Project #3: the pitch

Beauty, nature, and entertainments give us good mood, they always beside us, near by our route that we walk passed everyday. Sometimes they might appeared on the street next to your walking route, since you never encountered and then missed out. To avoid this kind of instance keep happening in your life, start using this app today. This app will guide you to walk through a new route, and brings you to the beautiful environmental places you have never been before. The memory from the boring routes you walked everyday will be immediately gone as you used this app for once. Good mood will make your life more colorful.

The five places are waiting you to explore are Commodore Barry Park, Commodore Barry Pool, Golconda Playground, Oxport Playground, and Trinity Park. They are all located on the Nassau St and Flushing Ave, horizontally, near each other, and segment to each other by one or two streets shown on the map vertically. The starting point is from City Tech (New York City College of Technology). Turn left when you get out of City Tech. And then turn right, take a 10 minutes walk on the Tillary Street. Turn left on Duffield street. When you get on the Nassau St, Trinity Park will appears in front of you. Turn right after you explored Trinity Park, keep walking on the Nassau St. The rest of other locations are all on the same street and the same direction, shown on the map horizontally.  Including midway break, this journey will taken you about a hour, unless you spend few minutes to take a look inside.

These five locations have the same logo design on the green location signs, sticked on the object next entrance. The logo design is a circle with a maple pattern in it. This logo represents NYC Parks or City of New York Parks & Recreation, means they all under the same control. The season for now is autumn, when people think of autumn, the first thing comes to mind is maple, overlapped with the maple logo.The logo helps you to easier to notice where they are when you get closer to them, so you won’t miss out when you try to find the location by scanning around.

Four of these locations are parks. Commodore Barry Pool is the only place not in the park genre, but it is a small part of Commodore Barry Park. Commodore Barry Pool operates in summer, and the late of spring only. Because it is outdoor, so when the weather turns cold, temperature went down, the water in the pool will be very freezing, to prohibit kids play in there, they closed the pool. Now the time of pool seems stoping, other than bird chirps, you can not hear anything sounds. Before the next summer came, Commodore Barry Pool is the best option place for people need quite, silent, and secluded for themselves. You can find wood bench in anywhere of these five locations, they are all the good places for you to take a break, so people don’t need to worry about the siting place. Commodore Barry Park is the largest park from these five park locations. It also contains a kid playground. The recreational facilities are same as what Golconda Playground and Oxport Playground have. There always are many kids play around, no matter what season. For people have children at home, welcome to bring your kids to these three playgrounds, let them have fun and made new friends there, and when summer came you could bring them to the Commodore Barry Pool.

Other than playgrounds and swimming pool, all of these five locations are good places to view foliage. Season now is autumn, leaves turn to orange, red, and yellow, its interesting to see the different type of leaves with the different patterns, and how they slowly falling down on the ground. Beautiful leaves on the ground makes up a golden trod, looks like a picture of a beautiful landscape. In spring you will view cherry blossoms, so the color you see in the park will be the mix of white and light pink.

You will gain a lot piece of beautiful memories through this short but valuable journey. For experienced beauty, nature, and entertainment, get start using this app now. Enjoy your walk.

Project #3: the pitch

People always say time is money, especially those who live in a big city. They always thinking of go to their destination as fast as possible. And usually those routes are very noisy, with all those honking sound from cars. Sometime, there could be many beautiful and quiet scenery on the way to your destination or take another path, that could make the route totally different than the original route. With the app I’m working on (New Life Routing) could make this happen easy and simple. Compare to all other routing app, most of them make the route fast and short enough to get to users destination, however what my app does is, to make the route a little longer, so the user can see many beautiful scenery, and feel quiet and peace, while on the way to their destination.

Taking a route to the destination directly and do what ever users have to do, or spend few more minutes on the way, walk through quiet road and see some beautiful scenery. Think about it, if that day you were in a bad mood, however, you took this extra few minutes detour, and it made your day. Don’t you think that’s a lot more worth? If you go to certain place very often, don’t you think its boring? With this app, you can make your every day walk interesting.

This detour at citytech Namm Hall and our destination is Brooklyn Hieghts Promenate. When walk out of the building, turn left walk to the end of the block then turn right, walk to Cadman plaza, you can see Cadman Plaza Park. There is a big field in the center of the park surround with woods, some people play sport in the field, and some just lay down on the grass reading book. Now turn right walk toward to Johnson Street, there is another park named Columbus park, if you were lucky, you can see pigeons surround those people sit on the bench, waiting for food. Across Cadman Plaza W, walk into Pierrepont street, and keep walking to Monroe Place, you can see a church is at that corner, its appearance is very old. For some people looking at some old building make them feel really peaceful. Keep walking to Henry Street turn left and walk two blocks to Remsen street, then turn right. On this street, its really quiet, not much car drive by, even if they did, they didn’t make much sound, because of the road is very small, they drive very slow. As you keep walking to the end of the road, its a dead end. Here, you can see the whole skyline of Manhattan, and here is most quiet and peaceful place in this detour.

This was a detour was one example from our beta user’s experience. When using the app, user can choose how long do user want to walk, the app will calculate the best and closest route time that match to user’s requirement. The app often provide special option when user go to certain place in a certain time, such as the app will note user there are restaurant nearby when its time to eat lunch, desert or dinner. The app also calculate the time you will took in this detour, or time how long have you walk in this detour. The app also has history record, it will save every route users took, of course user can also delete the history. It also has suggest caption, such as the best to go this certain location can have the best experience, it will show at the lower right side of the screen. User can control the app with sound, just like siri or google.

When people trying to find routing apps, most of them are provide the fastest and shortest route for user to get to their destination. Now I have made this app New Life Routing which not only make the route acceptable short but also make users’ detour more interesting and enjoyable. Such a incredible app, why not give a try, and don’t forget share it with your friends.



: hidden from view : private and not used or seen by many people

: placed apart from other people


I saw this word when I was looking for the link to use as my bibliography. Its from my third link, on line:” The island was a secluded hospital where several famous patients stayed….”. This sentence tells most patients stayed in secluded hospital, they need a quite surrounding.

Project #3: (Annotated Bibliography)

link1 :

It tells the 20 most peaceful countries in the world 2015 to travelers who would like to travel to the countries with peace and unique natural.

link2 :

This site tells you the most beautiful places in New York you didn’t know exist. They have descriptions with beautiful photos of nature.

link3 :

This site gives 50 overlooked but beautiful places to visit in New York City. Kind of similar to link 2, but this site is more generalized.

link4 :

This site gives the 15 best places with scenic views in Brooklyn. With the theme of beauty.

link5 :

This site gives the 15 best quiet places in Brooklyn. Contains nature, beauty, silent, and environment.

Project #3: (Annotated Bibliography)

Link 1

This website connects to this project because it shows us the all the parks of Brooklyn in New York city. As soon as you click the link it will take you to a page. The page also has the list of the parks of other boroughs of New York City if you’re feeling too adventurous. And if you click on the park that you’re interested in visiting it will give you a little description of the park. If you are curious to know how the park looks it has some photographs of the park on the right side of the description. And below the description you will find the facilities the park has to offer.

Link 2

If you are into walking then this is the place you should always keep your eyes on. This website has a list of all the upcoming walkathon and racing events that takes place in New York city. Most of the walkathons and racing events takes place with the ultimate goal of raising funds or awareness in order to solve social conflict we all face some way or another.

Link 3

This is a guide to the places you should go to anbd things you should do if you are into trying out new things and taking risks. This activities includes things from bicycle racing, surfing, skateboarding to digging  few decade years records of New York City.

Link 4

This article provides a list of places where you can go to find a little peace in  borough of Manhattan New York City. Places that are quiet and peaceful is very hard to find when you live in a city full of eight million people. Garden at the Church of St. Luke in the Fields, United Nations Meditation Room, Teardrop Park, Passageway under 1251 Avenue of the Americas and Conservatory Garden nade the list in this website.

Link 5

This website provides you with the list of places not only good to take a walk, also good to connect with the nature. It also shows you place that are not public and requires a little amount of money to visit. This list includes mostly parks in New York City and since I went to every single places in this list I believe that this list is very accurate. It includes places that are very peaceful and quiet. That gives you the chance to reconnect with the nature and feel more alive that you have felt.

Project #3 – The Route

Everyday when we’re off to our destination, we are always taking the same route either on the train, bus, or driving, hoping to get there on time. But when traveling, we never really take our time to pay attention or take in what’s around us. We’re use to seeing buildings around us and most of us don’t pay attention to the nature and it’s beauty. With the app of  “Walk n’ Nature”, you’ll be able to walk to your destination while also being able to see the nature around you.

One place that will be introduced in the walk will be Columbus Park on Court Street. Starting from the Namm building of City Tech on 300 Jay Street, go south on Jay Street and go towards Johnson Street/Tech Plaza. Turn right onto there, then turn left onto Adam Street/Brooklyn Bridge Boulevard. Turn right towards Adam Street/Brooklyn Bridge Boulevard and then turn another right onto Adam St/Brooklyn Bridge Blvd. Turn left onto Johnson Street, then turn left at Cadman Plaza E, then walk down a little more and you’re at Columbus Park. When you arrive there, you’ll also be able to sit and relax and take in the nature that surrounds you. You’ll see mostly trees and see that it makes a pathway. You’ll also see a fountain that is surrounded with plants. Not only that, but you might also be able to see a farmers’ market. This park gives you the sense of openness and space.

Exiting from Columbus Park, you can head down to Cadman Plaza Park which is only eight minutes away. When exiting, head east, then turn left on Cadman Plaza East. Turn left onto Tillary Street, then turn right, take a left turn, and then take another right. From where you are, the park should be on the right. When you are in Cadman Plaza Park, you are surrounded with nature. Depending on the season, you might get a different feeling of the park. If you go in the summer and spring time, you’ll see all the trees filled with green leaves and see the different type and colors of flowers that are bloomed. If you go in the fall and winter time, you’ll see that the leaves have changed color and it’s all falling. In some parts of the park, you might feel an eerie sense. From all the trees that are in the park, it’s like a small forest. The walkway in the park also makes it feel like a forest. There are benches in the park where you can relax. There is also a small grass area/field where you can play any outdoor activities. Since dogs are allowed in this park, you might see people with their dog. Another park that is kind of similar to this is Walt Whitman Park. Just head north on Cadman Plaza East, turn left, turn right, turn left, and turn left again. The park should be on the left. This park also has a path where you can walk through, benches where you can sit and this park has game tables.

The next location that will be introduced is Brooklyn Heights Promenade. From Cadman Plaza Park, head north and make a right turn towards Cadman Plaza E. Turn left towards Cadman Plaza E and make a left onto Cadman Plaza E. Turn left again onto Prospect Street, then turn right onto Old Fulton Street. Turn left to stay on Old Fulton Street and continue to stay onto Furman Street. Turn right and then just turn slightly left. The Brooklyn Heights Promenade is a long platform and a pedestrian walkway. Here you would be able to see Lower Manhattan’s skyline from across. You’ll also be able to see the New York Harbor, Brooklyn Bridge, and the Statue of Liberty from afar. You can sit and watch the view of the river and see some helicopters fly by. The feeling you get from this place is calm and peaceful. You’ll be able to walk on your own pace and see the views around you.

With “Walk n’ Nature” you’ll be able to go to your destination while also getting to be able to see and pass through nature. This app provides you with either choice of a short distance or long distance from your destination. This app will also tell you a little bit of information about the place.


The Pitch

You only live once thus you need to break off from your everyday routine and do new things every day, try new things, see new things. Enjoy life for what life is. And with this app it does just that. This app (The Beauty Finder) takes you away from your everyday boring walk to school and leads you in a new walk that will excite you and appreciate the way our planet really is. Although walking along Jay Street is the fastest way to get from the A/C/F/R station to City Tech, a route that passes Bridge Street, Hoyt Street, and Jay Street would be a better way to start the day because it offers The Beauty Finder users beautiful inspiration.

When you’re walking in a city, your experience could change completely just by a wrong turn in a single block. One minute you’re walking along a crowded artery, the next you’re on a quiet residential street. In New York, there are so many different views and places all in one spot due to the diversity of this great city. Some people probably develop favorite routes, from either getting to and from their home to their work, school, and even the local grocery store. However when it reaches the time to go somewhere unfamiliar, like in a new neighborhood or city. Now what do you do? Which path do you take? You can look on a map or you can just type in your new destination it on your smartphone. But what you don’t realize is that will show you the most direct way from where you are to where you are going. Now some people may say that’s a great thing, they want to get to their destination as fast as possible, but what they also don’t realize is they are missing out on all the beautiful things they could see if only they spend an extra 20-30 minutes on their route to their destination. Does that faster route and smaller roads mean beautiful gardens or garbage and rats? It’s impossible to tell. Until now with The Beauty Finder.

They are so many beautiful routes you can take around New York City that will worth your wild, but the main focus today is a beautiful route from Hoyt – Schermerhorn, Brooklyn, NY, United States, to New York City College of Technology. By using The Beauty Finder, I will show you why you should invest your time in an extra 15 minutes of your daily routine from the train station to City Tech.

Instead of getting off the train at Jay Street MetroTech Station and walk for about 3 minutes to reach city tech, let’s take a new route and see the beauty around the City Tech Community. This new route will only take you about 16 minutes, 13 minutes more than your usual walk to school. While on this new route you will see so many beautiful things you have never seen or even know about. This walk will worth your wild. You can walk this route both in the day and in the night. In the day you see everything every little details; the beautiful buildings, streets, trees, art on the walls and much more. In the night, you see the beauty of the lights as it sparkles in your eyes. In addition to this route’s beauty, aren’t you hungry in the morning or even in the afternoon after a long day at City Tech? Well this route offers you a range of restaurants and fast food chains where you can grab a quick bite to eat or even sit in for a while. Walking through Fulton Street, you can sit down and eat a delicious pancake or whatever your taste buds are craving that day at IHOP. Or if pancakes aren’t your thing, maybe a quick bite of Burgers and Fries suits you better or even Chipotle right in the middle of Jay Street and Bridge Street, called Metro Tech.

This part of the City Tech neighborhood is very busy, which is part of the reason why there are such a high number of restaurants so close together. When you first walk through the center, you are greeted by the beautiful pleasant scent of the Chipotle Mexican grill restaurant. Also when you’re eating don’t you want to look at something beautiful instead of burying your face in your smart phone? That is why this section has put a lot of expenses in constructing this business site so that it creates the beautiful view for people to appreciate as they eat.

Also in this section of this beautiful route you can see the fall season take effect as the trees are stripped from their leafs, as they turned brownish-yellow. You can see them fall from the trees and blown by the wind as the children tried to catch them. You can hear the laughter and yelling of the young children socializing with one another in the park area rather than seeing them on a smart phone like every other place you go. You can also take a breath of fresh air and relax on a park bench and observe the beautiful art pieces that are placed all around the park area. This walk will clear your mind and will make you take a minute to appreciate the beauty of this city. And in addition to this new route and seeing beautiful things you will be exercising by walking an extra 13 minutes which is great for your health!

To summarize why you should take this route instead of your old boring two-minute walk from the Jay Street MetroTech train station to City Tech, this new walk you will show you the beauty of the City that will make you appreciate waking up in the morning and coming to class. This walk will give you a chance to unwind and loosen up while you gather some thoughts. This that is very helpful, especially for someone who had a long day and need to take some time to garth themselves back together. Walking and socializing is a great way to relieves stress because you are putting the stressful things aside for a moment and enjoy the time and the things that are around you during that moment. By the time you reach the end of this route and entered the A train, your mind will be at ease because you took some time to slow things down and relax for once. And the best part is, it will only take a short 15 minutes out of your way which is worth the while. For this reason, I would highly recommend that you consider this route for the app The Beauty Finder.



: an attitude or opinion

: feelings of love, sympathy, kindness, etc.


I found this word in reading excerpt: “The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter”by Ben Merchant. This word can be found in the sentence ” For insance, three cemeteries—Palisades, Weehawken, and Holy Cross—attracted among the strongest Twitter sentiment on the list.” Sentiment can also be mood, when you describe about your feeling you can use either mood or sentiment, no difference.

Project #3(pitch)

We all go about our lives trying to get to where we need to be. For most people that live in the big city they want the fastest way to their destination. Rather they take a crowded train that causes frustration or dealing with road rage when it comes to heavy traffic, it seems as though people don’t care about how their journey to their destination is. Instead of being surrounded by busy streets filled with honking cars, getting shoved by commuters and listening to all the rowdiness that goes on in the city, why don’t you enjoy a journey elsewhere. What if I told you to take the time out of your busy day to relax just by walking in a change in the environment. By taking a route that eliminates rambunctious noises, you’ll be rewarded with a more tranquil atmosphere.


On one of our sample routes, we found a stroll that is pleasant and has a big pay off in seeing the city in a more serene setting. This sample route was taken during the season of autumn and around the time of 2:30pm. The trees in each location had their leaves in warm colors such as yellow red and orange which will provide you with a cozy feeling as you try our route.  You’ll first start off by exiting the Namm building of Citytech through the general floor. When you are outside turn left and make your way to the corner of Jay Street. Once you see Mclaughlin Park make another left and keep on going until you hit Cadman Plaza East. As you venture your way there you will notice that you are moving away from the commotion from the construction site. On Cadman Plaza East to your right you will enter through Cadman Plaza Park. When strolling your way through the park enjoy the calm aura of people having lunch on the benches, the mass amounts of trees that engulf you and the sounds of birds chirping. When you see an open field, in front of it there is a circular flower bed filled with vibrant red yellow and orange flowers. Go around the flower bed and exit the park so you can be on Clark Street and Cadman Plaza West.


Clark Street is part of the residential area known as Brooklyn Heights. As you are walking through Clark street at first you will pass by some sushi restaurants, cafes and lounges. The area has a low noise level so you can have a peaceful meal at one of these establishments. Through Clark Street you will also pass by apartments with gorgeous lobbies, smooth arches on the windows and houses with fine detail on the gates and stairways. Another sighting you will see if you look up in the northeast direction is The Freedom Tower. Once you see Willows Street make a right and continue your way through the calm environment of the neighborhood. The whole Brooklyn Heights area not only provides people with housing but there is a lot of trees and plants around that gives an inviting feeling into the area itself. The neighborhood itself doesn’t have much activity so you can enjoy the sights of these living accommodations while strolling your way through. When you see Cranberry Street make a left and walk down to where you hit Columbia Heights.


You will make a left turn and enter through Brooklyn Heights Promenade. This is a nice place to relax yourself whether it be after a long walk or to unwind from a busy day of work. Remember seeing The Freedom Tower earlier? Well as you continue walking downwards, you will reach the destination on our route which is a marvelous sighting of The Freedom Tower along with the whole tip of Manhattan. You will see the prosperous,active city while sitting on a bench relaxing to the sounds of the waves from the East River that separates Manhattan and Brooklyn. From this location you will get to see other landmarks such as the Brooklyn Bridge, Governors Island and The Statue of Liberty. There are many pier ports that are filled with activities such as handball, ice skating, basketball and rock climbing.This location is great to visit throughout all the seasons and is beautiful in both times of night and day. While there is lively activity it doesn’t affect the serene atmosphere from where you are currently at.         


While many apps provide people the quickest way to get to places how about one that offers people a long journey to endure. There’s people that enjoy strolls and like to embrace each moment they experience in it. Coming later this year, there’s an app called “Serene Crossing” that will guide you to an adventure that will fill your heart with content. This app will provide you with plenty of peaceful destinations as well as find the most leisurely route for you. It is just all up to you to make that choice to take in the calm energy around a lovely stroll.       


Eng. Project #3 – The Route

Every day we walk on the same route to school. We are tired of the view on our route. We no longer feel curious about the view or want to look at it one more time. Our life becomes boring. Life should not be like that, life should be full of vitality, passion, coloring, changes, and new things. And this app will guide you discover a new route, which can rekindle your passion and color your life. A new route is not just a new route, you are going to find out lots of unexpected things on it.

New York City is the most populous city in the United State and one of the biggest city in the world. The huge population makes the city become fast-paced and noisy. The more people, the more noise. The five new places we are going to experience today are Cadman Plaza Park, Hillside park, Hillside park, Harry Chapin Playground, Fort Stirling Park, and Brooklyn Heights Promenade. They all located around Brooklyn Heights. And those five places relate to our theme today– quite.

The walk will take about 45 minutes.

Turn left after you head out of City Tech.

Turn right on Tillary Street and go straight to Cadman Plaza W.

Turn right on Cadman Plaza W and keep going to Old Fluton Street. (Cadman Plaza Park)

Turn left on Old Fluton Street then turn left on Vine Street. (Hillside park)

Keep walking on Vine Street then turn left on Columbia Heights.

Keep going down. (Harry Chapin Playground, Fort Stirling Park, and Brooklyn Heights Promenade)

You are going to see a lot of green on this walk. Enjoy your moment of quiet and peace!