COMD 1100 Notice

Scans and Slices are ready!

  • If you completed your inked mashup on time, I’ve scanned and sliced your images for you. You’re welcome! 🙂
  • Find your hi-res and sliced images for animation in this Dropbox folder. Select your name and click Download > Download as zip.
  • If you didn’t finish your inked mashup on time, please scan and slice your image using the guidelines found in Class 10.
  • Creating animations takes time. Please don’t wait until Tuesday night to start.
  • If you need help contact me!

Sound Visualization: Phase #1

For this project, I listened to two types of music; Legato and Staccato to help me create patterns that go with it. Legato is music that is smooth and it flows. Staccato is music that has a fast beat and have breaks between the notes. The song that I chose for the Legato was “The A Team” by Ed Sheeran. This song was slow and had a smooth flow to it. For the song, the pattern that I drew for this were wavy lines. For Staccato, the song that I chose for it was “Very Good” by Block B. This song has a heavy beat to it and has some breaks between the notes. The pattern that I decided to draw for this was zig-zags. The drawings took about 20 to 25 minutes to do.

Legato: The A Team by Ed Sheeran

Staccato: Very Good by Block B
