
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 22 of 23)

Shitty First Drafts

I usually write about two drafts when writing a paper. The way I always start is writing down ideas that may come to mind or something that I would really like to say in my paper. It helps me a lot because I eventually insert it in my piece of writing. For me it’s a constant battle of wanting to say so many things, but not knowing when and how but after a couple tries and drafts the job usually gets done. I usually write a downdraft because it is the easiest for me, I tend to have a lot to say , so when getting it all out it feels therapeutic. My thoughts are already there so it is just a matter of organizing them. I don’t think that I will have to change the way I write because I tend to just throw ideas onto my paper whether it makes sense or not. When reading “Shitty first Draft” I felt as if I can relate to it a lot because , it really shows the real process of writing not that structured academic intro, body and conclusion process we get taught throughout our younger years in academics. Writing is that thing where you know it’s going to take you somewhere but you do not know where and the reason we may not know where is because writing can take you anywhere and that is the power of our thoughts as humans.

Respond to “Shitty First Drafts”

When I write essay my initial routine is to write many thoughts that I have. I was not surprised by the chapter’s title at all. As I read the title I knew I was going to able to relate to the author. When she described that she would sit down with her notes reminded me of the steps I take to when writing essays. In my opinion changing the way I write won’t have to change at all in order to write a “shitty first draft”.


Genre Awareness: Am I left out because I don’t know Trash Talk

Comments on YouTube; Facebook posts; Amazon reviews; Yelp reviews; Memes…

These are all genres that never existed when I was in college. Each one has its own community. Each one has its own rules.

When I read them, I feel: Everyone in these communities seems to know the rules about how to write in them — only, the rules were never posted anywhere.

I feel kind of left out.

I imagine that others share the same feeling about writing 850-word English essays. “What’s the purpose?” “Who is on the other side of this — who cares about this?” “I need to know more about what this is for or else I may look foolish.”


Shitty First Draft

When I have to write down an essay or research paper I usually have at least two drafts. My first draft consist of  writing whatever comes to mind at the moment. My second draft I make sure to spot out every mistake i made while writing the paper . When I first read the title to the chapter I was astounded because authors usually don’t have the fortitude to post such foul language in their books especially as the title. After reading the chapter “ Shitty first draft’ I learned that it’s best you use the method the  author spoke upon. By writing the downdraft your creating a surface for your paper. For the updraft you have looking over the previous paper and search for sentences that you could reword differently to make it sound more appropriate. Finally comes the dental draft, which is finding every mistake made on the paper like punctuations, capitalization, and etc. These three steps will improve all writers exponentially. It will help writers like myself notice the mistakes they made and learn from them. From now on I will make sure i review all the work that I write at least three times to make sure there’s no error.


“Navigating genres” reflection

How I feel writing on Facebook; I write on it every day. Mainly because it became a platform that is very easy to talk on. You can post absolutely anything on there, and you wont have to worry that there will be something wrong with the post. It wouldn’t be the case if it was my grandmother. Not even as old as my grandmother, maybe someone just a little younger like a couple of my professors, they don’t even know anything about Facebook let alone to use it. So Facebook definently has a age group it targets.“‘I Am Under 18’ Button Clicked For First Time In History
Of Internet” was the most interesting topic mainly because no one expected this to ever be a thing. Someone hit the button…whether or not you are 18 you can always you are and the website has to believe you. There is no way the internet would know how old you are. So for someone to click the button to say no is really surprising. One rule that I always had was to never use a I in a sentence, mainly because that rule has been ingrained in me from I was young. And with this rule I have struggled the most with essays as my genre. They are just so long and energy-draining. I would rather do a poem, because it is hard but concise.

Shitty first draft

In this excerpt it talks about writers always having a shitty first draft except one person. So she started talking about how this one person is the exception to having a terrible first draft and I dont know who that is. I don’t normally pass the first draft because of how much time it takes, but it does turn out quite crappy so I would just edit it and call it a day. But what she said made a lot of sense the first time is rarely ever good, and that it takes about three tries which is a good number. But three drafts. That’s alot and whats the crazy part is that you can write a lot and none of it would be good until the last part. That I would not be able to do, but I certainly respect the effort you have to put in. I also didn’t know that writers could have such chaotic minds. So much so they have to go so far and have to mentally visualize themselves shutting it all off in order to get good work done. That part of the writer life I rather not have to deal with.

Response to “Navigating Genres”

I don’t post on Facebook as much as I used to as a kid. To me you shouldn’t put all of your troubles out on Facebook because 1. people are disrespectful and may say something you wont like and 2. people don’t want to know all about your business. I have seen a lot of good things and bad things out on Facebook like heartwarming videos of an marine surprising his family, I have seen bullying , scary and horrifying videos and photos such as MOMO. I the one rule I keep in my head is to be blunt with people because that’s my honest truth.

Response to “Navigating Genres”

Honestly , it all depends on what you are writing. i personally wouldn’t put anything personal on Facebook. Everybody on that app has put some B.S or just wants to post but overall, there has been  post that are true,heartwarming, scary,photoshopped and more. Facebook is not an app you want to play with meaning – you can be watched and stalked. Some rules that i keep in my head – well i only keep one rule – to be completely honest and hold nothing back PERIOD!!!!!!!!!

Response to “Shitty First Draft”

I do not write down draft, up draft, and dental draft. I only do two papers I write my first one then I ask one of my friends to edit my paper for me and then I rewrite my paper and I hand it in to the teacher. I don’t see the point of writing three papers where anybody can find a mistake. I don’t see the point in it because its a waste of paper, which its killing the trees which we kind of need for oxygen. I wasn’t surprise about her title because to me all draft’s are shitty they aren’t meant to be perfect.

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