
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 15 of 23)

Donald Murray: Internal Revision: A Process of Discovery

  1. Murray defines writing as is that it is the process of using language to discover meaning in experience and to communicate it. Murray defines writing as rewriting and that there are steps to writing. The three steps he talks about are: Prevision, Vision, and revision. Purpose of writing is to rewrite continuously to improve in the process and to discover the importance of revision.
  2. Discovery in Murray’s words suggests as the important step in the process of writing and language and that the most significant step is made in writing when one enters into the writing process and experiences the discovery of meaning through writing. He also states that discovery is using language to find out what you are going to say. However, Murray states that this step is not explored or discovered enough because it has not been experienced by non-writers or admitted so when it is experienced by writers in the less imaginative forms of writing and also because most people are uncomfortable thinking about these types of questions. Murray suggests that the concept of ignorance is those who do not understand the use of language in the discovery process and not actually spend time rewriting because they are focused too much on solely the finished work.
  3. The product, as mentioned, is when writers focus solely on the finished piece of writing and not the actual process in rewriting and discovery using language to convey one’s message that one is trying to state. In addition, he states that this concept of the product instead of the process leads to dangerous misconceptions of writing. There are multiple ways to the process including internal and external revision as examples.
  4.  Internal revision is when the audience is one person, the author themselves and is the idea that writers are not concerned with correctness in any exterior case. Instead, the writers read what they have written so that they can deal with the questions of the subject, of adequate information, of structure, of form, of language. Internal Revision is when writers also read their own works to help discover where their content, form, language, and voice have led them. External revision, is what writers do to communicate to a larger audience about what they have found from what they have written. These writers now pay more attention to the conventions of form and language, mechanics, and style. In addition, they keep an eye on their audience and choose to appeal to them and read as an outsider for revision.


1. Name 10 genres you encounter in your everyday life.
1. Articles.
2. Texting.
3. Emails.
4. Narrative.
5. Comics.
6. Textbook.
7. Research paper.
8. Literature.
9. Non-fiction.
10. Science Fiction
2. Name one or two that you like best and say why. Who is their audience? What sort of language do they use?
Answer: My favorites are Texting and Science Fiction. Texting is easy to communicate with others.
3. What is your understanding of the term “genre”?
Genre is a type of art, literature, and style. Everybody has a different type of genre.

Shitty First Draft




MARCH 3RD,  2019


According to Annie Lamott’s, “All good writers, write  a “shitty first

draft”;  Then a second and terrific third draft.  When I write, most

times it takes me a very long  time to begin writing, that my

assignment will be due and I will rush-write my essay and submit it.

Usually when I write, I do not write down a “down draft”, or an “up

draft”, and or a “dental draft,” like Lamott says.  I do not think that I

was surprised of Lamott’s  chapter’s tittle. Instead, I thought it made

sense to call it “Shitty First Draft” because of what she explained in

the reading.  She explained that we should “just get it all down on

paper.”  In other words, whatever comes to mind about the topic, just

write and flow.”  I think I will have to change the way I write, if I use

this method as Lamott mentioned.

How to Travel


1 Body

A few money


Make plan



1 Backbag






  1. Wear a comfortable sneakes help you easy to walk
  2. Put clothes and money in your backbag
  3. Choose transportation go whatever you wants
  4. Use camera to commemorate that place you went to
  5. Use you plan and map go to famous and funny place
  6. Stay here few day. Sleep and change clothes in your room and relax


How to eat


Anything edible


Empty mouth

available hands


time to eat


  1. Pick a time of day that you are going to eat and for how long
  2. Find any type of food that you want to eat, along with a good portion so that you don’t end up hungry too early after you eat.
  3.  Have something to eat your food with, hands, utensils, whatever.
  4.  Take a small portion with whatever you’re using to eat (bite-size/chewable size)
  5. Take a few bites of your food until it is small enough to swallow. (You should know how to swallow. If you don’t that’s too bad because you will die of hunger 🙂 )
  6. Continue at your own risk and pace until all the food is done.
  7. Now enjoy being full for like 2 more hour unless you’re a “fatass” like me.

The breathing exersise, poem

Breathing in

with eyes closed.

Suffocating from within,

I’m lost in abyss of thoughts.


Crowded mind,

Be quiet!

The reaction is mild:

I’m crying.


Letting go tears,

Clear and free.

Everything disappears

In the endless sea.


I’m dissolved in the air

With silence inside.

Flowing nowhere

With nothing to hide.


Raindrops falling

From the gloomy sky.

The water is pouring

Nature’s lullaby.


Body’s asleep

But mind is awake

To find the answer,

To find a break.


Flies to the mountains,

Flies to the seas.

Nowhere or everywhere

The one with the breeze.


Bundle of energy,

Emotions and means

Searching for purpose,

Realizing her dreams.


The goal is set,

The way is clear.

Don’t you dare to forget

That love lives here.


Long, steady flow

Sets free all doubt.

I feel the glow

And breathing out.

Recipe: Love


  1. A loved one
  2. compassion
  3. Understanding
  4. Sincerity
  5. loyalty
  6. Forgiveness
  7. Happiness


  1. Have compassion towards one another. Do not judge, you never know exactly what your loved one has gone through or is still going through.
  2. Understand each other.  understand that agreements will not always be seen eye to eye. Try to perceive situations in other perspectives.
  3. Understand that perfect relationships do not exist. The more problems solved the stronger the relationship gets.
  4. Be yourself
  5. Do not let anyone change who you are.
  6. Forgive. It is an act of true love.
  7. ALWAYS make sure you are happy with who you are with.

Recipe: Billiards


  1. Pool table
  2. Hands and Arms
  3. Opponent or opponents
  4. Pool cue
  5. Cue Ball
  6. One set of colored solid balls numbered 1 through 8 and another set of colored stripe balls numbered 6 through 16.
  7. Background music (not necessary)
  8. Water (not necessary)
  9. Patience (not necessary)


  1. Posture yourself holding the pool cue.
  2. strike the cue ball with accuracy and precision
  3. Be confident
  4. Be humble
  5. Most importantly have fun


Recipe for breathing exercise: alternative nostril breathing

Time : 10-15 min


·        Living breathing person

·        Quiet environment to seat and relax

·        Chair (optional)


1.       Seat in a comfortable position with straight back and neck. Hands resting on the knees.

2.       Take a deep inhalation and exhale slowly and completely.

3.       Fold index and middle finger on the right hand keeping the rest of the fingers straight.

4.       Fold the right hand the way that you thumb is close to your right nostril and your finger is close to the left nostril.

5.       Exhale completely and put the right thumb on the right nostril.

6.       Close your eyes.

7.       Slowly and evenly inhale through the left nostril.

8.       Close the left nostril with right ring finger.

9.       Open the right nostril and exhale trough the right nostril.

10.   Inhale through the right nostril and close it again with the right thumb. This is the end of one cycle.

11.   Repeat steps 7  to 10  ten times or as much as you feel comfortable.

12.   Feel more calm, relaxed and rejuvenated.


Breathing should be as slow as possible. Try to exhale twice as slow as you inhale. You can count in your head: count to four while inhaling , count to eight while exhaling.

Homemade pizza recipe


  • 1 package (1/4 ounce) active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1-1/4 cups warm water (110° to 115°)
  • 1/4 cup canola oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 pound ground beef
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 can (15 ounces) tomato sauce
  • 3 teaspoons dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1 medium green pepper, diced
  • 2 cups shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese


  1. In large bowl, dissolve yeast and sugar in water; let stand for 5 minutes. Add oil and salt. Stir in flour, a cup at a time, until a soft dough forms.
  2. Turn onto floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 2-3 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease the top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 45 minutes. Meanwhile, cook beef and onion over medium heat until no longer pink; drain.
  3. Punch down dough; divide in half. Press each into a greased 12-in. pizza pan. Combine the tomato sauce, oregano and basil; spread over each crust. Top with beef mixture, green pepper and cheese.
  4. Bake at 400° for 25-30 minutes or until crust is lightly browned.



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