Exhibit Catalogue

This exhibit is presented by Xingfu, Ye. Xingfu was born and raise up in Zhejiang, China. Then he moved to New York where now he live. Xingfu is a student of New York City College of Technology whose major is graphic design. He get inspired by a British artist Tom Phillips’ recreation “The Humument”. “The Humument” was first publish in 1970, it was a recreation of W H Mallock’s Novel  “A Human Document”, and the name “The Humument” was come from the original novel name. Tom Phillips took out “an” from the word human, and “Doc” from document, then he put two words together become Humument. The purpose of this is to recreate a different theme and story of a book to let reader have a different exprience of reading the original book and recreated version of the book. Alice Taylor’s novel House of Memories is a story of resilience in the face of family tragedy. Xingfu have recreates few pages of House of Memories with different theme, his favorite three pages are “Great Position”, “Death and life”, and “Twisted space” In first page, Xingfu try to convey a great postion, so he used Ruler, Pigma Micron 05, and PITT artist Big brush to draw lines and solid bridges to support the center. The idea was come from the text where he found the words “Great position”. He is trying to explain that how a great position is like, a great position is where the surrounds are supporting one area to make it a great position. For this page, if views did not see the word great position, they might be confuse and not understanding about this page. In the second page, Xingfu try to convey life and death, he also used Ruler, Pigma Micron 05, and PITT artist Big brush to drew circles and line taps, half of which were filled in with black ink and the other half left blank. The idea was came from the text, the words “dead,” and “live”. Xingfu is trying to express that live and death are so close. The lines was drawn twisted, because he wants to show that life is difficult so is death. Viewers might confuse about the circles, Xingfu said he drew circles was trying to represent spirit, but he did not write in the description, because he think the circles could also represent as events that makes how the life is going to be, different person has different views. In the third page, Xingfu drew a snake goes in circle like a sea shield, this is trying to convey Twisted space. Xingfu said this is trying to express how he thinks a twisted space look like, a twisted space in his mind is like a space that everything is twisted and has no end. In this page, viewers might think that this drawing look like a portal, Xingfu also had a thought about that, however he thinks inside of the portal there must be another space, and that space is just like what he have described. Xingfu’s recreations give readers a different point of view of the original novel. From a resilience in the face of family tragedy story to a science fiction story. Each page contains a small message about the new theme of the story.


1 thought on “Exhibit Catalogue”

  1. At the end of your project here, you address the way you have changed the theme from family tragedy to science fiction. I’m not sure I see how your three pages represent science fiction, or how that is a theme rather than a genre. What about science fiction specifically do these pages represent?

    To organize your work more effectively, you will need a thesis statement in the introduction that establishes the argument–this should focus on how your work represents the new theme. Then each paragraph should support a different aspect of how your book project represents that theme. Although you wrote about three pages for the didactic panels, you shouldn’t only write about those three here. Instead, think about your book project overall, and then think about how these three pages are representative of the overall work. You should also see how the three pages represent different aspects of one theme, rather than three separate themes. Since your project falls short of the required length, you can expand your argument and meet the project requirements.

    Rather than making it sound like the author of this exhibit catalog entry spoke with Xingfu, you can write about the pages and their messages that are evident to you as someone knowledgeable about art and poetry. Also, we had agreed that we would refer to the artist by surname, so you may want to change references to yourself to Ye (unless that’s not your family’s name?).

    As you continue to revise, you can also work on making your sentences clearer. This will involve checking the tense of the verbs you use, and making sure you have used the correct form of the word (for example, you write views instead of viewers). Making these changes will allow you to better represent your ideas and the graphic design concepts you employ, which will make your audience better able to understand your work in your book project. We can work together to make some of these changes–office hours would be the best time to do this.

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