
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 19 of 23)


To my understanding genre is more about a theme or a certain way of something. For instance if someone says their genre is fictional they are most likely to write in a narrative format.

10 Genre’s I encounter everyday



3- philanthropy

4-self care



7-news; NY Times, NY Law Journal,




My two favorite genres would have to be leadership and self development because those are the two things I always seem to gravitate towards. Their audience range from younger and older people who are really into bettering themselves and growing as individuals. I really like the type of language they use because it is very inspiring to me and very thorough. I appreciate language that is extremely analytical that leaves room for thought after reading it.

Navigating genres

Facebook book is probably one of the most popular, and used social media out there. If I were to remember a couple years back, that time period is when I had used Facebook the most. However as of today I don’t see Facebook the same way as I use to. The reason for this is due to the rapid change, and friends. Majority of my friends left Facebook because there are a lot more better social media, and etc. Facebook back then aloud me to post all sorts of goofy stuff, so it’s also part of the fact that I am now an adult with more responsibilities. Now that I’m getting older, I began to realize that the older adults, friends, and relatives that I’m close with are adding posts, and a few pictures on their Facebook account. The older ones only post because they want to update the ones that they also know best in their life, unlike kids they have the audacity to post things even though they know that the friends they have on Facebook are complete strangers. My purpose for posting on Facebook is blurred, but adults older than not so much.

“Myspace Outage Leaves Millions Friendless.” Is my favorite.

I rarely have rules with me whenever I’m writing, but If I was to think of one it would be to have some sort of a attention grabber. I struggle the most with poems. Writing poems is like telling me to solve a triple digit multiplication problem without a calculator.

Navigating Genres Kerry Dirk

An older person may not write as well as I do on social media (facebook) because it was founded in my generation, where social media is very in use. We young people are very accustomed with the social media hash tags and ways to utilize social media like face book.

Some mistakes they might make is probably writing too much for instance on social media captions are usually not that long as well as posts. They probably wouldn’t know how to reply to comments and to use famous hashtags. I also think they would have issues maneuvering the app as well.

When writing I try not to hold any rules in my head, and I try to be as free as possible, because I feel that is when my writing comes out the best. I wouldn’t say there is a particular genre that I struggle to write about it is more figuring out what to write about.

Dirk gives a few examples of tittles in “The Onion” my favorite one was, “Study: Dolphins Not so Intelligent on Land” I found it very funny because Dolphins are known to be extremely smart and the tittle is completely the opposite.


“Navigating Genres”

To be honest I’m not very confident in writing a piece based on the genre of Facebook. Yes, i might have more knowledge about this type of social media than an adult. Some parents and grandparents are not familiar with even using a phone because “it’s a lot of technology for me” what my mom says all the time. Unlike us millennial’s who are attracted to ours phones. Older people might have difficulty communicating through Facebook unlike us who can text four people in different social media. My favorite tiptoe from Dirks newspaper The Onion would be “Myspace Outrage Leaves Millions Friendless” which made me laugh a bit because I remember that during that time it was one of the most popular social media and now mostly everyone forgot about it.

Shitty First Drafts

Typically, I create one original “shitty first draft” and develop it after thoroughly reading it and having others critique it. I definitely start off with a “down draft” jotting off any thought that comes to mind as I write the draft. Subsequently, I transition to an “up draft” and edit it for grammar, spelling and proper word usage. Although I do technically make a “dental draft”, I feel like I should further elaborate on that section due to the fact that I normally only edit once and skim through again after but not enough to claim it as a 3rd draft.  I was not surprised by title of Lamott’s chapter because I feel as though it is common knowledge that every good writer must make a shitty first draft in order to develop their writings into a ‘perfect’ final draft. This reading most definitely influenced the way I write because it gave fruition to the thought that I can still further develop my writings in order to achieve a new level of literary skills.

UNIT 2 Posts So Far

Low-stakes assignment Posts for UNIT 2 as of April 1:

Reflection on “Shitty First Drafts” by Annie Lamott and Reflection on “Navigating Genres” by Kerry Dirk

Posted  under the Category UNIT 2: Assignment 1

A written “recipe” for a skill/something you do well

Posted under Category UNIT 2 Assignment 2

(For Section 439 Only): A written “recipe” for how to sustain a relationship

Posted under Category UNIT 2 Assignment 2

A list of 10 or so types of writing (genres) that you encounter in your life

Posted under Category UNIT 2 Assignment 2

Writing about a skill/something you do well in the form and style of a genre that you encounter in your everyday life.

Posted under Category UNIT 2 Assignment 2

ANOTHER writing about a skill/something you do well in the form and style of a genre that you encounter in your everyday life.

Posted under Category UNIT 2 Assignment 2

Working on the train, bus, in transit to record Outer and Inner Dialogues in at least three different locations or times, with setting and situation noted.

Due Date, format, and transcription details To Be Announced

Shitty First Drafts

When I start to write I think a lot of things. I always write more than one draft what comes in my mind. I always need to fix some point in my writing. later on, I can organize my paper by edit sometimes if don’t like it. The title did not surprise me I think it is true. The first draft is really helpful for me. It will help me become a good writer.

Response to “Shitty first drafts”

I typically make about 3 drafts because the first two helps me grasp and brainstorm about the topic. Therefore, I try to write everything I can think of in bullet points so that I don’t forget it later on. I happen to write just like Lamott says because I know that the more time I spend on a paper it will come out better in the end so I don’t like to rush it. I was not surprised by her chapter title because I know it is true and it is something that I do so I acknowledge it. The first draft is something that helps me get started to what I want to write about. Most of the time they are shitty but as I’m off to writing the second one it helps me further think of ideas and gives a better start to my draft. I think I don’t have to change the way I write because the way I have been always doing it is most likely another way of saying “shitty first draft”. I actually like this method because it helps me organize and format my writing.

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