

  • a person who does not like other people


I’ve come across this word in the reading excerpt  “The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter” by Ben Merchant. This word can be found in the sentence “Having been to just about all of the above, I can attest that each is capable of turning the gentlest romantic into a misanthrope”. When reading this sentence I inferred that misanthrope was going to involve hate since hate is definitely opposite from “the gentlest romantic”. This sentence came after a list of transportation hot spots. Before this list transportation spots was known to make people frustrated.

Project #3 (Locations)

Throughout my walk, I’ve come across a few locations that gave me some beautiful sights that made my journey worth it. Most of these areas are along side the Brooklyn Bridge area and every sighting was new for me. This made my walk even more thrilling because I was surprised on how new everything was since I’m use to seeing just buildings on most of my walks. Don’t get me wrong the architectural design of some buildings are lovely to look at but I wanted a bit more natural aspects in my walk. I especially love that the season is autumn because the trees I’ve seen had some various shades of color which made me felt more alive when seeing them. All the sights I saw gave me a mollified but still sensational atmosphere. The first picture is the Brooklyn Bridge and at the bottom of the bridge is path that you can walk through trees with colors such as green, red, and yellow. The second picture is around where Harry Chapin Playground is. It’s a path with benches to rest and be surrounded by trees while glancing at the lower side of Manhattan. The third picture is of house from the Clark street area. I liked how the buildings looked and the area was very quiet when I strolled through it . The fourth picture is a view of the tip of Manhattan. While I was walking I saw The Freedom Tower and I took my route in that direction. I’ve come across this sight of the city, the East River and a bright blue sky while being surrounded by trees. The fifth picture is a flowery patch that I come across while exiting Cadman Plaza Park. I enjoyed taking in the vibrant sights that I encountered and taking that long walk was beneficial.


Revision for Project #1

My name is Brandy I am a freshman here at Citytech. I graduated from Celia Cruz High School of Music, and while attending there I played percussion. I’m a pretty shy person at first, but eventually I open up the more familiar I get with the person. When I do open up I am a funny, bubbly, weird individual who is pretty open minded to new ideas. My passions lie in learning, creating, animation and imagination. I love learning not only new artistic techniques, but other skills and knowledge. Learning motivates me to keep on pursuing new things to try instead of staying stuck with a routine. Learning also helps me find the answers to the unraveling questions that I think of which is a satisfying feeling to me. With creating, being able to bring out imagination to real life whether it’s from mine or someone else’s vision is fascinating, because a lot of interesting ideas dwells within people’s mind. Creating keeps me busy which is a good thing because I hate not having something to do. I enjoy animation because this form of expression can be really effective when it comes to creating a great story. In animation I find there’s more life being put into the characters development, plotline and conflicts. Animation really engages me to want to know what will happen next and to make me feel what my favorite characters are feeling.


   With imagination I love wandering into my own world, taking a break from reality at times. Being able to come up with ideas that seem pretty unreal and having a feel for that fantasy is something that I can’t get bored from. Although I’m still expanding my design aesthetic, I would say I’m captivated by color. Color brings about a reaction from people and depending on the color or shade I use, I can give out the most accurate atmosphere for my piece. For example, a lighter shade of pink versus a darker shade such as hot pink. With light pink the word I would use to describe it is mollify. With hot pink, I see it more as spunky and energetic. When blending these shades together, you get something that is cohesive even though when separated you get a different feeling from both shades. My main favorite color to use is blue. To me the color blue is bold yet gentle, and by that statement I mean that it has balance in the way it shows itself which is why many people including myself enjoy its presence.


I would say that my avatar portrays my carefree,adventurous personality. I’m also a very visual person so this avatar is very appealing to me. The sky has a nice blend of yellow, pink and dark blue. The sky has an aura from a polar region mix in with a night and sunset look which gives a sense of supernatural. There’s a girl releasing petals into the wind from a pedestal that overlooks various landscapes. The landscapes are a combination of aquatic, polar and grassy elements. The sunset adds a nice highlight over the girl and the pedestal. The way the petals carry off into the wind conveys being free to explore the world which is something I always look forward to in life. The girl letting go of the petals represents me letting go of everything that weighs me down so that I can move on and enjoy life. The various sceneries depict the beauty I see in the vast world we live in. Beauty is not only pleasing in an aesthetic way but just having it exists makes us forget the ugly that also exists in this world. The different landscapes shows the adventures I wish to have in the future. This image really sets the way I like to imagine by the way the colors come together and make this image feel like a dream.


Some misinterpretations people could get from my avatar is that it is spiritual. This reason can be due to the fact it the woman seen in the picture looks like she is praying or practicing a ritual of some sort. People could interpret that she could be a farmer because of her possession of the petals, and pots that seem to resemble having wheat inside. Another interpretation someone might have when looking at my avatar is that the woman is killing the flowers by pulling them of their stems.


My profile conveys that I’m an easygoing, adventurous person that is just fascinated by what the world has to offer. Also that I have a very whimsical vision when it comes to imagination. This matters to me because imagination is what makes me optimistic for the future, which is an necessity. It is necessity because I can see myself working in a field where it requires thinking outside the box. In five to ten years I see myself gaining more skills so that I can do multiple projects. I like to be versatile so the more I learn I believe is beneficial. I see myself traveling to new places and encountering new experiences. With my profile I can show what I have to offer and what I my interests lie in.

ENG 1101 Project #2 Process

When I first heard the word juxtaposition in class, I couldn’t come up with any idea on what it meant and was kind of scared to start the project. When I actually got the definition, it’s not really confusing as the word itself. On the walk that we had to take in the beginning phase of this project, I already knew what location I was going to go with. The reason being is that before starting my semester at Citytech I did some exploration around the area. I’d came across an area that felt odd to me because the two stores that was in this area were very contrasting but yet they were right next to each other. I refined my essay by condensing some of my longer sentences and adding more necessary detail into my two stores since I got the reputation paragraphs already done. I made two extra paragraphs about the stores to really get the contrast out of them since the reputation of the boroughs they were in was contrasting in itself and the stores portrayed those boroughs. With the elimination and organization of this project, I made an appointment to see my teacher because I had many ideas and it was too scattered. I felt unsure about my first draft in terms of extra detailing and not getting straight to the point in a less wordy way. In this project my peers feedback wasn’t as helpful as I thought it would be because my main response back was that my essay was pretty good. In the back of my head I knew that it wasn’t really the case and I had to do better. At the time of the peer feedback, since many of my peers were stuck on coming to a clear subject to use in their essays they probably thought I had mines well figured out. I took about 30 minutes brainstorming and outlining. The draft itself took about 4 hours to do. Revising and polishing took about 5 hours.

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1

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Low Key

In this photo, we have a low key value setting of the corner of an elevator. Although there is some light present here there’s still darkness in the corner that the light doesn’t seem to touch. The mood is sort of eerie. It’s as if something can pop out of there if you look long enough. Also the fact that it’s a dark corner brings a depressing feeling of loneliness.

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High Key

In this photo, we have a high key value setting of a town made out of paper. The pure whiteness of this town, along with the highlight, overpowers the shades of gray and the black around it. The mood is up-beat since this is a light color. If this town was real I feel it would be prosperous since the white draws in attention.

(Total amount of time: 15 minutes)


ENG Project #2: Final

New York City is not all city considering Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and The Bronx aren’t filled with the skyscrapers and busy streets. Some New Yorkers choose to live the luxurious lifestyle the city part has to offer, while others choose to live less frivolously in the lesser known areas of New York where it is more residential. Each person has a collective experience when being in different parts of the city. Although Manhattan and the Bronx hold contrasting reputations, on Fulton street the juxtaposition of Dr.Jay’s and Banana Republic represent the unification of these contrasting elements.   

Manhattan is the borough that is filled with the interpretation of a utopia. Whitehead would avouch the borough of being notorious by the media as he mentions “ The city has spent a considerable amount of time and money putting the brochure together, what with the movies, TV shows and songs”.  With a cluster of tall buildings, bold bright lights filled with ads, many established name brand stores and famous restaurants altogether it’s no wonder Manhattan gets most of the attention. When thinking of Manhattan most people would think extravagant, stylish, and a place for opportunity. Mostly when people hear New York City they think of the borough Manhattan since it has more of the iconic landmarks that New York City is known for such as the Empire State Building, Central Park, and The Statue of Liberty just to name a few. The rest of the boroughs are not really looked at to be as special even though it is the five boroughs that make up the city as a whole.

However the Bronx would be the polar opposite of Manhattan. When thinking of the Bronx most people would think poor, ghetto, and dangerous. The Bronx is filled with many lesser known small business, smaller apartments and not as much opportunity that Manhattan has to offer. The Bronx is the recognized  birthplace of  hip hop and rap music which made the image of hood that The Bronx is mostly known for. In The Bronx you could most likely get away with crimes such as speeding, stealing and hopping the turnstile at the train station. While Manhattan is seen as a place of welcome , The Bronx is seen as you can’t mess with anyone there without getting mugged or shot. Also The Bronx is known as an impoverished, neglected, and otherwise disadvantaged residential area of a city, usually troubled by a disproportionately large amount of crime.  

 In the borough of Brooklyn there lies a location that brings a feeling of juxtaposition of two boroughs that would be considered polar opposites from one another. Right where Fulton Street and Lawrence Street is located we have two stores known as Dr.Jay’s and Banana Republic right next to each other. Banana Republic is a store that is mainly found the borough of Manhattan. While the store Dr.Jay’s would be mainly found in the borough of the Bronx. These stores serve as representations of these boroughs with their contrast in the looks of these stores, atmosphere, fashion and clientele.

Banana Republic has a gleaming presence with shiny windows and posters of gorgeous models. When entering the store the atmosphere is very welcoming with someone always greeting you at the door. The type of music that plays in this store is a mixture of indie, techno and pop songs. It’s easy to browse through all the clothing items since the store is very spacious. Everything is displayed with a great deal of neatness which give a professional feel. The store has its own established name brand clothing and does not sell other brands. The fashion has a sophisticated, elegant vibe to it with having dresses, blazers, pashmina scarves, cardigans and leather shoes. This vibe is incorporated for both men and women. The mannequins themselves have a spotlight that is shine down upon them to lure in the customers. The clientele that this store mainly attracts is mature, high-class shoppers who would pay a great deal of cash for a chic look. With this clientele, Banana Republic is very fitting in Manhattan with the frivolous spenders.

Dr.Jay’s has a more laid back presence with mostly hoodies and sneakers being displayed on the first floor. Dr.Jay’s is made up of two sub stores which is their men’s and women’s sections. When entering the store the atmosphere seems to be more cautious with security asking for your bag. Also their jewelry is locked in a glass container which has to be opened by an employee. The type of music that plays in this store is mainly hip-hop and rap. It’s really hard to browse through the clothing since each section of clothes is cluttered in. The store sells other name brands such as Jordan’s, Nikes, Adidas and Rocawear instead of having its own. The fashion is heavily influenced by the hip-hop and rap industry with items such as hoodies, snapbacks, baggy jeans, big gold chains and t-shirts with imagery. This imagery for men mostly consists of smoking marijuana, dollar signs and women being portrayed as sex symbols. The women’s section mainly consists of jeans that hugs tightly to the body to show their lady curves and tank tops that is really revealing. The clientele that this store mainly attracts is adolescence and young adults who wants to have a hood look which is portrayed as looking low class. With this clientele, Dr.Jay’s is very fitting in the Bronx since it is where hip-hop and rap originated from.

This location shows the diversity of what New York is known for by showing people in business suits going about their day with people dressed in hoodies and sneakers. McGrath expresses his character’s excitement for such a overlap by having him exclaim “There’s the interface!” when coming across a man wearing a yarmulke talking to two colored men. This excitement makes the character feel as though his exploration through the city is more fulfilling for having such an experience. In this location it would feel as though people with their own vision of New York intertwine and make a new vision that could expand both of their views on New York as a whole. Each individual who have visited New York City has their own experience of what New York is to them. New York City is the place to expands one vision on a diverse level.

Works cited

Whitehead, Colson. “City Limits.” The Colossus of New York: A City in Thirteen Parts. New York: Random House, 2004. 1-12. Web.
McGrath, Charles. “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport.”
The New York Times, December 6, 2006. Web.     



  • amazing or wonderful : very impressive
  • very big


I’ve come across this word in the reading excerpt “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport”. This word can be found in the sentence “He used to be a prodigious drinker and drug-taker, famous for late-night altercations, not always coherent public appearances and marathon hours at trendy spots like the Groucho Club”. In this case, prodigious means very big. When I read ” used to be a prodigious drinker and drug-taker”, I inferred that prodigious meant big but I was still unsure if it actually meant big.




  • bad or immoral behavior or habits

  • a moral flaw or weakness

  • a minor bad habit


I’ve come across this word in the reading excerpt “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport”. This word can be found in the sentence “Smoking is Mr.Self’s only remaining vice”. In this case, vice means a bad habit or behavior since smoking does harm to the body. At first I was confused with the phrasing of “only remaining vice”. As I continued reading the next sentence said “He used to be a prodigious drinker and drug-taker…”. I learned at that moment that Mr.Self in his present state only smokes and gave up his other vices.