Saturation Studies: Phase 1


My concept behind this color wheel was to be a heart that was made up of little hearts. In the middle I put the colors that I used to make the rest of the colors within the wheel. Throughout the creation of this wheel I felt nothing but pure joy for the beautiful colors that I made. I would have to say though for me blue was the color I had some struggle getting but eventually I got it. This took 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Sound Visualization: phase 2

The inked mashup of both legatto and stacatto took me about 2 1/2 hours. I first had to create my layout and measure boxes for accuracy. Then with a very light pencil I drew each composition one by one. After wards I used my pigment liner and brush in order to fill in my designs with black. After all that was done I made sure to let my artwork dry over night before erasing the lines which made up the layout so therefore each staccato and legatto would create a border for themselves since they juxtapose. I would post a photo on to this post but i am unable to so I will have a clickable link to my artwork once i upload it to my e-portfolio

Project 3: Value Added Portraits: Phase 4

In this project, I experienced painting and Photoshop. Before I started this project, I thought I the painting part would most interest me, but after i did the paint, I realize that painting is most challenge part of the project. The most part I enjoyed in is making the 3D image, even though I can’t really see the 3D effect, but I still enjoy of making it, it make me feel I’m professional.

Value-Added Portrait: Phase 3

The painting took me about 2 and a half hours to finish. The animation took me about 1 hour to finish. I spent approximately 4 hours and half of work time from the beginning of the project till the end. I thought the painting part would be very diffcult for me. But I felt like it was not that diffcult and I was having a lot of fun during the painting part. And I hope we can do more painting in the follow-up class.

(I couldn’t upload my works since I have used all of my storage quota of 300 MB.)

Value Added Portraits: Phase 4

Overall, this project was a fairly new experience for me on a personal level. I wasn’t too familiar with painting before we worked on it. Its not my fortay nor my go-to use for expression through my work. However, it was interesting to revisit it after so many years. Ive done abstract work before, but never with paints. I was kind of disappointed with my final product, even though i put in a great deal of effort in it. But building on that, I want to be able to improve and practice more with paint.  Also, it was a great illustration on the terms and words we learned throughout the process. I have a firm understanding of what value is, and how to take advantage of high key values and low key values to distinguish our ideas.