
Category: 2nd Unit: Genre + Rhetoric Assignments (Page 11 of 23)


Name 10 genres you encounter in your everyday life?

Music 1 pop, 2 rap, 3 punk rock, 4 bachata, 5 merengue,

Advertisement: 6 posters, 7 commercials, 8 radio

Tv shows: 9 drama, 10 mystery

Name one or two that you like best and say why. Who is their audience? What sort of language do they use? I enjoy listening to pop and punk rock music because its energetic and can easily put me in a good mood. Their audience is anyone that enjoys that type of music. Some of the songs do use some profanity in the English language but most don’t.

What is your understanding of the term “genre”? my understanding of the term “genre” is a series of things that are similar or sound similar and are categorized into one thing.

Ingredients For Wrestling.

Ingredients for wrestling.

Wrestling is combat involving grappling type of techniques such as clinch fighting, throws, take downs and pins.

Recipe for wrestling :

  •  Ingredients

1.Standing wrestling.

2.Underneath wrestling.


4.Greneral conditioning.




1. Standing wresting which is very important because you can defend your legs, sprawling, hand control, hand fighting, head and shoulder positioning, blocking skills, a good stance, keeping good motion in a stance, snap downs, shrugs, and go-behinds.

2.Underneath wrestling the  elements here are stands ups, escaping with correct hand control, sit outs, switches, rolls, defending from leg riding, and escaping leg riding.

3.Strength is very important because wrestler should know his body type to build it into his/her ultimate wrestling machine, and that’s going to mean a different workout and regimen for each person. When it comes to strength training, there are a few elements that do apply to everyone such as power/explosion, and strength as in how much weight you can move.

4.General conditioning you can perform at your highest internist all match long with a clear and calm mind.

5.Fixability is you good for wrestles so he/she can not get  cramp while they are wrestling.

6. Nutrition is very good to us as wrestles so we ca gain energy.

7.  Attitude is nice for wrestles because bring from them  focus and motivation.

reading 2

Reading 2

  • This article (though somewhat old) mentions Facebook posts as a kind of genre. Can you briefly describe how comfortable you feel composing a piece of writing in this genre?

I’m very comfortable composing a piece of writing on Facebook because social media is

something that’s everywhere, and if people don’t get on to it, they will be left behind and wont

know what is going on in the world.

  • Do you feel more comfortable than someone much older than you — your Grandmother, for instance? Why do you think this older person might not write as well in Facebook as you do? What are some of the mistakes they might make? I feel more comfortable than someone older using Facebook because I’m more willing to understand it then they are. Not only Facebook but all social media has its own language that most older people don’t understand because they aren’t around it as much as younger people. Some mistakes an older person might make is to post a photo but will possibly tag a person that has nothing to do with it or it could be someone that they might not even know.
  • Dirk gives a few examples of titles in The Onion (a newspaper that was founded in 1988 at a college, btw). What was your favorite title?

My favorite title was “‘I Am Under 18’ Button Clicked for First Time In History Of Internet”.

  • On page 258, Dirk describes the rules we carry around in our head before we start writing in a particular genre. What are some of the rules you carry around in your head? Is there a particular genre in which you struggle to write?

Some of the rules I carry in my head when writing a poem are, it must rhyme, and it must sound beautiful. I sometimes struggle with writing research papers because I might not always find enough information to finish or write the paper.

shitty first draft

Reading 1

  • How many drafts do you typically make of a paper/piece of writing?

I usually do one draft and then fix it so it makes sense.

  • Do you write a “down draft,” an “up draft,” and a “dental draft” like Lamott says?

I write one draft then I read it, fix it so it makes sense then I read it again and fix any mistakes.

  • Were you surprised at her chapter’s title?

I was a bit curious at her chapters title because most writers don’t use words like “shitty” for a title. It made me curious to know what the chapter was really going to be on and it ended up being exactly like the title says a “shitty first draft”.

  • Do you think you will have to change the way you write a lot if you decide to write a “shitty first draft”? I don’t think I have to change the way I write because I already make a first draft when I do essays or papers, I just edit the first draft until it makes sense.


I have purchased from for two years and have never felt so compelled to write a review, but I have also never been so disappointed with an online purchase. I unwrapped the item and I was shocked by the look, feel and smell of it. It looked incredibly wrinkled, had the texture of a raincoat or tarp and smelled violently plastic. I tried it on and it looked laughable and nothing like the photo. I’m familiar with the idea that quality can be lacking in some forever21 items and I’ve had some misses. As I can’t return in the store, paying for shipping and handling to possibly have it rejected is honestly too much of a hassle. I’m so disappointed as I was sincerely looking forward to receiving this item and it really felt like a slap in the face.


INGREDIENTS = 3 tomatoes (light blended), tomato paste, pepper, 2 onion &1 peel of garlic (cut in slice), curry powder, vegetable oil, seasoning power, salt, Yasmine rice.

INSTRUCTIONS = In a clean medium size pot, heat oil on medium to high heat. Once oil is heated, add the slice onion with garlic to the oil to fry until they turn golden brown but make sure to stair to avoid burning. Add blended tomato with pepper and the let cook for about 5 to 10 mins while stirring, add your tomato paste to it and let it site for another 25 to 30 mins by stirring  consistently so the tomato mixture doesn’t burn. After 30 mins, turn the heat down to medium – low and add your curry, seasoning and salt to the mixture. continue to boil for 10 mins. After, pour at least two cups of water or coconut water to the tomato mixture then wash 3 cups of Yasmine rice and add it to it. make sure that the rice is level with the tomato mixture. let it sit of another 30 mins on a medium heat. Check agin and see if it needs more water if not then your Ghana Jollof rice is ready.  This can be serve with chicken, fish or any other meat.

Request for an absence.

Dear. Me. Adam

I am writing to request 3 days leave of absence for Maya from school, as we have arranged to attend a wedding at the other side of the country, and need considerable time to make the journey. Ordinarily we would not take Maya out of school for such a function, but we do not have anybody capable of looking after her while we are away. 

We have told Maya that she can complete any school work provided during the trip.

Mr. Alqahshi 

Everything I heard till I got home.

When I was getting down to the subway, I heard steps of many people who walking up the stairs. Train’s brake generated annoying sound. I could hear people laugh and talk, even though I was putting my headphones on. People’s voices started to disappear while my train arrived and all what I could hear was the sound of the train’s wheels. The train’s door opened and I stepped in, “stand clear of the closing doors” the man spoke from the speaker of the train. The train started to move and I was hearing a women and man conversation from my right side, “she’s going to teach in Colombia University.” The lady said. “ she probably a smart person” the man replied. After that I raised the sound of my headphones and heard music till I arrived home. 

Don Murray

1. How does Murray define writing? What is its purpose?

Writing skills is the process of using language to articulate an experience  in a thought provoking level of deep and profound literary communication.


2. Talk about what Murray means when he uses terms like “discovery” and “ignorance.”

Writing enables the writer to experience the discovery of meaning through their writing.  Rewriting engages the writer’s creative juices in its quest toward self discovery, or getting lost in their work, the characters, themes and plots that take many twists and turns during  during its creative and imaginative process.  Many such discoveries occur during the literary revision process.  Many feel  the shame and “ignorance” of not knowing what to write. The author personally knows colleagues who cannot believe that many successful writers created masterpieces  without knowing what they were going to write, let alone how the story would develop.


3. What is “product” vs. “process”?

Prewrite- everything that takes place before the first draft…85% of the writer’s time

Write- producing the first draft…takes the least amount of time

Rewrite-reconstruct subject, form and audience

The best process is to begin writing and students need to feel the teachers are confidant and not be the judge.


4. What is “internal revision”? What is “external revision?”

Internal: writers should have a lot of information through the brainstorming and researching process and select or reject words to arouse the discovery process of what they are writing about.


External: editing and proofreading  and making sure there is a logical, clear and concise writing piece.


5. Explain, in your own words, what Murray means by the following: “content,” “form and structure,” “language.”


A writer should use descriptive language that not only makes sense to the reader, but also encapsulates whatever the author is trying to convey in a clear, logical format.

I think I was supposed write something! Poetry?

Currencies keep coming to me!
My capabilities are aided by humility.
Express though,
because I press toes and let go with presto;
and although the Press may rise in soliloquies, 
I echo!

There is no greater habit admitted by ground flaw.
So keep the riots; and keep quiet!
The manufacture of Haloperidol can address some mannerisms.
Some men have risen above the state of his prism,
to spend eternity spinning a tetrahedral incentive.

There are four Waters I surround my Diamond with!
What I have seen while in a strain,
I can write a Bible with.
Still I proceed,
to compose a monolith,
in spite of the separates routes of Paul and Barnabas.

I am Bliss!

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