Project #3: the pitch

People always say time is money, especially those who live in a big city. They always thinking of go to their destination as fast as possible. And usually those routes are very noisy, with all those honking sound from cars. Sometime, there could be many beautiful and quiet scenery on the way to your destination or take another path, that could make the route totally different than the original route. With the app I’m working on (New Life Routing) could make this happen easy and simple. Compare to all other routing app, most of them make the route fast and short enough to get to users destination, however what my app does is, to make the route a little longer, so the user can see many beautiful scenery, and feel quiet and peace, while on the way to their destination.

Taking a route to the destination directly and do what ever users have to do, or spend few more minutes on the way, walk through quiet road and see some beautiful scenery. Think about it, if that day you were in a bad mood, however, you took this extra few minutes detour, and it made your day. Don’t you think that’s a lot more worth? If you go to certain place very often, don’t you think its boring? With this app, you can make your every day walk interesting.

This detour at citytech Namm Hall and our destination is Brooklyn Hieghts Promenate. When walk out of the building, turn left walk to the end of the block then turn right, walk to Cadman plaza, you can see Cadman Plaza Park. There is a big field in the center of the park surround with woods, some people play sport in the field, and some just lay down on the grass reading book. Now turn right walk toward to Johnson Street, there is another park named Columbus park, if you were lucky, you can see pigeons surround those people sit on the bench, waiting for food. Across Cadman Plaza W, walk into Pierrepont street, and keep walking to Monroe Place, you can see a church is at that corner, its appearance is very old. For some people looking at some old building make them feel really peaceful. Keep walking to Henry Street turn left and walk two blocks to Remsen street, then turn right. On this street, its really quiet, not much car drive by, even if they did, they didn’t make much sound, because of the road is very small, they drive very slow. As you keep walking to the end of the road, its a dead end. Here, you can see the whole skyline of Manhattan, and here is most quiet and peaceful place in this detour.

This was a detour was one example from our beta user’s experience. When using the app, user can choose how long do user want to walk, the app will calculate the best and closest route time that match to user’s requirement. The app often provide special option when user go to certain place in a certain time, such as the app will note user there are restaurant nearby when its time to eat lunch, desert or dinner. The app also calculate the time you will took in this detour, or time how long have you walk in this detour. The app also has history record, it will save every route users took, of course user can also delete the history. It also has suggest caption, such as the best to go this certain location can have the best experience, it will show at the lower right side of the screen. User can control the app with sound, just like siri or google.

When people trying to find routing apps, most of them are provide the fastest and shortest route for user to get to their destination. Now I have made this app New Life Routing which not only make the route acceptable short but also make users’ detour more interesting and enjoyable. Such a incredible app, why not give a try, and don’t forget share it with your friends.

Project 4: Phase 2 (Chromatic Gray Color Studies 1&2)

Each painting took me about almost three hours. It was hard for me to make the broad color than the narrowed one. I was not really sure about the colors for the narrow high key, because I saw example from my classmate. However,  like how it turned out including the shapes that I picked.

Left: Broad Right: Narrow (High Key)
Left: Broad
Right: Narrow (High Key)

Project #3: (Annotated Bibliography)

link1 :

It tells the 20 most peaceful countries in the world 2015 to travelers who would like to travel to the countries with peace and unique natural.

link2 :

This site tells you the most beautiful places in New York you didn’t know exist. They have descriptions with beautiful photos of nature.

link3 :

This site gives 50 overlooked but beautiful places to visit in New York City. Kind of similar to link 2, but this site is more generalized.

link4 :

This site gives the 15 best places with scenic views in Brooklyn. With the theme of beauty.

link5 :

This site gives the 15 best quiet places in Brooklyn. Contains nature, beauty, silent, and environment.

Project #3: (Annotated Bibliography)

Link 1

This website connects to this project because it shows us the all the parks of Brooklyn in New York city. As soon as you click the link it will take you to a page. The page also has the list of the parks of other boroughs of New York City if you’re feeling too adventurous. And if you click on the park that you’re interested in visiting it will give you a little description of the park. If you are curious to know how the park looks it has some photographs of the park on the right side of the description. And below the description you will find the facilities the park has to offer.

Link 2

If you are into walking then this is the place you should always keep your eyes on. This website has a list of all the upcoming walkathon and racing events that takes place in New York city. Most of the walkathons and racing events takes place with the ultimate goal of raising funds or awareness in order to solve social conflict we all face some way or another.

Link 3

This is a guide to the places you should go to anbd things you should do if you are into trying out new things and taking risks. This activities includes things from bicycle racing, surfing, skateboarding to digging  few decade years records of New York City.

Link 4

This article provides a list of places where you can go to find a little peace in  borough of Manhattan New York City. Places that are quiet and peaceful is very hard to find when you live in a city full of eight million people. Garden at the Church of St. Luke in the Fields, United Nations Meditation Room, Teardrop Park, Passageway under 1251 Avenue of the Americas and Conservatory Garden nade the list in this website.

Link 5

This website provides you with the list of places not only good to take a walk, also good to connect with the nature. It also shows you place that are not public and requires a little amount of money to visit. This list includes mostly parks in New York City and since I went to every single places in this list I believe that this list is very accurate. It includes places that are very peaceful and quiet. That gives you the chance to reconnect with the nature and feel more alive that you have felt.

Project #3: (Annotated Bibliography)

“The Advantages of a New Perspective: A Literary Walk in Brooklyn Heights” Blog: Walking Of The Big Apple (No name, Published October 12, 2010. Web. November 16, 2015.)

The buildings were famous from the churches in the nineteenth century and its elegant homes created by the merchants and sea captains in the shipping trade. The picture itself connects to the theme of beauty and quietness, and the photograph looks as the same when you visit this location. Also, it mentions about an author who wrote about the beauty of a yellow brick house. Since, we are in the generation of using technology, many social media is connected also so that people can comment on the site and share their experience at that location.

This website connects to the project, because it talks about the background of the location. It includes such pictures and detailed promotion toward the area that I picked for my location. Even with my knowledge of the Brooklyn Heights, it talks more about different things that I believe that it motivates the reader to go to the place.

Keywords: Beauty, Quiet, History -AM

Kaysen, Ronda. “Midtown’s Vanishing Historic Architecture” New York Times. June 5, 2015. Web. November 16, 2015.

Historic District Council deemed worthy of preserving 12 location and 36 were recently demolished. She mentioned in her article that, “None of these sites were designated New York landmarks, but for many people, they were nevertheless among the treasures that define the city’s neighborhoods — the mix of terra cotta and stone amid the glass and steel that makes the city unique.” Midtown’s Vanishing Historic Architecture, an article published in the New York Times by Ronda Kaysen explains the reader about the how some buildings in NYC should not be demolished. Ronda explains the reader how many buildings should be kept in preserved, because of the significant architectural built of each premises. It is in the matter time that the Midtown will reach the tipping point of losing these old and new mixture of architectural buildings.

This articles relates to the project in a way that can help the Brooklyn heights to preserve its worth. Such explained in the Midtown vanishing architecture, buildings are demolished each day’s. People should know this reality that these old memorable places should be kept. We should keep our eyes open for any changes though the Brooklyn Neighborhood. Such occurrence happening in Manhattan, there is still possibility that it is not safe in Brooklyn or any other boroughs.

Keywords: Beauty, Demolished, News -AM

“Walking New York” New York Times By: Different blogger, dates are all different also

This website is very high-tech in displaying each location with the picture in the background and scrolling once by reading the next page. Each location are explained in details that are not like a long boring text to read like in one of the article. However, it is a whole collection of people explaining each of their experience with the location that have visited. There is a map that it shows the location of the place they mentioned in the text. The images that is behind can be moved by your mouse or hand. Showing the bird’s eye view, like the google globe that goes endless with right and left.

Even though, the location and the website does not make any connection in which is about Brooklyn Heights. However I believe that it some how shows different aspect in where the background map moves when you drag it, which is cool that people who made this kind of technology should do it for different borough, such as Brooklyn. Sure, Brooklyn Heights is fun. However, there is so much more in different locations. By reading articles from different people, I am sure that however reading it would lead them to the location that they want to see.

Keywords: Creative, Beauty -AM

McGrath, Ben. “New York City Walk” January 03, 2005. Web. November 16, 2015.

An amazing person, Caleb Smith who walked all the streets and island of Manhattan in NYC. He explains in his own website that he took two years to complete this project. He explained in his website, what exactly he done in his walk and in his days in the summer he woke up five in the morning and began started his daily walk. He have a map that is marked with black marker which it shows all the line so of the street covered. He also have many thumbnails to show people what he had accomplished, and this is something that any of us could do.

This article relates to our project because it is something that we could do as a Brooklyn community. We can do what Caleb Smith have done, where he walked all the street in Manhattan. We can walk Brooklyn Heights and see the different views and architectures. We can learn from his unique walk and it does relates to our project, because he have done something similar to our walk in Brooklyn.

Keywords: Beauty, Creative -AM

Terzian, Peter. must-see Brooklyn Heights March 03, 2014. Web. November 16, 2015.

Small summary about the Brooklyn Heights which it explains the architecture and the history behind the location. It contains more picture than the text itself, because showing beauty with words is different than showing the actual place if that person been to. In addition, comparing it to different source, each pictures is taken differently in perspective angles. It also has a link to some of the words that the author included, so that readers can understand what he means on the website.

This article also relates to our project, because it shows the different perspective of pictures. It have taken from different angles and some are taken at night to show the difference in day and night. I think that this little description is good enough to say to the people who wants to visit Brooklyn Heights, because giving off too much could lead the reader to know everything, which I am sure that they want to figure out things themselves.

Keywords: Beauty, -AM

Sound Visualization: phase 2

The inked mashup of both legatto and stacatto took me about 2 1/2 hours. I first had to create my layout and measure boxes for accuracy. Then with a very light pencil I drew each composition one by one. After wards I used my pigment liner and brush in order to fill in my designs with black. After all that was done I made sure to let my artwork dry over night before erasing the lines which made up the layout so therefore each staccato and legatto would create a border for themselves since they juxtapose. I would post a photo on to this post but i am unable to so I will have a clickable link to my artwork once i upload it to my e-portfolio

ENG 1101 Project #3 peer review and annotated bibliography

Peer review:

Choose a Project #3 draft from our site. Read the first paragraph. In a comment, let the author know:

  1. Is it clear what the theme of the route is?
  2. What is the thesis statement?

If you can’t tell from the first paragraph, keep reading. Let the author know where in the draft you understand 1 and 2.

Annotated bibliography:

Add to our shared Annotated Bibliography. Follow the instructions posted there.

Project 3: Value Added Portraits: Phase 4

In this project, I experienced painting and Photoshop. Before I started this project, I thought I the painting part would most interest me, but after i did the paint, I realize that painting is most challenge part of the project. The most part I enjoyed in is making the 3D image, even though I can’t really see the 3D effect, but I still enjoy of making it, it make me feel I’m professional.