Value-Added Portrait: Phase 3

Took me about three to four hours to complete the painting, and the animation took about hour and a half. Mounting to Bristol took  me about 2 hours. When I was working on it, the print out for the Photoshop version did not came out right. I specifically out it into 6″x6″ however, I do not know how library printer works so the image came out smaller. Also, since my collage’s measurement was off by 2 to 5 millimeters, I had to add in more to the side. (Will explain more in phase 4)  The 3D Anaglyph was easier for me to do them, because I learned almost everything from my other class.

Narrow-Range Digital Collage & Narrow-Range Collage
Broad-Range Painting & Broad-Range Collage
3D Anaglyph
3D Anaglyph

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