Classwork Pickup

Students from Fall 2015 can pickup their classwork from my office N1127 on the following dates. IMPORTANT: Please let me know if you plan to stop by. If you don’t confirm, I may not be in my office. Friday, March 4th, 11:30-12pm Thursday, March 10th, 12:45-1:45pm. Please contact me to CONFIRM. Hope you are having a wonderful semester! Print this page

End-of-semester checklist

A few reminders and follow-ups as we approach the end of the semester:

  • The glossary write-up is due. Today. Refresh your memory of the instructions here. As soon as I have them all, I can compile a complete glossary from the semester.
  • As you prepare for the final exam, remember to review the notes from our discussion about preparing for and writing this essay exam. Remember also that you can ask questions/answer questions/make comments in the comments section.
  • I posted instructions for the Project #4 cover letter. Please write this post so I can take your ideas into account as I re-read your work.
  • Many of the Project #3 posts did not have Works Cited lists–without them I can only assume that you either didn’t do any research, or that you used sources without giving them proper credit. If you add your Works Cited lists, I can take that into account as I finalize the grades for Project #3.
  • If we had discussed your plans to revise one or more of your projects this semester, would you remind me by sending me the link to the revised version? I have several, but before I return them on Monday, I would like to have everyone’s accounted for and graded.
  • I’m really excited to see your finished altered-book projects. Remember that we’ll take lots of pictures of them and of you with them on Monday in COMD 1100.
  • If you would like additional feedback on any of your work, we can schedule a meeting.
  • Good luck with all of your work! You can do it!

COMD 1100 Field Trip Ideas (Free)

Field Trip Suggestions for COMD1100

Please comment on where you would like to go for a field trip.

Possible location:

-On/Off Broadway
-Museum (Lets stay with art)

>Below is possible museum that I searched, and thought it looked cool for us to go. Please check it out~! (Each individual building are very unique and all of them are in NYC)

  • Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
  • Museum of American Illustration
  • Museum of Arts & Design
  • The Frick Collection
  • Museum of Television and Radio Paley Center for Media
  • Whitney Museum of American Art
  • New Museum
  • International center of photography
  • National Academy of Design
  • American Folk Art Museum

COMD 1100 Notice

Scans and Slices are ready!

  • If you completed your inked mashup on time, I’ve scanned and sliced your images for you. You’re welcome! 🙂
  • Find your hi-res and sliced images for animation in this Dropbox folder. Select your name and click Download > Download as zip.
  • If you didn’t finish your inked mashup on time, please scan and slice your image using the guidelines found in Class 10.
  • Creating animations takes time. Please don’t wait until Tuesday night to start.
  • If you need help contact me!

COMD1100 Homework Reminder

Homework for COMD1100 is always found at the bottom of the previous class outline.

For Wednesday’s class:

  1. Become a member of our OpenLab course:
  2. Explore the class website:

Materials needed for WEDNESDAY’S CLASS:

** Note: if you are unable to afford these items due to financial aid delays, please make arrangements with a classmate to borrow or share supplies next class.