Project#3 Final

Every day we walk on the same route to school or work. We are tired of the view on our route. We no longer feel curious about the view or want to look at it one more time. Our life becomes boring. Life should not be like that, life should be full of vitality, passion, coloring, changes, and new things. When you discover a new thing, you would feel your passion and curiosity again. And this app will guide you discover a new route, which can rekindle your passion and color your life. A new route is not just a new route, you are going to find out lots of unexpected things on it.

New York City is the most populous city in the United State and one of the biggest city in the world. The huge population makes the city become fast-paced and noisy. Every day after the sun comes out, the city is awake. Then the noise starts permeating in the air. People are making noise; trains are making noise; cars are making noise; etc. The more people, the more noise. And we are tired of those noises. But we can’t stop them. Even though we can stop them, the place we are living in is no longer New York City. The noise is New York City’s voice. But what can we do to those noises? The answer is we don’t need to do anything to them! We just need to find a quiet place and take a good rest. And this app would guide you escape from the noisy and enjoy a moment of quiet and peace!

The five new places we are going to experience today are Cadman Plaza Park, Hillside park, Hillside park, Harry Chapin Playground, Fort Stirling Park, and Brooklyn Heights Promenade. All those five places are related to our theme today– quite. If you look at the map, you would find out that they all located around Brooklyn Heights. Take a left turn after you head out of City Tech. Then turn right on Tillary Street and go straight to Cadman Plaza W. Finally Turn right on Cadman Plaza W and keep going to Old Fluton Street. And you will see our first place — Cadman Plaza Park. If you meet that park in summer, it would give you a feeling of  fresh and lively. It has a big area of lawn and trees around. People play around on the lawn. And you would have an impulse to lay down on the lawn and listen to the trees. Since it is fall now, the park seems not as lively as summer. But for instead, it would give you a feeling of quiet and peace. The park becomes yellow. Not many people in the park, birds are gone. I would say the park is sleeping. It is so quiet and calm. When you walking in that park, don’t forget to close your eyes for a while. You would forget this noisy city and feel unprecedented peace. Let’s turn left on Old Fluton Street, then turn left on Vine Street. There is the Hillside park. This park is smaller than the Cadman Plaza Park, but it also has a lot of trees around it. There are tables and chairs in the park. Eat your lunch without any annoying voices here! Keep walking on Vine Street then turn left on Columbia Heights and keep going down. You would see the Harry Chapin Playground, the Fort Stirling Park, and the Brooklyn Height. All of them are the good places for you to take a good break from this noisy city.

After walking on this route and seeing so much green. You must feeling brand new now.  You must discover the tranquility that you have been seeking for. This tranquility might change you, becasue it would calm your irritable mind or comfort you from something that goes wrong. The noise in the city is just like the things that make you upset. And we just need to take a break. Everthing is going to be as easy as open this app~

Project 3 # Final

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. If you take time to really look at simple things you will come to realize that they really are beautiful. The surrounding beautiful, natural scenery spreads out before our eyes. It makes our spirits are cheered up and refreshed. True happiness comes from nature, the peaceful and beautiful environment is indeed enjoyable. Take some time out of the working day to enjoy by walking through into the environment.

This route begins at the General Building, when you exit to the Johnson st and turn right side to the Cadman Plz E. Walk through the Tillary St, the Brooklyn War Memorial will appear in front of you. There have the memorial,that designed by the architectural firm of Eggers and Higgins. Building adorned by two large figures, one at either end of front facade. That depict a male warrior on the left and a female with a child to the right – symbols of victory and family. The other one of my location is Hillside Park, is one of the dog parks in New York City. This park can be the one of the green lungs of an urban area. A walk in the park can calm our strained nerves, which is very quaint, very clean, and quite beautiful.

The other beauty in nature place is Brooklyn Bridge, is a park on the Brooklyn side of the East River in New York City. It’s a recreational, environmental and cultural destination enjoyed by visitors to New York City. There have a perfect view of the Manhattan, when you gaze afar into the Manhattan, the skyline at night from the those Building at Brooklyn Bridge Park. The panoramic view are marvelous. Also, the park have an alley when you walk through the alley, the surrounding view make you feel more comfortable and enjoyable into the nature environment. Looking at beauty in the alley, make me remind to the life is not always perfect. Like the alley, it has many bends, ups and down, but that’s its beauty and silent. “Nature is good for us launched scores of studies. Researchers reported stress reduction, improved attention, “mental restoration,” better health, increased longevity.” (Begley, Sharon Do We Really Need Nature?  August 12, 2015 Web. November 18, 2015). Everyone have to take sometime into nature, because we never noticed the beauty in nature that we were too busy trying to enjoy it. Look deep into nature, then you will understand everything better.

Keep walking to the end of the Brooklyn Bridge Park, you will see the boat ramp on the right side, have the other perfect view of the Manhattan. Then you can completely see the Pier 2 at Brooklyn Bridge Park in front of your face. It is dedicated to active recreation, contains over five acres of basketball, and over half an acre of artificial play turf, fitness equipment, and picnic tables available for walk-up use. A wide promenade wraps around the pier. It is one of the park have perfect promenade view includes the physical exercise fitness equipment and places. This is the different location of other places, is cross-over with physical exercise and beauty-in-nature. There is able to enjoy quietness and provide the area for visitors strengthen muscles & keep fit. It is kill two birds with one stone.

Where the beauty of nature and the freedom to breathe fresh air is all part of what is worth living for. Making the first change of your routine, you will really gains a different experience of your day, while it is the simple easy step. Every step can bring a lot of unpredictable things happen, but never ever stop to find the beauty in nature. Tale a moment to enjoy the beauty of nature, take a deep breath, relax…enjoy the rest of your day.

Saturation Studies: Phase 4

Phase 1: Color Wheel

First time how to use the simple color (RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, VIOLET) to understanding of saturation.


Phase 2 : Three Saturation

Chromatic Gray Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:
Took around one and half hours.


Muted Color Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:
Took around two hours to complete.


Prismatic Color Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:
Took around three hours.


 Phase 3: Swiss Style Band Poster

spicy pop

This project was fun for me, I worked with Brandy and Ashley, we had to make a poster of using the different saturation and values of the color red. At the beginning of the poster, we had to create a title that involves the senses of taste and sound. So we came up the “spicy” and “pop” for the title. Fortunately, we knew how to using the illustrator that we as fast as complete the poster .

Saturation Studies: Phase 3

spicy pop

For this saturation study, I worked with Brandy and TK. In this project, we had to create a band poster using a name that is a cross-sensory word or phrase. We were given three cards; a color card, a composition card, and a concept card. For, color card, we were given was warm color. For the composition card, we chose to do taste and sound. We came up with the name “Spicy Pop” by making a list that were taste and sound. We played around with the words until we came up with Spicy Pop and were satisfied with it. Since we were given warm color, we chose to do red. We used prismatic, chromatic, and muted. Overall it took about 3 hours to complete this project.


Saturation Studies: Phase 2

Chromatic Gray Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:

What I learned from this part of the project is how to create Chromatic Grays by mixing the color and its complementary.

Time Spent – An Hour and Half.

Muted Color Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:

What I learned from this part of the project is how to create Muted Colors by mixing the colors with white, or its complementary.

Time Spent – Two Hour and Half.

Prismatic Color Studies – Exercise #1 & 2:

This was created by just using the pure primary colors.

Time Spent – An Hour and Half.

Saturation Studies: Phase 3

This part of this project was fun, I like creating stuff right on the computer, Hence Graphic Designer. It was fun to create this poster because I learned what the old times Band posters looked like. Creating this poster was harder than I thought because I am new to illustrator so it was very frustration. We came up with the name Sour Stare because our colors where warm colors, therefore, we also use different saturations and values of the color orange.

Sour Stare
Sour Stare

Saturation Studies: Phase 4

My thought on this project was, It was actually fun. We finally got to work with color! It was interesting how mixing the primary colors creates new colors.

Phase 1: Color Wheel

In order to create this color wheel I had to use only the 3 Primary colors, (RED, YELLOW, and BLUE). To create the rest of the colors, I then had to mix these colors together to create the secondary colors (ORANGE, GREEN, and VIOLET). And so on.

Color Wheel
Color Wheel

Phase 2: Saturation Studies

I have learned allot from this project, for example how to create Chromatic Gray by mixing the a color and it’s complementary. And I learned how to create Muted Colors by mixing the colors with white, or its complementary.

Phase 3 – Swiss Style Band Poster

This part of this project was fun, I like creating stuff right on the computer, Hence Graphic Designer. It was fun to create this poster because I learned what the old times Band posters looked like. Creating this poster was harder than I thought because I am new to illustrator so it was very frustration. We came up with the name Sour Stare because our colors where warm colors, therefore, we also use different saturations and values of the color orange.

Sour Stare
Sour Stare