Glossary Write-Up

As the glossary assignment indicates, you will need to write a final post to reflect back on the glossary entries you’ve completed this semester, to facilitate my finding all of them, and to make it easier for us to share the entire glossary with each other and anyone else interested.

Before you write this final post:

  • I strongly encourage you to revise individual glossary posts to correct any misspellings, typos, or incorrect, incomplete information. Check that they each have the category Glossary, any tags for the title of the text or class topic they come from , and any other tags you want. Be sure to include a comma between tags when you create them so you don’t create one giant tag that only applies to one post.

Please write a post that includes the following information:

  • Give it a title
  • Choose the category Glossary
  • Choose the tag Glossary Write-Up (look for that tag and choose it), along with any other tags you find appropriate
  • In the post, make a list of the 15 or more words that you included in your glossary–just the words in a list.
  • Then hyperlink each word to its glossary entry post.
    • To do this, highlight the word, then click on the link icon
    • Paste in the address for the post you wrote about that word
    • Click Add Link
  • Then write a reflection about the glossary assignment for the semester. Think about how it affected your reading process, your comprehension, your coordination with classmates for this crowd-sourced project, etc. This should be approximately 250-300 words.
  • Due date: 12/18/15



not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.

Source – Google Dictionary

I encountered this word while watching a video on colors and people personalities in COMD1101.

I now understand that Aloof means someone who is not friendly, they are distant from others.

[Glossary Entry # 8]



  • the use of shocking details to cause a lot of excitement or interest


I came across this word in today’s class when we were making a summary for the reading excerpt, “The Boston Photographs”. This word can be found in the sentence “Although some argue whether it was sensationalist and unethical to do so, purely in newspapers’ own interests, Ephron sides with their value as good photojournalism”. From learning what sensationalist meant, some people believed that the newspaper used the shocking photos to just gain attention for their newspaper.

AP Wire Service

“AP” Abbreviation of Associated Press: Link

American multinational nonprofit news agency headquartered in New York City

Wire Service

A news agency that sends out syndicated news copy to subscribers by wire or by satellite transmission

I encountered this word from our post on OpenLab (Link: Here). From our learning, I learned that AP stands for Associated Press; an organization. However, I decided to add on service at the end of the “Wire” because if someone who hadn’t taken our class to read this site, they would not understand. I did not thought at first that it was two words that describes one thing. So, I searched AP and than Wire. Each words have different meaning that made me very confusing about this organization name.



“irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with.”

With any piece of writing, it is important to organize your composition in a manner that  is coherent and stays true to the subject at hand. Adding extraneous details to a composition can mess up that organization, and take away sense from the composition.



  • 1a :  exceeding what is sufficient or necessary :  extra

1b :  not needed :  unnecessary

  • 2 obsolete:  marked by wastefulness :extravagant


I came across this word in today’s English class. It can be found in the Project #4 peer review post, “what’s superfluous?”. In this case superfluous would be meant for extra or unnecessary. In other words “what’s superfluous?”, means in the post what extra information is unnecessary so that it can be eliminated from the essay.




having a cheap and ugly appearance

morally low or bad

(source: Merriam-Webster)

This word was used in The Boston Photographs by Nora Ephron. The word is found in the sentence,”A tawdry way to sell newspapers.” From the sentences previous from this one, it was talking about what photographs were used/put in the newspaper. Using the certain photographs in the newspaper was a low/bad way to sell newspapers.



a phrase or expression that has been used so often that it is no longer original or interesting

something that is so commonly used in books, stories, etc., that it is no longer effective

Source: Merriam-Webster 

In Eng1101, I learned this word from a reading called ” The Boston Photographs”. On line says: ” Learn to use clichĂ©s with devil-may-care abandon.” There is a interesting symbol on top of the letter “e”, I curious what is that meaning for, is anyone knows that?