Person Avatar – Ruky
List of what I observe:
- Boy that hiding or covering his mouth
- Have a halo on his head
- Have a angel wing and a devil wing
- By hiding or covering his mouth, he looks shy, and keeping to himself.
- The halo to me means he is a good person.
- The angel wing and devil wing could mean even thou he is a good person, he can also be bad if he needs to be.
So I have chosen the avatar of Ruky to write about because it seems interesting to me. In his avatar I see a boy hiding or putting his hand over his mouth, by covering his mouth, I think he is a very shy person, and he keeping his feelings to himself. I also saw a halo on his head meaning he is a good person. He does what is right just like an angel. I also saw an angel wing and a devil wing on the avatar. The angel wing and devil wing could mean even thou he is a good person, he can also be bad if he needs to be.
After reading Ruky’s profile I cannot confirm or correct any of my interpretations because he did not write enough so that I can know much about him.
Thank you Jay for choose my Avatar. I have learn what kind of person i am, from reading your interpretation. One thing that I’m sure about my self is that I’m not a good person. ^^
Jay, you write about how you interpret the character in the avatar. How does this avatar offer you a sense of the member, in this case Ruky? What inferences can you make and what opinions do you form about the member from looking carefully at this avatar?