English Project #2: Process

In the beginning of this project, I was nervous to start it. I didn’t know what exactly we had to do for this assignment. In class we learned about the word, juxtaposition. Hearing the word made me nervous more starting the project. From learning the meaning of the word, I slowly understood what we had to do for this project. For phase one, we had to go on a walk and find a location. In the beginning, I didn’t know what location I wanted to do and had to think about it. After going on a walk after class, I finally found what place I wanted to do. For my first draft, I had a hard time writing it. After the peer feedback, I decided to change the location. Writing the final essay felt easier than the first draft I wrote. But I still wasn’t satisfied with my final writing. It felt that it was short and I didn’t write all what I needed to write about. Overall the essay took about around 3 hours to do.

English Project #2 Process

At the beginning of this project, I first time heard the word juxtaposition, I have no idea of those word mean and what I have to write in this project. When I’m reading the project description, is about the overlap of different New Yorks from different period and different communities coexisting each other. On the walk of my choosing, that I already know what location I was going to go with, because of the place shows out the different view and easier to compare two different things in New York overlap in one place. I determined what to eliminate is something not important to put into my essay, also by reading comments to figure out the problem I missed. I keep changing my essay for every moment when some idea come to my mind, then lead to my essay might be unorganized and confused. by reading some classmate’s feedback improve my essay more clearly and easy to understand what I was talking about the overlap of different New Yorks. I took around twenty mins on brainstorming, one and half hours on outlining, two to three hours on drafting, one hours on  revising, and ten mins on polishing.