Project #2: Location

For project 2, the location that I decided to do was the U.S. Polo Association Outlet Store on 468 Fulton Street. From the City Tech building, it’s only a walking distance to the store. When you get out from the Namm building, you turn right and just walk straight until you’re at the corner of 2 Smith Street. When you’re walking from Jay Street, you’ll pass by the Supreme and Family Court, the Jay Street/MetroTech train station, and some stores on the way. When you get to the corner of 2 Smith Street, cross the street and continue to walk straight. On you’re walk, you’ll pass through many shops such as Gap, Footlocker, Unique, Macy’s, American Eagle Outfitters, Kay Jewelers, Modells Sporting Shops, Jouney’s. When you see Aldo’s, you’ll see the Polo Outlet Store right next to it. You won’t be able to miss it because of the cream colored building and the large blue polo logo on the store.

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Project #2 Location

In order to get to this location, you first have to exit the City Tech Namm Building through the main entrance on Jay Street. You then take a right on Jay Sreet towards NYU. In between NYU and the building next to it there is food court you can cut through to reach Myrtle Avenue. Cutting through this food court you will notice so many different smells like burgers, chicken, fresh baked pastries, and coffee just to name a few. You can also see a large and diverse group of civilians always enjoying their meal in the shade of the many trees in the court. Once you reach Myrtle Avenue, you continue on this same street straight until reaching the corner of Prince Street and Myrtle. You know you have gotten there when you see a large community center in front of many run down housing complexes. Around this area is a very musty and dank smell, from nearby construction. You will also notice a very obvious and sudden border between these housing complexes, and the luxurious looking corporate buildings and businesses. They are literally right next to each other, and it perplexed me to see such a perfect example of juxtaposition within the city.



Project #2:Locations

For this Project I chose to go too Brooklyn Heights. Before I left I looked a bit into how to get there using the map app on my phone but otherwise I didn’t use my phone until I got too my location so I could look at all the nice buildings that people get to live in. I got there by exiting the Namm building and turning left down on Jay Street towards Tillary Street. From there I made a left on Tillary until I got to Clinton Street  you know that you’re going the right way because on your left is a small park dedicated to all the Korean war veterans. Keep going on Clinton Street until you hit Pierrepont Street. When i arrived at Pierrepont Street I follow it looking at all the nice buildings and how many of them differ from each other and how much they differ from the buildings I’m used to in Times Square, until I finally arrived at Brooklyn Heights. There you can see the huge differences between the small building in Brooklyn Heights and the huge towering buildings of Manhattan. While I was there I also saw a photograph of the old New York skyline with the twin towers tied to the fence. I thought that it offered a bit of insight into someone else’s New York. It’s also a really nice place where you can just sit and admire the view of the Brooklyn Bridge and the New York skyline.



Project #2: Locations

For this project I chose to the modells on 94-11 Rockaway Blvd. To get to this location you exit out of the Namm building and turn right so you’ll be on 300 Jay street, then from there keep walking straight till you get to the A train, its not that hard to miss because theres a big area for just the A,C and F train and its surrounded by construction and you’ll see people coming in and out of the train. You’re going to want to take the A train heading towards Queens, NY, you then get on the train take it 9 stops going to Rockaway Blvd get off the train and head down the stairs once you are down the stairs you turn right and cross the street and first you’ll see a hotdog stand next to a PC Richards then walk straight across Rockaway Blvd and you’ll see a Dunkin Donuts Then you turn right and walk across Woodhaven Blvd you finally get to the Modells. Which use to be a movie theatre that I use to go to, it was actually the first movie theater i ever went to, so this area brings back memories of when i was younger.

Screenshot_2015-09-29-15-40-49 Directions

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This is the modells and the movie theatre it use to be.

Project #2: Phase 1: Location

I choose the nearest Macy to be my location. It takes about 15 mins to get there by walk from City Tech. In order to get to Macy, you have to get out from the exit on the ground floor of the Namm Building. Once you are outside, turn right on Jay Street and start walking. On the way you walked, you’ll pass many bike parking lot also the car parking lot as well. Then you’ll pass a resting area where a lot of people will sitting and eating their lunch and there would be two or three trolleys selling the Mexican food. You will pass the Jay Street Metro Tech subway after that, the next minute you will see the signpost mentioned you are on the cross area of Jay St and Willoughby St. At that time you should realize you have only one more block to walk straight on the Jay St. The next block is Fulton St, turn left  when you get on the Fulton St. This street is mainly for shopping the clothes, so you can see many Clothing stores. As you keep walking, you will pass a McDonald. And Finally, you are there!!!

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City Limits Summary

“City Limits” is the first chapter in Colson Whitehead’s novel The Colossus of New York”. In this opening chapter, Whitehead gives a vivid description on what, he believes, it means to be a New Yorker. He describes his idea of a New Yorker as someone who “builds their own private New York” the first time they view the grand city. What he means to express with that is a person who remembers the city as they were always accustomed  to. New York is ever-changing. It will forever be teared down and rebuilt as everything modernizes more and more. However, a New Yorker will only view the city as they have  known it the majority of their life, as the author believes. He also gives examples of his own personal take on New York, and the “skyline” he has created from it. He describes the experience of seeing your favorite places being replaced with modern stores or new businesses, or parts of the city being torn down to make way for new      things. Whitehead also gives emphasis on how important it is for a New Yorker to cherish their city for how they know it.

Project #2

Walk out of the Namm building of city tech and turn left. walk till you hit the the street. The street is very busy most of the time. It’s the Tillery street. On the other side of the road there’s a park with a handball court, a basketball court and a soccer field. Walk straight for a few block to the Myrtle avenue at flatbush. There you will the skyscrapper. It’s tall. It’s very eye catching with the glass walls and the waves. It’s called the Toren building. But as you walk pass the building stop for a minute. There you will see a small block little block full of little bussinesses. Most of them looks torn or faded compared to the shiny building.


Introvert (

A psychological term that refers to a person’s way of being. An introvert is someone who preoccupies their own throughts and feelings while also minimizing their contact with others aswell.

Ex. “Rebecca is such an introvert, all she does is stay home all day and talk to herself” 

This term term was stumbled upon when i was viewing an artwork. Underneath, a question asked whether it (the artwork)  was introvert or not. I then researched what this meant because I myself could not answer the question because I knew nothing of what those terms meant. After searching I’ve come to discover that the word is associated with psychology and social behaviors. Introverts tends to keep to themselves and are inside thinkers.


Arbitrary (adj.)

Based on random choice rather than any reason.

Ex. “Rosa was very arbitrary while picking the first chocolate out of the Valentine’s box; she covered her eyes and chose” 


This term was stumbled upon while watching an interview on Youtube. The person was explaining their method for choosing products in a store. I was very intrigued to discover what the word meant and figured this can be applied in the glossary to incorporate into our vocabulary.

city limits summary

The chapter “City Limits” in the novel, The Colossus of New York by Colson Whitehead, talks about how things are not what they seem. Whitehead talks about how city life is very fast paced always updating in terms of indistrilization. This advancement in industrilization ultimately causes there to be many versions of the same place because everyone has their own photographic memory of what was there prior to that. Old timers may roam around New York city viewing everything as nostalga. From the day a person starts exploring the concrete jungle, their own private map begins to develop. I can relate to this for example, my high school got rid of its old building sophomore year and built a more up to date, modern school. Every day after school i would walk past where the old building was located and can visually see everything how it used to be. Across the street in front of the Pita Grill on 57th street, there would be a flood of teenagers of all kinds but now everything is so gone and forgotten. Although things have changed i can still look at these places and picture what was there during MY time. That is why there are no city limits because cities are the number one places that continue to evolve in comparrison to a rural lifestyle where things usually remain the same over generations. That is why Whitehead describes New York as a city containing 8million cities because everyone’s template of what New York looks like or what its made of is different in everyone’s perspective. Another thing is when Whitehead mentions how someone is not a New Yorker unless what was there before is more solid and real than what is there now is very true. If what was there before is more vivid to what is there now means you have watched that part of New York City grow, evolve and develop into something greater. Seeing what was there before gives you a better understanding of the city’s roots and culture. Being able to reminise and imagine the past is being able to look back into history and time, do not take that power for granted for what’s gone can always remain if you learn to appreciate whats there now.