Didactic Panel (Draft)

Ayano Morishima


Born in Japan, Tokyo
Lives and studies in New York City
Gates of Wonder, 2015
Ink brush pen, and used paper bag book.

Understanding Tom Phillips’ concept behind his creative art work, Morishima combined different skills she learned from her Graphic design principle and English class to create a humument book. She changed the theme of the book, Wishes to a crazy wonderland concept to show completely different side of wonderland, where She used patterns to represent the chandelier and doors that connects to the theme.

Ayano Morishima

Didactic Panel #2
Didactic Panel #2

Born in Japan, Tokyo
Lives and studies in New York City
Book of Wonder, 2015
Exacto knife, Ink brush pen, folding, and used paper bag book.

Book of Wonder was created when Morishima used a Exacto knife to cut open a block of text at the bottom of the page and glued only in the middle. Creating a piece of story that continues from Gate to Wonder, which follows the theme of Wonderland. Falling into the rabbit hole, it leads the reader to go though the door to read a little book that Morishima created.

Ayano Morishima

Didactic Panel #3
Didactic Panel #3

Born in Japan, Tokyo
Lives and studies in New York City
Dreams of Wonder, 2015
Ink brush pen, and used paper bag book.

Dreams of Wonder was created from the after math of Wonderland. The madness in wonderland was finally came to the end; still in the land, the ballerina indicates the beautiful dream that it stabilizes the wonder in the wonderland.

8 thoughts on “Didactic Panel (Draft)”

  1. Very professional sounding, and very well written. Your third person voice feels natural, and he descriptions given give excellent insight as to what your art represents.

    1. I really enjoy the concept behind your three works. I am a huge Alice in Wonderland fan and I think the way you chose to present it is creative. For example, the aftermath of Wonderland I found genius. But what I can say though is you can economize your writting. In your first didactic panel you say “Morishima combined different skills she learned from her Graphic design principle and English class to create a humument book.” Personally I dont think you have to say “From her graphic design principle and English class” for the simple fact viewers will already know what two classes are involved because of the overall community’s didactic. Also instead of saying skills i think you should actually list the skills you used as opposed to just saying you used skills. I also feel the way you started out can be fixed. “Understanding Tom Phillips’ concept behind his creative art work” I feel a better way to approach this is “In refrence to Tom Philips’ creative concept, Morishima …..” because after all we are using Tom Philips’ work as a guide in our project.

  2. overall you have described your pieces of work really good but I would prefer if you add a Little bit of detail of why you made the piece the way it is or what concepts from class did you use to make the piece.

  3. This work was put together very well and I can understand the back story and logic you put into your work.

    p.s. when you list the materials I think you meant to put paper back book not paper bag book.

    but good job on your didactic panels it was well put together and understandable.

  4. What’s the theme of the book you mentioned in your first didactic? I like how you made each panel as though they are pieces of a story. The third panel is a bit on the short side. Perhaps you could include how the compositions was made for your third didactic.

  5. Your classmates have given excellent feedback. To echo some of the most important points that you haven’t dealt with already:
    * remember that everyone’s project is inspired by Tom Phillips’s A Humument, and is done for COMD 1100 and ENG 1101–there will be a didactic panel that explains the exhibit overall, so you don’t necessarily need to include those details.
    * change paper bag to paperback
    * consider explaining what the new focus on Wonderland means. You can have more space to do this if you remove the parts that refer to the project’s goals and instead focus on your re-imagination of the text.
    * Also, what’s the new title of the text? I like how each page’s title includes Wonder–does the title of the whole text also have the word Wonder in it?
    * the panels aren’t yet 60 words exactly. As you work to get there, you’ll proofread and make changes to the language.
    * One change you might want to make is to remove your use of passive voice, when you write “was created by.” Instead, writing “Morishima created this by…” or something like that makes you the one doing the action. With passive voice, who does the action gets buried.

    If you have any questions, ask them in reply to this comment.

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