This part of this project was fun, I like creating stuff right on the computer, Hence Graphic Designer. It was fun to create this poster because I learned what the old times Band posters looked like. Creating this poster was harder than I thought because I am new to illustrator so it was very frustration. We came up with the name Sour Stare because our colors where warm colors, therefore, we also use different saturations and values of the color orange.
My thought on this project was, It was actually fun. We finally got to work with color! It was interesting how mixing the primary colors creates new colors.
Phase 1: Color Wheel
In order to create this color wheel I had to use only the 3 Primary colors, (RED, YELLOW, and BLUE). To create the rest of the colors, I then had to mix these colors together to create the secondary colors (ORANGE, GREEN, and VIOLET). And so on.
Color Wheel
Phase 2: Saturation Studies
I have learned allot from this project, for example how to create Chromatic Gray by mixing the a color and it’s complementary. And I learned how to create Muted Colors by mixing the colors with white, or its complementary.
Prismatic Narrow
Prismatic Broad
Narrow Range – High Key
Muted Broad Range
Chromatic Gray Narrow Range – Low Key
Chromatic Gray Broad Range
Phase 3 – Swiss Style Band Poster
This part of this project was fun, I like creating stuff right on the computer, Hence Graphic Designer. It was fun to create this poster because I learned what the old times Band posters looked like. Creating this poster was harder than I thought because I am new to illustrator so it was very frustration. We came up with the name Sour Stare because our colors where warm colors, therefore, we also use different saturations and values of the color orange.
Jingyi and I recreated this piece of composition. By following the instruction, warm color and style of touch and sound. We used orange as our primary color and making it to chromatic gray and muted, we end up with this. Total time used An hour and five minutes.
Total time took 6 hours to finish. By doing chromatic studies, I learn when mixing two opposite color on color wheel with same amount. The color will become darker. When doing muted studies, I learned when adding different amount color can change the volume of the color. Fixed prismatic studies are the easiest part of the project, its only using six pure color to paint.
For this project, in the beginning I learned about the different triads of colors which are CYM (Cyan, Yellow, Magenta), RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and RYB (Red, Yellow, Blue). Also I learned about the different levels of saturation for color which are chromatic, muted and prismatic. Mainly the tasks were to make broad and narrow range collages using each level of saturation. At first getting the colors down was pretty difficult because you had to be careful with how much of the complement color you add in to change the saturation. I was very scared of the paint running out in this project. Another fear was making the exact shade of color when I ran out of it. I thought using paint in this project would be a bit easier because in the previous project we used paint. As a matter of fact it was harder because of mixing all the different colors. I find for this project I really need to improve my craftsmanship because the paint didn’t come out as smooth as I wanted it to. The next task was to make a swiss style poster which I found to be pretty simple because at that point I got a better grasp behind the concepts of the saturation levels. The next project I don’t really know what to expect which is pretty exciting because I’ll be learning something new. Hopefully I can use what I learned from this project and previous projects for the next one.
For this phase I was out in TK and Ashley’s group, we had to make a poster that follows 3 cards that was assigned to our group. We had to make a title that was a cross-sensory metaphor. In other words using, words that involves the senses of the body such as touch, taste smell, etc. For our title we used the sense of taste and sound which is “spicy” and Pop Our main primary color had to be a warm color, so we went with red. We went with a bad religion style for our composition. This poster took 3 hours to complete.
Through all phases of project #4 (chromatic Studies, muted Studies, and prismatic studies), I realized to understand them well you should know two things, they are value and saturation. My understanding to saturation is pure and intensity of the color, and value means lightness and darkness of the color. After memorized these two artistic vocabularies, they helped me better to understand the color mixing since I started painting. I think the most challenging step was when I had not enough color for my compositions, so I had to mix it more, but it is really hard to mix a color to be exactly the same like the color I mixed before. Each of them took me around 3 hours to finish. Since after the project #3, I’m glad to have another chance to work on painting physically, I can feel the improvement of my painting skills, and also the knowledge of color mixing.
I created this piece of composition with my partner Ruky. We followed the theme provided, they are color (warm), composition, and style (touch, and sound). We chose orange to be our basic color, means every chromatic, muted and prismatic colors in this composition are orange with changes of value and saturation. It took us about a hour to finish this during the course time, after that, I brought it home and spend 5 minutes to make a final revising.
This project was pretty interesting, because I did not use paint ever since elementary school. I remember when I was mixing color back than, however comparing it to now it is very different. I had to learn new vocabulary such as saturation, value, temperature, lamination, etc to help me do the project 4. At first, I had trouble with the paintings, however from our critique I learned many things that I should have done instead to make it a very successful piece of art. I really liked phase 3 instead of phase 1 or 2 since we used Illustrator to help us create our band poster. It seems that I am very fit in using technologized material instead of working with paints.
My partner was Klever Cobena, we worked on phase three where we followed the three cars that was already provided for us. The color (Cool), composition (cross-sensory) and style (Iggy Pop). We chose the colors between blue and green, however I added one violet color which I add in more blue to make it cool color. Some may notice that there is a white part of my phase three. It was intentionally, because I used the example from Van Gough-Cafe, where we talked about in class.