
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 13 of 23)

Ingredients for Bowling

Jelani Barro
ENG 1121 – E-115
Instructor: Sarah Schmerler

    Recipe For Bowling

1. 2 hands of fun
2. 1 bowling ball
3. 1 pair of bowling shoes
4. 1 bowling alley
5. 6 bowling pins
Optional – bowling team


1. Get bowling shoes

2. Pick out bowling ball – The ball shoed fit comfortably in the palm of your hands. Your fingers should fit comfortably in the holes on the ball, which allows your to cup the ball with your palms, and your fingers should have room at the tips.

3. When it’s your turn to bowl – pick up your ball with both hands.

4. Position the ball by your chest

5. As you step onto the floor with your left foot (switch foot position if your left handed), use both hands to lift the ball up and away from your chest.

6. As you step again, start off with your right foot this time. Then separate your left hand from the ball as you start to swing the ball out and down in from of you with your right hand.

7. As you step out again, with your left foot, your left hand should swing out in front of you as you swing the ball behind you with your right hand.

8. Then, as you bring your right foot out in front of you, swing the ball to the front of you as you aim towards the 6 pins – using the arrows in the alley to help guide you and release the ball in the direction of you estimated, with your right foot in front of you at this time.

9. Have fun!


Tips: the alley has been treated with oil, so be light on your feet and use gliding motions in order to prevent slipping.

Genre: Amazon Reviews – Anxiety and Self Doubt

Anxiety and self doubt are like two of your former best friends who you’ve tried to leave behind. The problem is, they never got the memo. They’re kind of like a dynamic duo, except without Batman and Robin’s tights. Instead, they take “tight” to the next level. Sometimes, they play little pranks like constricting your breath or working you up from the smallest kindling of thought into a wildfire of rage. They’d be great if you like that extra edge in life. However, if you want to live happily, then it’s best not to let these two slide into your DMs.

Overall, 2/10. Would not recommend.

Recipe for starting mixed martial arts


  1. Mouthpiece
  2. Gloves and wrist wraps
  3. Rashguard – elastic, quick to dry, and fits snugly
  4. Shorts
  5. Water and food
  6. An open mind


  • Go to a martial arts gym. Sign up for a class
  • Follow instructions carefully
  • Always ask questions about things you don’t understand. Doing this shows that you want to learn, and your instructors/peers will be glad to share their knowledge.
  • Have fun

Defining Genre

Texts, Emails, Youtube videos, Posters (on trains), Comics, Memes, Science fiction, Facebook, Reviews,Instagram

I like reviews a lot because they usually help me get a good idea of whether or not to go to restaurants, events, or buy products. Most people used reviews, so the language is very easy to understand and straightforward.

Genre is a specific way of communicating information to people of specific needs or wants. There is no limit to the number of genres that can exist.

The Sounds of my Commute

I got on the R train on the way home at 8:36 pm. There were too many people on the train. When I sat down, I heard the lady sitting behind me chatting with her friend. She said,  “ I will fly to Florida next Tuesday for a vacation.” Her friends replied, “Sounds good! Wow, I’m so jealous! ” This is actually my response. I’m tired, mostly because I got home late at night. Where is my vacation? I needed to plan it in advance. The train stopped at the Atlantic Ave-Barclay Center station. With the door opening, I was surprised to hear someone was singing a classic Chinese song “The Moon Represents My Heart”. This is the first time I heard a Chinese song in the subway station, not only music. However the pronunciation is a little weird, but still recalled my memory in China. I figured out the singer is a black man from a video that my friend shared on Wechat the next day. I had to give him thumbs up. Before the train door closed, a beggar got on the train. He started his speech by: “Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry about bothering you……” We often meet beggar or homeless people on the subway, and they all have their stories. Some of them look very pitiful and helpless. I may give them some change if I do have at that time. But sometimes I think maybe some of them should have the ability to find a job instead of begging, at least they can make a good speech. The train quieted down for a while, all I hear is ding-dongs, the sound of doors opening and closing. I looked at the people around me enjoying music with earphones, playing games on the smartphone or taking a nap. They were all in their own world.


Amazon reviews

The shuttlecock is great quality and well priced.  It’s really fun and easy to play. You can kick with varies motions. Great for children, kids and adults. It’s worthy to purchase and trying.

defining genre

  1. Name 10 genres you encounter in your everyday life.

        Yelp, facebook, Instagram, script, advertisement, reviews, poem, fiction, post, essay.


  1. Name one or two that you like best and say why. Who is their audience? What sort of language do they use?

       I like the reviews because I always check reviews before I purchase some products or choose some restaurants.


  1. What is your understanding of the term “genre”?

      I think the terms “genre” means any style of expression by media to some particular goals. It could be any type of words or pictures or video that people liked in our lives.

Recipe to Balance Family,Work and School.

Now more moms than ever are working. Being a mom, employee and student is very stressful and can give you some type of guilt. Knowing you have to divide your time and attention. There are ways to help you cope with the situation.

  • Have a plan on mind and set goals. Get to know your priorities.
  • Organize your mornings the night before, pick clothing for kids and you, prepare the kids and your bags and think what is for breakfast in the morning.
  • Do not feel guilty, think of the positive response everything you doing one day it will pay off. For a better future for your family.
  • stay connected at all times with your kids and family. Sometimes leave nice notes so they know you are always there.
  • Limit distractions, have discipline and set time for emails, messages, phone calls and homework when kids are in bed.
  • Time with family is priceless, try to give them attention every second you can.
  • Most important of all “Me” time it is really important. It will give you a boost to clear and keep going.

Try this, it has help me so much on my every day life as a wife, mother, Medical Assistant and student. Since I put this steps on practice it has gave me wonderful results.

My top 10 Genres

This are some genres I encounter on my every day life: I refer media as

  • structuring
  • ordering
  • arraging
  • tagging
  • Listing
  • liking
  • searching
  • communication
  • Following
  • learning
  • Save memories

if we look around at our everyday lives ,we can see how much we depend  on technology. This are pretty much all the things I do everyday and for all of them I depend on my phone.


Genre: Leadership -Trip Advisor Entry


Be apart of many organizations and provide valuable substance and involvement for example a non for profit organization. Meet many like minded individuals who may share the same beliefs or interests as you. At times frustration may come along the way or a bit of confusion may tackle your brain but it is manageable. Be prepared to talk to many different types of people coming from many different walks of life and learn as much as you can about them. You will be in many situations that you have never experience which will force you to learn and grow as you go on . Go to many conferences and meet many influential people, receive some awards or recognition for the wonderful work you’ve done throughout your leadership journey.

What to Expect:

After joining an organization that focuses on leadership. Be prepared to hosts events, reach out to like minded people like you. Read a lot of books about people you may perceive as influential to you. Go above and beyond in anything you do and be visionary in everything you do within that organization. Develop a purpose or a motive for being apart of an organization.  Practice self reflection and see how you can improve yourself for others. Working with others is very important skill that you will be utilizing while being involved in a leadership organization.

Important Information:

-Sign Up is usually at the beginning of the semester, be on the look out for club fair to gain more information as to what leadership organizations you would like to join.

-Leadership Organizations usually are in effect all semester long besides summer term


Additional Info

Be prepared for a life changing experience and get ready to make a change and meet amazing people.

Cancellation Policy:

It is okay if you decide not to be apart of an organization due to personal reasons but always know your help was and is always appreciated and noticed.

Reviews :

“*” Represent the Stars

Cathy: Amazing experience. I would do it again if I could *****

Allice: Very stressful do it if you actually care for others and you have a purpose ***

Candice: Great resume builder!!*****

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