Value-Added Portraits: Phase 3

My broad value range and narrow value range collages both took 3 hours each to complete. My painted collage took 8 hours to complete. The digital collage took 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete. The 3D Anaglyph took about 20 minutes to complete.


Value-Added Portraits: Phase 4


At the beginning of this project I was first introduced to the concepts of high key and low key value ranges. After finding examples of both concepts within the CityTech area I had to explain the tone that each example gives off. I learned that with high key ranges there’s usually a happier tone while with low key ranges there’s a more mysterious and dramatic tone. Next I learned the concept of a broad key value range by making a grayscale. Also I learned that high key and low key ranges are known as narrow ranges. By learning these 3 concepts I had to make 2 collages which consisted of one being a narrow value range and the other being a broad value range. After the first critique I pretty much had to redo both collages. The successful part was that my collages were distinguishable in terms of value range. What was missing was providing a clear focus and path within the collages. After seeing my peer’s collages I got a better sense on how to improve my collages. The next assignment was to make a painted version of the broad range collage and a digital version of the narrow range collage. When I first heard painting I was really excited but when it came down to actually painting I was scared because we had to mix white and black paints to create broad ranges of gray. This task was pretty tedious and I tried my best to make the shades really close to the collage. I got a kind of bitter-sweet feeling when I finally finished because my painting wasn’t in exact detail as I would’ve wanted it to be but for my first time doing something like this I at least learned how to handle paint more. I got a bit discouraged during the critique because there was painted collages that I thought looked better than mine. But I’m coming to terms that I’m still learning and through more practice I can improve. Since the next project deals with paints I feel I’ll get more satisfying results since I learned how to deal with paint through this experience. With the digital collage I was more comfortable because I at least had some experience of Indesign from Type and Media even though the program was Photoshop. The next assignment was making a 3D Anaglyph from my portrait which was fun until the 3D started bothering my eyes.

Value Added Portraits: Phase 3

This is my final presentation of project #3. I spent approximately 5 hours of work time from the beginning of the project till the final phase. I feel my value range digital collage was more successful than the broad range painting, maybe due to my preference to using digita media. But overall I am pretty satisfied with the final product.image image

Value-Added Portrait: Phase 3+Phase 4

It took me about a hour to finish everything. The focus point on my broad-range painting is the most lightest part of two pieces of collage, you can easily find it out. And the focus point on my narrow-range is the curves with darker colors. The most difficult part of this project for me is painting. The last time I used brush was in elementary school, I used to use graphic tablet to draw and paint on laptops, so when I paint with brush, it didn’t work as I imagined, a pretty hard challenge for me. Other steps are fine, I enjoyed to work on them, easily accomplished. This project helps me to realize I’m better as doing digital art than physical art which is painting. I spend more time to paint on bristle than making a collage on mac. Learn to paint physically is one thing I have to improve on in the future, I hope next time when I worked on the painting it will done as I imagined.




Value-Added Portraits: Phase 3

This is my finished Narrow Range Collages, as you can see the focal point is on the top left. You can get there by following the zipper.

This is my finished Broad-Range Painting & Broad-Range Collage. The focal point is in the middle, where the hands folds-in in a way like a flower.

Broad-Range Collage & Broad-Range Painting
Broad-Range Collage & Broad-Range Painting

Time Spent of this part of the project, about 5 hours.

COMD Class 15 | Painting Lab

October 28, 2015 What’s Due? Broad and Narrow Value Collages finished. Come prepared to work on Painting. Materials needed:  Painting Supplies: white and black gouache paints sable-type watercolor brushes (do not buy brushes for acrylic or oil) FLAT:  1/2″ angle, #4 ROUND: #1, #5 two water containers (yogurt cups, soda bottles with tops cut off, soup cans) […]