My name is Ashley Fernandez, I’m 18 years old and live in Queens. I graduated from High School of Applied Communication which is located in Long Island City. I am now a freshman in City Tech taking Communication Design as a major. I’ve always had an interest in art especially during my school years. I’ve always loved drawing and I would be doing it all the time whether it was in my notebook or on the paint program on the computer. During my years, I really didn’t know what I wanted to major in college or what I wanted to do in life. At that time, I wasn’t really passionate to do a certain thing. But, during my junior year I had to take a graphic design class. I didn’t know what that class was or if I would actually have an interest in it. As I got to learn more about it and go to do some projects, I actually enjoyed it. That’s where my interest in Graphic Design started from. I am passionate about creating and drawing. If I’m creating something, I like to put my own style into that work. When I don’t really have anything to do, I like to draw most of the time. I’m more of a visual drawer. I like to draw the certain object if it’s in front of me. I’m not really sure what my design aesthetic is but I’m figuring that out slowly as I’m learning more in my major. In five to ten years, I hope to see myself still having an interest in Graphic Design or having a job creating logos or album covers. I describe myself as quiet, shy, and an introvert. I am quiet most of the time and like to have my own little space for myself. I’m the shy type of person who’s not really comfortable to approach or talk to someone first. But once I know the person more, I am comfortable going up to them and talking to them first.
My avatar is the album cover and the new logo of one of my favorite band/group; EXO. I chose this avatar because I like the band but I also thought that their latest logo was creative. When you first look at it, it looks confusing because at first you might see a hexagon but then you might see a cube. But if you look really carefully, you can see the group’s name. I also liked that the album cover was simple with the colors. Using the black as the background made the logo really stand out. Like the logo, I want to design something that is simple and looks confusing at first, but when you look at it more, you will see the obvious thing. But I also chose this logo because this band also made me like a new genre of music that I use to really dislike. I didn’t like it because I didn’t understand it and I also did not know why people liked that kind of genre. But as I listened more, I actually started to enjoy it. It made me realize that just because you don’t understand the language, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.

My avatar can be misleading to other people. When they look at it, they might be confused on what this image might exactly be. They might only see a hexagon or cube. They might not be able to see the band’s name. This might mislead people to think that I’m confusing, hard to figure out, or just like shapes.
My profile will convey who I am and how I present myself in work. It will also convey that I am simple and hardworking. It matters because I don’t really express who I am in person. But here, people would be able to see that more.