future creating beautiful and complex works of concept art, that can potentially be brought to life through a video game or a feature film. THAT is what I want to do, and be successful at. A few years from now, when technology advances even more than it already has, i want to see my name in the credits of the newest blockbuster film or the hottest new video game release. Some words that describe me as a person are Timid, Stubborn, and Adventurous. Though I can be hard headed over small things sometimes, I’m pretty likeable and easy to get along with. I’m always the type to be very timid to speak when I’m around new people, but once you get to know me, I could talk about just about anything for daysss. I also love to discover and travel, and get into new things. Some things I’m into are baseball, DC comic heroes, drawing/creating/writing, anime, science fiction, horror and fantasy books, and traveling. I am more specifically a huge fan of the hunger games series,the Dragonball series, and Halo. I’m also really into Music and the performing arts (more specifically Broadway musicals), as i went to a performing arts high school, where I did many amazing things like be a part of huge concerts and shows, and met many famous music artists, performers, and actors.


There are many reasons and aspects as to why I chose this Avatar for my profile. My avatar consists of a piece of concept art created by Bungie Studios, for a video game called Destiny. Its almost like a design or blueprint, so to speak. A concept artist created this character and designed him, before creating it digitally through the game. Looking at the avatar, you can see the detail and information the artist input into these “blueprints”, and the very image he had in his head for this particular character. Not only am i a vivid player of the Destiny video game, but the art and character design in the game are simply fascinating to me. The aesthetic care and imagination that went into creating this “world” is mind blowing. Every time I play i can’t help but think of how amazing it would be to one day create such vivid and fantastical worlds and characters, and have them come to life in such a way. I aspire to be the one to create such concept art, after being inspired for so many years through movies, TV shows and other entertainment media.

Though my Avatar to me is a symbol of the passion I wish to pursue, there can be all types of interpretations as to why I chose it. Knowing a lot of people who are fans of the Destiny video game, anyone of those or other individuals could simply assume i just love the game. There could also be inferences that i have a pinpointed passion for just video games, which is not the case at all. Yes, i do love the game, but my main perspective is the art and passion that went into creating every single aspect of that game. Especially the concept art, which like I mentioned before, is something I’m pursuing to do. Through my entire profile, i wish to relay and make clear what I pursue, and how i plan to get there. I aspire to be the one to create such beautiful and fantastical worlds and characters, and make them come to life. And I will pursue this goal through education in the graphic arts.



a person who is an expert on theology

  • More in detail on theology: the study of religious faith, practice, and experience : the study of God and God’s relation to the world.


I’ve come across this word in the reading excerpt “Univers Strikes Back”. This word can be found in the sentence “No longer satisfied by the cult of cultures, philosophers, theologians, journalists, and artists around the world are recovering the universal ideas embedded in their particular religious, national, or communal orientations…”. From learning who the theologians were, I understand that in the previous sentence they’re a group of people that have been placed in their own category of great minds. To me I think the sentence is referring to The Renaissance era. The Renaissance was an era of which these amazing thinkers came about and expressed their ideas to the world. The sentence is exclaiming that the world no longer has a great influence from these amazing thinkers.


adjective ho·mo·ge·neous

made up of the same kind of people or things.

“In a small village just twenty miles away, the population is more ethnically homogeneous, but the culture is nonetheless connected to the world.” – Universe strikes back.

Knowing the definition helped me understand what the rest of the third paragraph meant.